View Full Version : Milliberk forgets key issues deficit & immigration in his speech

23rd September 2014, 20:13
Once again he easily shows what a knob he is (and 82% of those polled agree) :icon_lol:

Miliband's pitch for PM falls flat: Lacklustre Labour leader pins hopes of election victory on £2.5bn cash boost for NHS - but he FORGOT to mention the deficit and immigration

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2766565/Ed-Miliband-s-Labour-conference-speech-unveils-plans-36-000-extra-NHS-staff.html#ixzz3EARFFQ7G

Hard on the heels of his hapless shadow pension secretary :biggrin:

Whoops! Labour's shadow pensions minister Rachel Reeves does not know how much the state pension is worth

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2766383/Whoops-Labour-s-shadow-pensions-minister-Rachel-Reeves-does-not-know-state-pension-worth.html#ixzz3EAS9W2xU

I guess it's expected to be divorced from reality if you live in Islington & Holland Park mansions like the hypocritical Millipedes and Reeves :yikes:

23rd September 2014, 20:30
Wishy Washy at best - last time Labour gave huge sums of money to the NHS it got blown on the wrong things

23rd September 2014, 20:38
Wishy Washy at best - last time labour gave huge sums of money to the NHS it got blown on the wrong things

“Socialists are happy until they run out of other people's money.”
― Margaret Thatcher

23rd September 2014, 21:01
“Socialists are happy until they run out of other people's money.”
― Margaret Thatcher

24th September 2014, 00:34
He can't handle a bacon sarnie :icon_lol:


24th September 2014, 09:41
And this is the sort of incompetent fool we are being asked to vote for ....to run this country ? :NoNo:

Then again, Cameron was just as stupid, blabbing about a private conversation with the Queen, within earshot of microphones. :doh

24th September 2014, 10:40
Yes but maybe people are being sneaky with the microphones! We all knew the Queen was for the union anyway.

24th September 2014, 12:21
He was showing off to billionaire Bloomberg.

Silly man. :NoNo:

24th September 2014, 16:13
10 quid on offer if you can find three wise men in Parliament.

Arthur Little
24th September 2014, 19:58
10 quid on offer if you can find three wise men in Parliament.

Well ... :anerikke: ... now you mention it, Messrs Cameron, Milliband and Clegg were dubbed the "3 Wise Men" in an Eleventh Hour attempt to influence the Scottish electorate into voting 'NO' to Independence.

In the event, of course, their mission paid off! :smile:

24th September 2014, 22:13
Influence isn't the right word Arthur, more like conned the Scottish electorate. :wink:

25th September 2014, 06:03
Influence isn't the right word Arthur, more like conned the Scottish electorate
They were not conned,it's just nationalist Salmond being a bad loser.
Scots are not daft,they not stuff aint going to happen overnight.

25th September 2014, 10:12
Millipede "forgets" to mention the deficit twice again

This is good Snow gives him a mauling


25th September 2014, 11:00
He is with the fairies!

25th September 2014, 11:34
They have to spend to put right what the torys have messed up. :wink:. Never seen so many cutbacks in services money is needed to put it right. If it means taxing the rich to get the money so be it.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th September 2014, 13:42
Services had to be cut to get the country out of the debt Labour left us with !

How many times does this have to be stated ? :doh

25th September 2014, 14:15
Services had to be cut to get the country out of the debt Labour left us with !

How many times does this have to be stated ? :doh

As much as i like him Andy has a bloody awful memory:icon_lol: