View Full Version : David Haines, RIP

Harry T
14th September 2014, 08:39
Have just read about the beheading of The British guy by the so called IS State.

I normally don't comment on issues that we don't have much control over, but the goings on in the World today supposedly in the name of Islam do concern me, starting back with 9/11.

I don't know what kind of people do such things, but I do know they can't be normal kind of people, ordinary people just trying to live there lives as best they can, the same as David Haines. I just cant think that he deserved this kind of ending to his life, so I say to him and his family RIP David Haines.

14th September 2014, 09:03
I wish Cameron would hurry up and grow a set of balls and order air strikes. The guy's a bloody pussy.

14th September 2014, 09:11
Agreed, and Obama took his time making up his mind too. Blair 'n' Bush started this mess and now Cameron and Obama need to try and fix it. Good luck on that one

14th September 2014, 09:44
Unfortunately, I can only see things getting worse in the whole region.....

Arthur Little
14th September 2014, 09:54
:omg: ... from Perth, apparently! RIP, David Haines.

14th September 2014, 10:07
We can't win - if we order Air strikes, then of course there will be cries of it's

14th September 2014, 10:15
I wish Cameron would hurry up and grow a set of balls and order air strikes. The guys a bloody pussy.

There was a professor on the Beeb this morning saying the air attacks had little effect on IS, yet we know they help free the Yazidi's stuck on the mountain and had helped the Kurds take the dam back :doh

Also he said IS WANTED TO BE ATTACKED - to show they are being attacked by other countries - yet I think the opposite, the Americans have flown something like 2000 sorties in the last week and they must have inflicted heavy losses on them :cwm25:

14th September 2014, 11:44
IS is getting hammered by air strikes. The only thing between the towns are long roads in the desert, so targets are easy to find. They can no longer move heavy equipment around.

14th September 2014, 12:10
ISIS/Hamas? One Lops off Heads, the Other Shoots People's Heads

ISIS/Hamas/Israelis ? One Lops off Heads, the Other Shoots People's Heads and one blows up civilians :NoNo:


14th September 2014, 15:19

One Lops off Heads, the Other Shoots People's Heads and one blows up civilians and one places rockets in school yards :NoNo:

14th September 2014, 16:13

One Lops off Heads, the Other Shoots People's Heads and one blows up civilians and one places rockets in school yards :NoNo:

While the other blows up kids playing on the beach :NoNo:

14th September 2014, 16:29
They are all as bad as each other, best bet is never to go to the places they are and those who go there to support or fight, make sure they can never ever come back, just my thoughts

14th September 2014, 17:12
They are all as bad as each other, best bet is never to go to the places they are and those who go there to support or fight, make sure they can never ever come back, just my thoughts


Michael Parnham
14th September 2014, 17:58
They are all as bad as each other, best bet is never to go to the places they are and those who go there to support or fight, make sure they can never ever come back, just my thoughts

Plenty of Muslims in Philippines, let's just hope they're the ones not influenced by IS yet! :Erm:

14th September 2014, 19:01
Plenty of Muslims in Philippines, let's just hope they're the ones not influenced by IS yet! :Erm:

Manila - A Canadian Islamic preacher detained for being a security threat in the Philippines was flown back to Canada after agreeing to be deported, the immigration bureau said Sunday.


The Philippines is investigating the involvement of Filipino Islamists in the three year civil war in Syria after two locals were reported killed fighting for Islamic State militant group, an intelligence official said yesterday. A senior police intelligence official said Manila was also monitoring young Filipino Muslims who have gone to Syria and Iraq, and then tried to radicalise others on their return home.

Read more here ..


14th September 2014, 20:07
The Zionist War Machine Built By Cowards

[QUOTE]What else can you fairly call a people who attack a population of refugees confined to a small space
Read more here .....

http://rinf.com/alt-news/editorials/zionist-war-machine-built-cowards/ (http://rinf.com/alt-news/editorials/zionist-war-machine-built-cowards/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+RinfAlternativeNewsMediaDailyBreakingNews+%28RINF+Alternative+News+Media%3A+Daily+Breaking+News%29)

14th September 2014, 20:20
:NoNo: He's from the same City as me

Second British hostage facing ISIS murder threat named as aid worker from Manchester who went to Syria to help refugees

second British hostage ISIS fanatics are threatening to murder can today be revealed as a taxi driver who travelled to Syria to help refugees.

Islamic militants warned in a chilling video that 47-year-old Alan Henning - who is originally from the Greater Manchester area - would be the next person to die after father-of-two David Haines.

Mr Henning is believed to have been working for a Muslim charity and had originally thought that he would be released by ISIS because he was only in Syria to carry out aid work.

Read more here .....


14th September 2014, 22:18
These IS people are nothing more than vermin. We now just need to be rid of them. :mad:

14th September 2014, 22:20
Read more here .....


This was really about a poor British guy, but nonetheless I will say this. I don't support the Palestinians who, if given the weapons and might, would completely destroy Israel - wipe it off the map. Israel could do that but they don't. A State that no doubt cheered on 9/11,7/7 etc. People who randomly blow up civilians on purpose in suicide attacks.

Let's say it again, that the Palestinians would destroy a whole race of people if they could. :doh

15th September 2014, 00:04
Let's say it again, that the Palestinians would destroy a whole race of people if they could. :doh

That's exactly what the Israeli's are doing now and have been for years, you've seen it with your own eyes, they've killed 1,000s of civilians, 500 of them are kids, flattened the place, they cant go anywhere, and the Israelis are still land-grabbing.

Les, tell me why you think what I've just posted is wrong.

It is linked with this British guy, there are 2,000 families there who have recently had a family member killed, you think these families will just forget that? Some will join extremist groups like Hamas to seek revenge :NoNo:

Regarding Pistorius, some have posted on here if their family is threatened they will do anything to protect them. Now, if you were a Palestinian and one of your family was killed by the Israelis would you do anything?

15th September 2014, 05:03
This was really about a poor British guy, but nonetheless I will say this

Yes it was and by continuing to point out the atrocities carried out by these animals, we are playing into their hands. These groups need the media to freely publicize their cause and we are more than happy to oblige :NoNo:

RIP David

15th September 2014, 07:09
Les, tell me why you think what I've just posted is wrong

We have already had big debate on it - this was a separate incident and don't know why it needed hi-jacking by the Israeli/Palestine conflict of which I 100% disagree with you.

I will leave it at that.

15th September 2014, 07:35
We have already had big debate on it - this was a separate incident and don't know why it needed hi-jacking by the Israeli/Palestine conflict of which I 100% disagree with you.

I will leave it at that.

As you can't show me what I posted is wrong Les, I'll take it you are 100% wrong, and this is to do with the David Haines execution, it's all part of the bigger picture, and I'll leave it at that.

15th September 2014, 07:37
Well I,m with Les, because Israel could wipe out Gazza if it really wanted to but is showing restraint. Yes, civilians have been killed but civilians get killed in all wars. If Hamas had the weapons Israel have there would be no Israel - including women and children.

15th September 2014, 07:44
A British guy beheaded by a British guy. :hubbahubba: Who knows what will happen next! They wont stop IS by air strikes alone. Cameron will have to go down the same road as Blair and Bush. After all, Jihadi John is blaming Cameron for this!

15th September 2014, 07:52
A British guy beheaded by a British guy.

To be quite honest, I don't think nationality comes into this, it's about a Muslim extremist killing a non-believer :cwm25:

15th September 2014, 10:29
We have already had big debate on it - this was a separate incident and don't know why it needed hi-jacking by the Israeli/Palestine conflict of which I 100% disagree with you.

I will leave it at that.


15th September 2014, 10:30
Well I,m with Les, because Israel could wipe out Gazza if it really wanted to but is showing restraint. Yes, civilians have been killed but civilians get killed in all wars. If Hamas had the weapons Israel have there would be no Israel - including women and children.


15th September 2014, 10:42
When it comes to ISIS, religion isn't a part of it. The current group was initially started up by a group of criminal gangs in Syria. They are using religion as a reason to bring in more people to help support them, but these people are basically being used as battle fodder.

15th September 2014, 20:36
Well I,m with Les, because Israel could wipe out Gazza if it really wanted to but is showing restraint. Yes, civilians have been killed but civilians get killed in all wars. If Hamas had the weapons Israel have there would be no Israel - including women and children.

They've already wiped a lot of it out. Restraint? Blowing up a school and beach with kids playing on it

Have you been watching the news recently??


Gaza: Life amid the rubble

