View Full Version : Questions regarding spouse visa and work

mick foreman
22nd September 2014, 20:22
Hi all , the waiting is nearly over my wife Monera is due to arrive in the uk this Friday , the last 7 weeks have felt like 7 months since her spouse visa was granted . I have a few questions as I have been told conflicting information of various people .
Can Monera work on her spouse visa , and if so how do we go about getting her NI number . I have been told she is not allowed to work but I seam to recall reading on here that she can ?

Can Monera register at the Drs and Dentists ? I have been told no I need take out private medical insurance for her !

Is Monera allowed to open a bank account ?

If anyone has any tips and advice on things we should be doing it would be gratefully received .

Many thanks
Mick and Monera

22nd September 2014, 20:35
Yes,if shes on a spouse visa she can work straight away
here's how to apply for NI
Can Monera register at the Drs and Dentists ? I have been told no I need take out private medical insurance for her
No need for private medical insurance she's entitled to NHS (register her as soon as possible) on your nearest surgery.
Is Monera allowed to open a bank account ?
Yes of course, but she needs proof of address ...So, put her name on council tax, electric and water bill

Michael Parnham
23rd September 2014, 06:16
It seems it's yes to all your questions Mick, hope you and Monera have a wonderful future together,good luck!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd September 2014, 09:38
She can open a bank account but it will only be a basic one until she builds up some kind of credit rating in this country, i.e no overdraft allowance, no cheque book poor interest rates, also not all with give a debit card so it is worth checking before you apply if you want one. She is also allowed to work for up to 12 weeks without a NI number (it takes time for them to send you it once you apply!) but it is up to the individual employer if they will accept her before she can give them the NI number.

23rd September 2014, 09:43
Congratulations Mick. You must have no fingernails left. :biggrin:

Your wife will basically be able to do anything that you can, with very few exceptions, once she's here, so no need to worry. All very straightforward. :xxgrinning--00xx3: