View Full Version : Wonderful News - Just For You

8th November 2007, 05:43
Hey, you won't believe this, but, some time ago I entered a competition to win a 4 week Caribbean cruise.

Chris (my son) has just phoned me from UK - a rep. from the competition came to my house yesterday afternoon and told Chris that I HAD WON!!!!!!!!!!

I'm staggered - absolutely gobsmacked!!!

Anyway, the thing is - the cruise is for 2 people and, well, Hanna cannot go (visa requirements) and both my children are at school.

The cruise is very close - in fact - in 2 weeks time - and so I immediately thought of you.

Look, I know it is very short notice but.............

........do you think that you could.................

..............put my wheelie bin out for me?


8th November 2007, 08:58
Thanks Alan! I wish I can but I am on my way to Suffolk County today and won't be back til Sunday:D:D:D

8th November 2007, 09:28
I won the Nigerian lottery twice this week already :)

8th November 2007, 10:42
Hey, you won't believe this, but, some time ago I entered a competition to win a 4 week Caribbean cruise.

Chris (my son) has just phoned me from UK - a rep. from the competition came to my house yesterday afternoon and told Chris that I HAD WON!!!!!!!!!!

I'm staggered - absolutely gobsmacked!!!

Anyway, the thing is - the cruise is for 2 people and, well, Hanna cannot go (visa requirements) and both my children are at school.

The cruise is very close - in fact - in 2 weeks time - and so I immediately thought of you.

Look, I know it is very short notice but.............

........do you think that you could.................

..............put my wheelie bin out for me?


wow if thats true congratz alan!!!

8th November 2007, 10:50
VB kelly..
He cant go if nobody will put the bin out.
Are you able to assist?
Can you save the day?

8th November 2007, 11:05
Wheelie Bin
- movable garbage bin: a large garbage bin that has wheels on its base so that it can be maneuvered easily:Erm::Erm:

Anyway Congratulation Sir Alan:rolleyes:

8th November 2007, 11:17
The bin man couldnt find wheely bin so asked Chinese tenant..
"Where`s yer bin mate"?
Chinese guy.."I bin hung kung"
Bin man: "NO!! Where`s yer bin"?
Chinese guy:"I BIN HUNG KUNG"!!
Remaining patient the bin man calmly asked once more..
"Where is your wheely bin"?

Chinese replied.."I WEALLY BIN HUNG KUNG"

8th November 2007, 11:22

8th November 2007, 11:25
Congratz Prof AL, I hope u find somebody who is willing to take ur wheely bin out..he he he

and Fred, ur post is really funny..lol:)

8th November 2007, 11:57
i'm not bothered about the cruise, i just want your wheelie bin :xxgrinning--00xx3:

hmmm council still not delivered it, since march :D, i want to know why i cannot fine them for every day,week and month i've waited, why is all this pay and fine all one way,,, put the wrong rubbish in the wrong bin, if you cannot close the lid they can fine you, put it out on the wrong day they can fine you.. and i cannot fine them :Brick:


8th November 2007, 12:29
i'm not bothered about the cruise, i just want your wheelie bin :xxgrinning--00xx3:

hmmm council still not delivered it, since march :D, i want to know why i cannot fine them for every day,week and month i've waited, why is all this pay and fine all one way,,, put the wrong rubbish in the wrong bin, if you cannot close the lid they can fine you, put it out on the wrong day they can fine you.. and i cannot fine them :Brick:


Joe, do what a lot of other people have done. Dump your rubbish outside the Council Offices. Sometimes, the only way these jobsworth petty b******s can see sense is to plant same under their spotty noses.
