View Full Version : 6 Month Baby Mauled To Death By Dog

4th October 2014, 19:14
Not another one. :doh

Story (http://news.sky.com/story/1347434/six-month-old-baby-mauled-to-death-by-dog)

When will people learn that dogs think babies are toys? :doh

4th October 2014, 20:49
I saw it on the news.

I'm just sickened and angered by the stupidity of people. :cwm23:

It's too upsetting to try to imagine the scenario.

4th October 2014, 22:29
It's hard to imagine that you leave your baby at someones house who has got a dog which has capability to harm and you don't think, hmm ... will the baby be safe? :Erm:

10th October 2014, 17:41
Turns out the devil dog was a banned American Pit Bull breed - has the grandmother been charged yet ? If not why not ?

10th October 2014, 17:55
I never doubted it for one moment.

Another example of authorities not doing their job by confiscating and euthanasing all such abominations, with breeders and owners being severely punished. Vets should also be required to report the existence of suspicious dog types .

Dog licensing needs to be reintroduced too, with checks on suitability of prospective owners and their homes. If this reduces the number of cats and dogs in this country by half, then that probably won't be a bad thing either...especially considering the 1000s that are being fed courtesy of the taxpayer.

If it was up to me I'd also make it illegal to have dogs and cats running loose in any room with under 5s present.

Our society seems to have a pathetic and irresponsible 'love' of pets. Priorities need addressing IMO. :NoNo:

10th October 2014, 18:54
They changed the law a few months ago, so the owner should be in custody awaiting a jail sentence for manslaughter. The police were quick enough going after the kid who was taken to Spain by his own parents. Although they did take over a month finding the body of Alice and her murderer, both under their own noses.

10th October 2014, 19:06
They changed the law a few months ago, so the owner should be in custody awaiting a jail sentence for manslaughter. The police were quick enough going after the kid who was taken to Spain by his own parents. Although they did take over a month finding the body of Alice and her murderer, both under their own noses.


11th October 2014, 09:11

:omg: Can't have that .... you're banned :icon_lol:

11th October 2014, 09:27
Some people should be charged for being :crazy:


Michael Parnham
11th October 2014, 10:22
Small children and dogs don't mix! :NoNo:

11th October 2014, 10:26
Small children and dogs don't mix! :NoNo:

Tell me about it. When I tried that the blender broke :mad:

Michael Parnham
11th October 2014, 10:33
Tell me about it. When I tried that the blender broke :mad:

Love your sense of humour Keith, but something needs to be done to prevent these things happening. There's always a case similar to this somewhere in the UK every couple of weeks or so these days! :NoNo: