View Full Version : Harrogate Private Hire Driver fined

24th September 2014, 17:23

About time, serves him right but what crap reporting as it says Harrogate Taxi Driver fined - it's not it's a ph driver!

24th September 2014, 17:32
They should have named and shamed him

24th September 2014, 17:38
I'm on it, I will definitely name him if I can :xxgrinning--00xx3:

24th September 2014, 17:42
Mr Bin Lying ?

24th September 2014, 18:42
The word has it that is is an Asian :doh

24th September 2014, 19:52
Shock horror.....:omg:

24th September 2014, 20:50
It's a way of life for certain 'communities'...from the minute they arrive on our shores. Lying and cheating. :mad:

24th September 2014, 20:52
The word has it that is is an Asian :doh

What a surprise :biggrin: - Les for the sake of good order and not to tar Filipinos with the same brush I think you should be a bit more specific and say Indian Sub Continent Asian

24th September 2014, 21:02

Worlds apart.

Ako Si Jamie
24th September 2014, 21:28
Here's another scrote from my neck of the woods.

A pizza shop boss pleaded with fire crews NOT to cut a five-year-old boy from a dough rolling machine – because it would cost him money, a court heard.

Sajid Mahmood, the former owner of Pizza De Roma, on Gospel Lane, Olton, told emergency services the equipment cost £1,500.

And he urged them to dismantle the machine instead of freeing the injured and crying child with cutting tools.

Crews were worried the youngster, the son of a worker, could have lost three fingers on his right hand which were trapped between the rollers of the machine.

But the court was told customers were still being served meals when firefighters arrived to rescue him on March 17 last year.


24th September 2014, 22:09
What a surprise :biggrin: - Les for the sake of good order and not to tar Filipinos with the same brush I think you should be a bit more specific and say Indian Sub Continent Asian

Yes of course, fair point :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Pakistani will do - there again I could be wrong - I will find out that's for sure

25th September 2014, 00:34
Very common in Central London. The Met run some good enforcement campaigns but fortunately not often enough. Many a time I've seen them out in the West End with Immigration Officers and a truck to lift the offenders vehicle off the road.
Always makes my blood boil :cwm23: Low life scumbags stealing the money of honest legal fully licensed Cabbies. I despair whenever I see single women getting into a touts car outside a club :NoNo:

25th September 2014, 04:02
I got away with it for 4 years lol i,m a bad boy

Michael Parnham
25th September 2014, 05:52
Here's another scrote from my neck of the woods.


Unbelieveable! :NoNo:

1st October 2014, 17:37
Have you got this pondlife's name & address yet Les ?

1st October 2014, 17:42
Not sure who he is apart from he is from Knaresborough, he did not have any plates on, dropped a girl off - the council enforcer asked if he had charged her, which he had, so he was nabbed :biggrin:

1st October 2014, 17:56
I take it you don't like competition Les. :icon_lol:

1st October 2014, 21:49
I take it you don't like competition Les. :icon_lol:

I don't have any I have cleaned up - I have too many bookings sometimes :yikes: