View Full Version : If you drive on the motorway you need to be aware of this.

Ako Si Jamie
30th September 2014, 23:20
Could this exact situation be repeated? I wouldn't discount it, although I've never come across driving so bizarre in over twenty years of being behind the wheel.

But it's made me realise, anything is possible when driving. Anything!

And the worst part of it all, I'll probably get the blame for someone else's lunacy.

Anyway, I was driving down the motorway a few hours ago. The speed restrictions were on and I was in the fast lane behind a car in front of me. Nothing at all was in front of this car I might add.

We approach another overhead gantry showing the speed which was 60 MPH with the red circle around it. We were both doing 50 MPH because of the previous speed restriction further back, so there was no need to slow down. I was around two car lengths behind.

Suddenly I see her brake lights, and I'm thinking she's slowing down to read the speed as some motorists do when they near the gantry signs, so I slow down too but I didn't anticipate she'd slam on the brakes and grind to a halt right under the gantry. :Brick:

Did she think these were traffic lights on red or something? :anerikke: Her explanation was that she didn't understand the signs, gently braked and the car suddenly stopped. :Erm:

The damage to her car wasn't that bad as I managed to turn the wheel but just clipped her corner. A few more yards and the accident would have been avoided.

30th September 2014, 23:44
Some complete nutters on UK motorways..
My early retirement plans were almost ruined by one such EEEdiot..
The A1 m northbound Stevenage rush hour was flowing pretty well at about 50 MPH but I knew that it can slow down pretty quickly to a halt so I always left a 3 light post gap..
The log jam hit pretty quickly and the next thing I know,I`m being woken by paramedics..
Apparently I got hit by a fully loaded Mercedes Sprinter builder van that was doing 85 MPH!!
They cut me out ,strapped me to a board and shipped me off too Lister hospital..
I caused a tail back all the way to Henlys corner..
Famous at last!:doh

1st October 2014, 01:19
I've seen a car parked on the hard shoulder, where a family had set up a picnic table.

Also, a guy trying to do a 3-point-turn because he had somehow, I assume, driven up the exit from a motorway roundabout from an 'A' road. :Erm::doh

Michael Parnham
1st October 2014, 06:45
Some complete nutters on UK motorways..
My early retirement plans were almost ruined by one such EEEdiot..
The A1 m northbound Stevenage rush hour was flowing pretty well at about 50 MPH but I knew that it can slow down pretty quickly to a halt so I always left a 3 light post gap..
The log jam hit pretty quickly and the next thing I know,I`m being woken by paramedics..
Apparently I got hit by a fully loaded Mercedes Sprinter builder van that was doing 85 MPH!!
They cut me out ,strapped me to a board and shipped me off too Lister hospital..
I caused a tail back all the way to Henlys corner..
Famous at last!:doh

You were unlucky there Fred yet very lucky to still be around, so close!

Michael Parnham
1st October 2014, 06:48
The strangest thing I ever witnessed was many years ago whilst in my truck driving days was a truck wheel overtaking me, never knew where it ended up, I was doing 60mph at the time!:Erm:

1st October 2014, 10:58
The strangest thing I ever witnessed was many years ago whilst in my truck driving days was a truck wheel overtaking me, never knew where it ended up, I was doing 60mph at the time! :Erm:

Did you check it wasn't yours ? :icon_lol:

1st October 2014, 11:00
In 2006 the back wheel came off my TVR and overtook me when I was doing (possibly :cwm25:) almost 3 figures on a dual carriageway. :cwm24:

1st October 2014, 11:10
3 wheels on my wagon ... and I keep rolling along toot toot :icon_lol:

1st October 2014, 12:35
It drove surprisingly well on three wheels...apart from the horrible noises. :icon_lol:

1st October 2014, 12:50
It drove surprisingly well on three wheels...apart from the horrible noises. :icon_lol:

TVR Robin :Erm:

1st October 2014, 12:52
TVR Robin :Erm:

Better than a Skoda :biggrin:

1st October 2014, 14:14
Why do they still speed when it's foggy or a heavy downpour of rain??

Michael Parnham
1st October 2014, 16:00
Why do they still speed when its foggy or a heavy downpour of rain??

Lack of common sense! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st October 2014, 17:16
I got caught out last year. Coming back from Manchester Airport it was heaving down and no fun going past wagons. I kept aqu-planing and it was scary, so i slowed down a lot.

I learnt afterwards that it was because I had cruise control on - never knew that :doh

1st October 2014, 18:12
The nutter is the person behind not leaving enough braking distance to stop :xxparty-smiley-004:

1st October 2014, 18:33
True ! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Yesterday it was the 45th anniversary of me passing my driving test, and for most of those years I've driven as part of my work...at least 25000 miles a year.

Lack of anticipation is what I'd put as the number one failing for the majority of people behind a steering wheel.

Ako Si Jamie
1st October 2014, 19:07
The nutter is the person behind not leaving enough braking distance to stop :xxparty-smiley-004:Try that on a motorway around Birmingham in rush hour. Leave a big enough gap and someone will always fill it.

Ako Si Jamie
1st October 2014, 19:10
Lack of anticipation is what I'd put as the number one failing for the majority of people behind a steering wheel.Yup. I agree. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st October 2014, 19:15
Try that on a motorway around Birmingham in rush hour. Leave a big enough gap and someone will always fill it.

Then you back off :Erm: Simples :wink: It's not a fight to finish, it's about getting home safely.

Ako Si Jamie
1st October 2014, 19:19
Then you back off :Erm: Simples :wink: It's not a fight to finish, it's about getting home safely.Then someone fills the gap again and you're back to square one.

Birmingham has the busiest motorway network in Europe. It's not the Denbigh by-pass! :wink:

1st October 2014, 19:22
I do drive on busy motorways you know. :doh If someone pulls into the gap in front, then it maybe adds 2 seconds to the journey time. The only place you have to drive bumper to bumper is in Manila, but then you are only doing 5mph, not 50mph.

1st October 2014, 23:00
I leave gaps and know what drivers do before they do it. If people are going to push in I'm overtaking them at earliest opportunity!

Ako Si Jamie
2nd October 2014, 16:23
I do drive on busy motorways you know. :doh If someone pulls into the gap in front, then it maybe adds 2 seconds to the journey time. The only place you have to drive bumper to bumper is in Manila, but then you are only doing 5mph, not 50mph.Joke. Hence the wink.

Ako Si Jamie
2nd October 2014, 23:20
Thank you to whoever sent me anonymous rep for this thread. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd October 2014, 23:56
I'm always forgetting, and it was time you got into 3 figures. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ako Si Jamie
3rd October 2014, 00:07

Let's hope I don't get bowled before I get there. :smile: