View Full Version : Hello All

12th October 2014, 21:19
Hello everyone, not really a new member, was one a few years ago but let my postings lapse. :cwm25: Anyway, I am glad to be back and reading the postings on the forum.

For those who know me, I am happy to report that my wife has survived these last three years with her Pneumatic heart disease but it has been touch and go. Plus, she is still is cheerful and happy as she always was.

I've been back in the UK for 5 months and am I bloody looking forward to going back home to Leyte....you bet :smile::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3: My little boy will have grown up quite a bit since I was there last.

Anyway, nice to be back and I'll try not to be as angry as I was last time....hehehehehe :doh:Cuckoo::Cuckoo::xxaction-smiley-047

Ako Si Jamie
12th October 2014, 21:56
Welcome back.

What was your name before?

12th October 2014, 22:24
Welcome back :welcomex:

Arthur Little
12th October 2014, 23:14
Hello everyone, not really a new member, was one a few years ago but let my postings lapse :cwm25:

:welcomex: back! As an "old hand" here (6 years past on the 17th of this month) there's every chance I'll remember who you were if you'd be so kind as to divulge your username when you originally joined. :smile:

Ako Si Jamie
12th October 2014, 23:16
Lastlid? :Erm:

Arthur Little
12th October 2014, 23:43
Lastlid? :Erm:

:nono-1-1: ... no worries on that score, Jamie.

Arthur Little
13th October 2014, 00:13
For those who know me, I am happy to report that my wife has survived these last three years with her Pneumatic heart disease but it has been touch and go. Plus, she is still is cheerful and happy as she always was.

Anyway, nice to be back and I'll try not to be as angry as I was last time....hehehehehe :doh:Cuckoo::Cuckoo::xxaction-smiley-047

From what you've told us [above] ... :anerikke: ... you'd clearly had a lot on your mind at the time.

:yeahthat: must have been a dreadful worry. Glad to learn your wife's health has significantly improved in the interim. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th October 2014, 08:52
Hello blindside
I've myself, only just join here yesterday (2/10/14)

13th October 2014, 12:45
Oh, I used to be jackmac452.. but I had to cool it a bit as I was involved in getting justice about a guy living in the Philippines who had escaped from Prison after being given 7 years for rape and when he was in Leyte, he was causing a lot of grief there. (he is really a dead man if he returns, so say the locals) I got some of my ex-police friends involved and he did a runner....fast. Now, he is no harm anymore..:xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th October 2014, 13:02
:welcomex: back! As an "old hand" here (6 years past on the 17th of this month) there's every chance I'll remember who you were if you'd be so kind as to divulge your username when you originally joined. :smile:

Sorry Arthur..I forgot, it would be about 4-5 years ago? must admit I had forgotten about the site for a while.. There used to be a lot of sugary coating about what life was like in the Philippines then..I was always wary of how the newbie members might take it all. I quickly learned how things really were out there and it did annoy me when some people didn't believe me when I tried to tell them..
We find out the hard way how things are, and I was fortunate that I was tutured by a great old timer,(called Tanduay Day) unfortunately he's passed away now...He told me stuff like...if you knock someone down here, reverse over them to make sure they are dead...that shocked me..it really did, but after 5 years here living in the Boondock's, I can now see the logic in whatever he told me, all those years back (I don't drive though..). Never lend money also, it's an affront to ask for it back...could lead to confrontation of the worst kind. Don't get involved at all about religion, just causes trouble..but the real God here is..Money.... anyway, the reason I came back here, they, the Mods, sent me a birthday card which I thought was really nice of them..
As a postscript....Unfortunately, my missus, is actually on that long road home, so to speak, but we love each other and understand what will become...She has accepted it all, like all Philippino's do..and that is what makes me love her so much....She is really an exceptional lady.. (everybody around Baybay knows her and I) Nice to read all the reply's..Thank you one and all..:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::smile:

27th October 2014, 04:33
To be honest with you I don't remember any kind of sugar coating on this site.
Different opinions from many different points of view usually based on personal experience Yes!
There are a lot of old myths,old wives tales and exaggerations that have done the rounds for years here.. Believe them if you wish..Or not.
Bahala ka jan!:biggrin: