View Full Version : Not a virgin anymore

8th October 2014, 18:44
Virgin media TV customer that is.

Been toying with the idea of getting rid of the TV package for quite some time, but as I could afford it, I have kept it, even though I very rarely watch it and can go days without putting my TV on. I actually watch a lot of American shows from the internet and the only UK TV I really watch is readily available from the internet on each channels on demand website. Plus I do have freeview built into my TV in the bedroom and living room.
The deciding factor for me was the 5th bill increase in 18 months that I got a few months back. I just got fed up of keep phoning them every few months to negotiate a new deal.

So whereas I was paying £87 a month for the XL TV package and sky sports, talk weekends phone package and 100mb broadband.
I have now got rid of Sky sports and the TV and am paying £27 a month for the talk weekends phone package and 100mb broadband.

I will possibly miss sky sports as I love my football at weekends. But with the internet sky sports is never far away :xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th October 2014, 18:46
I'm keeping everyone informed if I get my great deal from Sky - I officially leave on the 26th. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th October 2014, 18:52
Watching with interest. My Virgin mobile contract finishes next week (already told them I'm emigrating to Ecuador), and I can kick my Virgin media into touch anytime I like. I definitely don't need TV or landline.

8th October 2014, 19:01
No I think the Line rental rip off is long overdue binning. I don't have a home phone now - mobile does the lot! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

8th October 2014, 19:20
I wanted to get rid of the phoneline, but to be honest, half my family who are of 'THAT' age, only have house phones and think it costs the earth to phone me on my mobile! So really I keep it for family incoming calls. I use my unlimited mobile calls for my outgoing calls.

They tried to get me to cut my broadband to 50mb which I found strange. But I have no intentions of getting rid of my 100 mb speeds.

The funny thing is they told me they are keeping the £10 loyalty discount per month on my account :Erm:

8th October 2014, 19:32
Don't worry about missing your footie, you can log onto this site.....


8th October 2014, 19:35
Don't worry about missing your footie, you can log onto this site.....


Thank you, but believe me when I say I have a whole folder of links for many a website for footy and TV shows

8th October 2014, 19:36
£87 a month? :yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes:

8th October 2014, 19:48
£87 a month:yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes:

It is a lot isn't it! Considering I hardly watch TV....

Don't tell Harlene, but I needed to get rid of it before she came... I didn't want her to sit there while I was at work on a 12 hour shift, get used to all those channels and then when the baby comes and I probably would be forced to get rid of them, she might try to talk me out if it..... But if I never had them, she won't miss them :biggrin:

8th October 2014, 20:09
It is a lot isn't it! Considering I hardly watch TV....

Don't tell Harlene, but I needed to get rid of it before she came... I didn't want her to sit there while I was at work on a 12 hour shift, get used to all those channels and then when the baby comes and I probably would be forced to get rid of them, she might try to talk me out if it..... But if I never had them, she won't miss them :biggrin:

Great thinking, but I would delete all what you have put on here, because if she reads this, YOU ARE IN TROUBLE :cwm23:

8th October 2014, 20:53
Don't worry about missing your footie, you can log onto this site.....


Those sites are ok for a quick fix but quality is poor - if you want a top picture in HD then it has to be Sky

8th October 2014, 22:24
I refuse to give my hard-earned to the Murdochs....:cwm23:

Michael Parnham
9th October 2014, 06:18
If I may ask, how can you have internet without landline? I pay an annual fee for my landline of approx. £160 and £31 per month for Infinity, BT sport, Free 24/7 calls and You View. Also there is a lot of other stuff that's too high tech for me to understand ref mobile phones when you're overseas, Talk talk can't beat my deal they are £3 per month more for their equivalent per month! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th October 2014, 07:22
Virgin cable :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th October 2014, 07:38
Unfortunately Les, no virgin where I live... (the company that is :biggrin:)....

9th October 2014, 08:03
Through the misty haze I remember a virgin called Elaine :smile::Jump:

Michael Parnham
9th October 2014, 11:02
Through the misty haze I remember a virgin called Elaine :smile::Jump:

Didn't know you'd been there also Les! :Erm:

9th October 2014, 12:54
She said other guy could not find his viagra and had a brummy accent.

Michael Parnham
9th October 2014, 19:57
She said other guy could not find his viagra and had a brummy accent.

What Jamie as well:omg: