View Full Version : Laid Back

9th November 2007, 00:10
Can anyone tell me how to get less stressed, worried, how to not care so much about the things that often :censored: me off? How can i be less angry?
How can i say "bahala na" in difficult circumstances?

I find myself getting into arguments about things that don't matter

can anyone offer me some advice?

salamat po


9th November 2007, 00:24
I had the same problem when me and the missus was seperated by 8 thousand miles. You really do need to relive de stress.

One of the best is imo to exercise even if its taking a walk or running/cycling round a park. Something repetive i find the best so your mind can wander and think things over. It also normally helps you sleep far easier which if you get more sleep clever doctory people say your mind gets a chance to put things in order etc.

Even if your not the sporty type its worth it for your health both mental and physical.

9th November 2007, 00:30
thanks andy
i joined a gym 4 months ago and still haven't been!

9th November 2007, 00:35
thanks andy
i joined a gym 4 months ago and still haven't been!


9th November 2007, 00:40
yeh dude

9th November 2007, 00:50
I go out for a walk or running when I feel Im over stress. I also have a long bath. Then have my favorite food such as Ice cream and chocolate. Then I watch a comedy DVD. If still I find myself angry, I sit infront of my computer and make my blog, trying to release all the anger inside me, but that blog I just keep in my PC (do not publish it).

9th November 2007, 00:52
ya, that sounds quite like me! lol

i have been depressed all day ... i tried to toughen up ... but it didn't work, so i went for a walk into town, had a coffee, and then came straight home lol ,but i got a comedy DVD in town, so i watched it, had 2 hours of great fun laughing ... then afterwards, the feeling of anxiety came back :(


maybe i need to see the doctor!

9th November 2007, 00:59
ya, that sounds quite like me! lol

had a coffee

I tried to avoid coffee when Im stress as according to the article I read coffee will get you more stress.

9th November 2007, 01:03
yep it's a depressant and a stressor

9th November 2007, 01:05
put on weight :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:Erm: no seriously.. something about the stress and fat and stuff..:Cuckoo:

9th November 2007, 01:08
i am 19 stone

9th November 2007, 01:14
Depends also what cause you stress.
RElationships, Job, Family, Money and etc.
If its about relationship, if you feel upset about her, just be positive, being a LDR is not very easy. Try to read some post about successful LDR. Try to recall those times when you having laughters with her. If you feel you have doubts, try to look from her points of view.

9th November 2007, 01:15
all very hard things to do

9th November 2007, 01:18
i am 19 stone


9th November 2007, 01:21
huh? u told me to gain weight
i told u i'm already fat
hmmm where exactly did i do wrong?
care to point it out to me?

9th November 2007, 01:21
all very hard things to do

I hope things get better Tom.

9th November 2007, 01:22
me to bridge

9th November 2007, 01:24
me to bridge

You will get ovet it, Brother. You are Smart guy.:)

9th November 2007, 01:26
the last time i got so stress and was asked to rest for three days due to over fatigued and doing this:Cuckoo:while in bed...lol i get to realized lots of things...

what really stressing people is not what the things that sourounds them, those stressors are like a SWITCH ones it was flick ITS ON...:doh who switch it on?ITS US...you need to be aware of what is stressing us...

what i do?i dont :Brick::D i just stop complaining of WHAT I SEE because it makes things more heavy and stressing. 2nd. accept that life is not all as GOOD you want them to be 3rd...and most importantly, dont let the CHILD in you DIE..keep him playing:BouncyHappy: do something worthwile like SENDING ALL THE MEMBERS HERE CHOCOLATES TOM:D OR MAYBE MORE:cwm12:

peace tom:ARsurrender:

9th November 2007, 01:27
thank u for that
now i just don't know if mar isn't answering my call or if there is actually a lack of coverage at present
then i just make myself even more agitated
i get soo stressed that i can't even function right ... and ...
i can just about type now :(
my breathing is forced ...

i really need to visit the doctor tomorrow to make sure i am ok


9th November 2007, 01:30
[QUOTE=bigtombowski;42125]thank u for that
now i just don't know if mar isn't answering my call or if there is actually a lack of coverage at present

Which part of the country she lives?

9th November 2007, 01:32
bayawan city
Oriental Negros

9th November 2007, 01:34
YOUR OKAY TOM AS FAR AS I KNOW YOUR STILL IN TACT...LOL see, simple things stressing you already, its in your hands how you will stop that...

maybe your gf phone is off battery or maybe she is at work or maybe she is still sleeping or really no coverage..whatever it is JUST ACCEPT the fact that you cant talk to her at the moment but think nad keep it in your heart that she loves you and thinks of you as well and then SLEEP...

or who knows, it must be your phone that really needs HELP and see DOC not YOU...

want me to cheer again for you?lol

9th November 2007, 01:34
bayawan city
Oriental Negros

I see. Sometimes does it happens.

9th November 2007, 01:36
ya ya ya ya!


i am just feeling overwhelmed with these emotions ... it happens sometimes
although i can tell there is one qualified psychologist reading this

9th November 2007, 01:37
son ure saying everything is not yet sorted since last time we chat?

9th November 2007, 01:37
Have a sleep Tom. Im sure things will be OK tomorrow.

9th November 2007, 01:38
nope kimmi
she went offline very quickly
and all day my emotions have been building up

9th November 2007, 01:38
sorry i cant help it..am a psych graduate...sorry tom ill back off...hehehe

9th November 2007, 01:40
oops ... Des . . .
nope. i wasn't talking about u! lol hehe

i appreciate ur helpful lovely words
i mean one of the people viewing this is a former Psych Prof! lol

sorry for the misunderstanding des

9th November 2007, 01:44
son just calm down for now, we can easily conclude things and react with the situation but right now we can't do anything about it,ur apart miles away and we're not living near her area so we can't say what's really going on with her..it might be the phone line, it might be she didn't like to answer (well, it depends on the outcome of ur chatitng yesterday), or its ur phone which is really not working..

calm down ok, btw, are u at work now?

9th November 2007, 01:45
i am not working tonight, i return tomorrow ... coz my car was getting fixed, i just got it back :!

9th November 2007, 01:45
no worries but ill go now papers are waiting for me to be sorted and hope things will be okay for you and gf...goodluckkkkkkkkkkk



9th November 2007, 01:47
thank u dessie
salamat po
please do come back here again when u get the chance :) u are fresh air here :D


9th November 2007, 01:48
ok, pls remember its raining in her area so it will be hard for her to go outside and to have a phone connections.

9th November 2007, 01:51
huh? does the rain affect the connection?

9th November 2007, 01:53
Tom, remember this ...

"and im so thankful that i have you as my Boyfriend and be my bana soon coz your such a nice man,loyal, loving and respectful too! and i love you as being you babe and thank you so much babe for loving me as who am i!.. thanks a lot babe"

9th November 2007, 01:57
thanks for bringing that to my attention :)
and i know i am a really good BF :)

and hey, i am kind and tenderhearted, or else why would i cry over a silly wee argument we had right?

9th November 2007, 02:01
thanks for bringing that to my attention :)
and i know i am a really good BF :)

and hey, i am kind and tenderhearted, or else why would i cry over a silly wee argument we had right?

Im sure everything will be alright Brother Tommi.

9th November 2007, 02:02
thank u ate bridge :)

9th November 2007, 02:07
thank u ate bridge :)

Youre welcome Tommi. I understand how you feel, I`ve been in LDR for many years.

Cheer Up!

9th November 2007, 02:09
thanks again sister

and in another world (a very gray one ... u know wot i'm talking about hehe) another friend is giving me some very DOWN TO EARTH advice! lol



9th November 2007, 02:27
for the psych experts here

des and kimmi ...

when does love become obsession???

also open to non psych experts lol

9th November 2007, 02:50
hiya son,

i hope and pray everything will be sorted out between u and mar..

just stay calm and have a rest now..

this is just one of the hurdles of LDR's that will test ur faith and love for each other..

Goodluck son and God bless.:)

9th November 2007, 02:53
thank u mommmi

9th November 2007, 07:08
Relax bro. Tom:) 5 weeks to go you will be Mar's BANA. BTW what is Bana:Erm:

Cheers bro...

9th November 2007, 08:30
Hello Tom! LDR can really be trying. Keep your faith in your relatiosnhip. Hold fast and trust your heart. Everything will be okey.

9th November 2007, 09:27
ya, that sounds quite like me! lol

i have been depressed all day ... i tried to toughen up ... but it didn't work, so i went for a walk into town, had a coffee, and then came straight home lol ,but i got a comedy DVD in town, so i watched it, had 2 hours of great fun laughing ... then afterwards, the feeling of anxiety came back :(


maybe i need to see the doctor!

You need company Bigtom. How its nice to have someone to walked with you, to have a coffee with you and have a laugh watching a comedy DVD with you. Being on your own is not that easy.

9th November 2007, 09:52
Just fire up Halo or Unreal online, and blow some buggers brains out :)

9th November 2007, 11:50
hi sis Leah,

Bana means Asawa in Visaya..:)

9th November 2007, 12:04
hi sis Leah,

Bana means Asawa in Visaya..:)

Thanks sis and regards to your Bana to be:)

9th November 2007, 12:10
thanks mare..he he he:)

9th November 2007, 12:45
oh dear! T dude is in trouble? lol

9th November 2007, 13:35
how are u son?

hope everything is sorted with u already..:)

9th November 2007, 13:45
do u notice anything diffferent?

9th November 2007, 13:50
Why did you change your signature Tom? "Notice anything different?"

9th November 2007, 13:50
do u notice anything diffferent?

Hi Brother Tommi, Did you managed to get some sleep?

9th November 2007, 13:51
because if u remember what it was ....

it doesnt' apply anymore

9th November 2007, 13:52
yes Ive notice something son,u dont have ur signature now..

where does ur Bana goes?

9th November 2007, 13:53
i got a little sleep
then i called marivic
and talked for 15 secs, before she HUNG UP on me

9th November 2007, 13:55
i got a little sleep
then i called marivic
and talked for 15 secs, before she HUNG UP on me

Oh Brother Tom, Im sorry to hear that.

9th November 2007, 14:06
Im sorry to hear that Tom, don’t give up yet! if you truly think she is the one, you will really end up together, but it takes work and effort and getting threw problems to make it there.

9th November 2007, 14:14
hey, there's been almost 9 months' work and effort . . . and i am fed up now

9th November 2007, 15:04
oh bigtom :NoNo:, yes your signature has gone :yikes:, what happened? you took tooo long to see her or shes worried that the date of you meeting is near ??? , its not over til the fat lady sings, i went thru this many times with the misses, and we still got married in the end :xxgrinning--00xx3: :cwm24::doh

9th November 2007, 15:35
well ...
i'm not sure i want to deal with this anymore

i spend lots of money to call her

the least she can do is say bye before she slams the fone ...
and also ...

i said "do u still love me" ... and she did NOT answer
she just hung up

9th November 2007, 15:43
hey, there's been almost 9 months' work and effort . . . and i am fed up now

Trouble, trouble!

There is no time scale that can measure a relationship to make it work. It might take a whole life.

If the effort worth it, you can move mountains, if not, just end it.

I hope you can manage your emotions more efficiently Tom.

9th November 2007, 15:44
pea, i will not be hung up on
too much disrespect

9th November 2007, 15:53
well ...
i'm not sure i want to deal with this anymore

i spend lots of money to call her

the least she can do is say bye before she slams the fone ...
and also ...

i said "do u still love me" ... and she did NOT answer
she just hung up

Hi Brother Tom,
Having a row or argument does happen to us as well. In any relationship sometimes theres ups and downs. Maybe just give yourself and her a bit space, let each other think of what had happend on the last 24 hours. Im sure if she realised if its her fault then she will make a way to ask for apology and if its your fault you have to admit your mistake and reconcilliate. I dont know exactly what had happend, but I don`t think you will not come to this point, as you said nine months, if you didn`t really care to each other.
I know how it feels, Tom Ive been through all these, but Im still here through the years, as I do believe that if you love someone and if you know that she loves you ,too you will not let her go. It should be you and her against the world. Try to look at from her point of view. Maybe she didnt mean to hung the phone, maybe theres other reasons.
I remember when my fiance and I have rows and he was very cross and raised his voiced, as I couldn`t stand to talk to someone who se shouting at me, I did hang up the telephone. He keeps sending me txt messages but I just ignored it, until he realised his fault and ask for apology in his email and then we start to talk again.
Yesterday, you were asking about the angry management, so I assumed that you get angry to her. Please do not misundertood me, your a good man in this forum and it seems you did contribute a lot of good post and advice in this forum,so we just trying to help you.
Anyway, it is your life. whatever it is , I hope you find peace and joy in your heart. Cheer up Brother Tommi.

9th November 2007, 16:09
thanks for ur nice long reply
i don't think i was angry til today
after she hung up

now i am really mad :)

9th November 2007, 16:16
Just phone her up...and when she answers.....hang up....:) Make YOU feel better :icon_lol:

9th November 2007, 16:18
sounds like a plan keith

9th November 2007, 18:48
It takes a lot of patience and efforts to make the relationship works, especially in a long distance relationship. Theres a lot of things to consider.

Take your time, calm yourself down.

9th November 2007, 19:23
can i butt in? just bored and cold here....hehehe...

if she hungs up, only one thing is CLEAR


9th November 2007, 19:31


Now you can vent...

and wait.

then maybe read the Dalai Lama book? :)

he's very practical, you know..

9th November 2007, 19:42
Geezer after a quick scan of the messages its been a busy day and all that.

Geez don't call her take a break and chill.

At first it will be tough stop beating your self up.

Shes having tampo best way imo to deal with it is to do it back and better. Trust me i can not talk for days if needed.

Best to say nothing you might regret, i thought when i have an arguement its all, over two hours later we are all happy again.

Have a chill pill and zip de lips.

9th November 2007, 23:45

10th November 2007, 02:53

the best thing for u to do now is to stay calm..Less talk, less mistakes..Remember, it takes two to tango..

I remember my grandfather always tell me this one, it is a very good advise and i am sure u can relate too son..

"don't talk too much when u are mad, u might say things u don't meant to say, making decision takes time, don't rush, Life is like a chess game One wrong move and ur game is all messed up.."

10th November 2007, 04:30
Geezer after a quick scan of the messages its been a busy day and all that.

Geez don't call her take a break and chill.

At first it will be tough stop beating your self up.

Shes having tampo best way imo to deal with it is to do it back and better. Trust me i can not talk for days if needed.

Best to say nothing you might regret, i thought when i have an arguement its all, over two hours later we are all happy again.

Have a chill pill and zip de lips.

how long in ur humble opinion mr somebody (andy) does this crap last? coz i got sent home from work early and i am out of my rag with it all!


10th November 2007, 10:03
tom,you really have to get used to her tantrums its part of there make up lol,
i think when they get mad they're like 5 year old kids having a fit but they're grown women!
u both must of had arguments before? how long did these last before she started talking again?

there must be a reason why this happened? just dont fight fire with fire.

that time of the month my gf can go nuts,when shes tired and grumpy guess what she takes it out on me,there are times im shocked at what she says to me! but i never get mad back at her,i always stay calm and tell her i love her!

so whatever happens just stay calm theres no point in getting mad too!

10th November 2007, 10:11
Just txt her, simply say "Sorry for other night", and leave it at that for 2 days.

If you pay Kimmi 5000 pesos, she call her for you...... :)

10th November 2007, 11:32
how long in ur humble opinion mr somebody (andy) does this crap last? coz i got sent home from work early and i am out of my rag with it all!


How long is a piece of string i dont know Mars, but don't let it mess with you.

Like Mr admin says a quick sms or email nothing overboard then two days break on your side.

If i were you tonight i would go out see friends or watch a film or two you enjoy. Particularly if you intend to have a few beers, either dont take your mobile or delete Mars number for the evening so you don't feel the urge to call or text. Brahmeds up calling/texting is not a good way forward as im sure your aware.

Let her chill and you chill dont bug her and bug yourself.

10th November 2007, 12:47
umm because i was doing night shift on work i hmm didn't like do any of what u told me sadly! grrr

i didn't get to meet with friends, I texted her announcing i was gonna call her, i called her, she didn't answer ... and so it continues

... but again ... there's only so much i would be willing to take lol

and deleting her number from my fone?
i know that number better than my own number! lol

10th November 2007, 14:11
how are u son?did she talked to u already?

10th November 2007, 14:12
well, she did then hung up lol
i am buzzing u on YM lol

10th November 2007, 14:14
Just txt her, simply say "Sorry for other night", and leave it at that for 2 days.

If you pay Kimmi 5000 pesos, she call her for you...... :)

well Boss, I wonder if tommi did say sorry to her already..:doh:NoNo:

and oh I called up Mar already without Tom paying me 5000pesos,so tommi u owe me one now..he he he:Rasp::Rasp::icon_lol:

10th November 2007, 14:16
sorry chuck is using my ym

we already talked last night

10th November 2007, 14:19
umm because i was doing night shift on work i hmm didn't like do any of what u told me sadly! grrr

i didn't get to meet with friends, I texted her announcing i was gonna call her, i called her, she didn't answer ... and so it continues

... but again ... there's only so much i would be willing to take lol

and deleting her number from my fone?
i know that number better than my own number! lol

Look at it the other way if you needed a bit of space and the missus kept bugging you it might pee you off a little.

If you remebr the number then don't take your phone with you. I guess im differnt can't remebr my age let alone phone numbers, thank god for speed dial.

10th November 2007, 15:52
Hhmm... did you try to examine yourself? maybe you're asking too much and giving to much pressure on her that she can't handle anymore and she feels suffocated with all this pressure in her life. In a relationship, it should be give and take and must have loads of understanding. Give her space to breath and think.

10th November 2007, 15:56
thank u for your input charlwill

10th November 2007, 16:04
Hhmm... did you try to examine yourself? maybe you're asking too much and giving to much pressure on her that she can't handle anymore and she feels suffocated with all this pressure in her life. In a relationship, it should be give and take and must have loads of understanding. Give her space to breath and think.

Very well put charwill, if i remeber corretly Mars has a full time job with fairly long hours?

Ask anyone on here or in your circle of friends and they will say sometimes they just need some personal space or at least a change.
I know its happened to me and read of others on here who it has happened to.

The Pinays on here im sure can fill you in. The prospect of someone you care about deeply is coming into sight before it was months off. Will it work out, will he like me? What happens if blah blah. This is what happened to my Wife before she first met me.

10th November 2007, 16:08
if u remember right she has a full time job with long hours?

not anymore
she left last month
to concentrate on PREPARING FOR MY ARRIVAL! lol

10th November 2007, 16:09
and i got a job with long hours too :D
i still made the effort

10th November 2007, 16:12
if u remember right she has a full time job with long hours?

not anymore
she left last month
to concentrate on PREPARING FOR MY ARRIVAL! lol
Blimey takes her longer to put on her warpaint than my missus does and thats only to tescos:omg: thank god for 24 hour shops i say:icon_lol:

10th November 2007, 16:13
funny funny lol


10th November 2007, 16:15
Hi Brother Tommi,
If you remember , once you wrote a blog about how much you love Mar. I just read that Blog and honestly it was touching.

10th November 2007, 16:17
aw thank u

10th November 2007, 16:19
More importantly who send me rep Tommmmmmmmmmmmmmmm:cwm23::cwm24:

Some one derep me quicccckly

10th November 2007, 16:20
I dont think she meant that to refuse your love, you said that she gave up her job to concentrate herself on preparing for your arrival.

10th November 2007, 16:26
I dont think she meant that to refuse your love, you said that she gave up her job to concentrate herself on preparing for your arrival.

Exactly a far bigger statment of intention in the Phillpines than the UK belive me and if you don't just ask the Ladies on here.

10th November 2007, 16:38
well ... i didn't rep u andy
but i THOUGHT about it
i thought it'd be funny
but someone else did seriously
u can give it to me if u want ;)

10th November 2007, 16:39
it should be give and take and must have loads of understanding

We understand that we give.......the Filipina takes :icon_lol:

10th November 2007, 16:39

10th November 2007, 16:46
well ... i didn't rep u andy
but i THOUGHT about it
i thought it'd be funny
but someone else did seriously
u can give it to me if u want ;)

Mr admin can you pass my rep on to Tom please i don't want to be repped:bigcry:

10th November 2007, 16:47

10th November 2007, 16:53
.... i don't want to be repped:bigcry:

Did he say 'repped'? :Erm:

10th November 2007, 16:54
Did he say 'repped'? :Erm:


10th November 2007, 16:55
i'll let ur wife take care of that ;)

10th November 2007, 16:58
i'll let ur wife take care of that ;)

LOL im married im as likely to get rep of my Wife as she is to say "Somebody i don't want to go shopping on my day off ".

10th November 2007, 16:59
i've now got a minefield of humour to p155take out of u :D

10th November 2007, 17:04
i've now got a minefield of humour to p155take out of u :D

Lucky i got a metal detector:icon_lol:

10th November 2007, 18:18
well ... i didn't rep u andy
but i THOUGHT about it
i thought it'd be funny
but someone else did seriously
u can give it to me if u want ;)
I have found the repper it wasn't you im sorry Tom:D Please don't sue me
for all my skyflakes:omg:

11th November 2007, 02:19
just for that, im gonna rep u :D lol ;)

11th November 2007, 04:51
Nobody will hung up on you if YOU did nothing wrong.

11th November 2007, 05:21
I agree with u Sabb, that is very true..

11th November 2007, 09:53
So it's all Tom's fault? :xxgrinning--00xx3: Do we stone him to death, or burn him.....if the latter can we throw some spuds on the fire? :D

11th November 2007, 11:10
So it's all Tom's fault? :xxgrinning--00xx3: Do we stone him to death, or burn him.....if the latter can we throw some spuds on the fire? :D

No burning its bad for our carbon footprint:NoNo:

11th November 2007, 11:33
no not at all Boss, i just hope he realized that if u really love somebody u shouldn't expect them to reciprocate what u have given to them..

11th November 2007, 11:36
just for that, im gonna rep u :D lol ;)

oii no

11th November 2007, 11:40
Nobody will hung up on you if YOU did nothing wrong.

Like a double glazing sales person:Erm: maybe i should just ring them back and say i dont dislike them just i was eating my dinner and we really dont need a consevatory on our flat.

11th November 2007, 12:13
Double glazing salemen do conservatories as a sideline now then? :)

11th November 2007, 13:22
This one was i guess its a double glazed one.

11th November 2007, 15:40
everything will be ok

11th November 2007, 16:29
and no - win2win ... it's not the light of an oncoming train lol ;)

Actually...I thought it was Mark :action-smiley-081: :yikes:

11th November 2007, 16:38
mark is a lovely man :) he deserves a great girl :D

11th November 2007, 17:05
---The END---

11th November 2007, 17:09
interesting post erve lol

12th November 2007, 01:10
second the motion Erve..:)

12th November 2007, 02:21
wot do u want to end son?

12th November 2007, 02:33
please lets make things clear
no need for mind games

12th November 2007, 02:39
nobody is giving u mind games..

whatever u wanted to end it's up to u..but for me its the end of my waiting game..:)

12th November 2007, 14:51
oh never say never, and its not over til the fat lady sings :xxgrinning--00xx3:
been there 100 times over the years, still ended up getting married and err, 2wks today, we've been married 5 years :yikes: :D

12th November 2007, 15:16
thanks for ur nice long reply
i don't think i was angry til today
after she hung up

now i am really mad :)

Cool down, boy...:rolleyes:

It is the testosterone and the Paddy temper that are blinding your line of thought.:doh

If it happens again don't it doesn't mean that she loves any less. Probably it is the only self-defence weapon in her arsenal that hasn't been de-activated.

Been there.... Done it, like many others before me and many others after... It sucks.
It is called LDR...

Don't disappoint me because I am looking forward to see what a freckled face, red haired 1/2 irish and 1/2 pinoy kid will eventually look like....:Erm:

12th November 2007, 15:34

cool luigi! thank you


please read the "Marivic and I" thread dom :D

13th November 2007, 17:35
wot do u want to end son?

The end of the first chapter of the book and proceed to another one.

Tom im pleased that you made up with Marivic. Forget and forgive, you know life can be a rollercoaster. Its good that you gave it another go :xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th November 2007, 17:37
thank u erve
i am so so so glad i did :D
now we are continuing our story of love and life :D


14th November 2007, 03:44
Chapter 1 of book 2..

Love story of TOMMI and MAR..

14th November 2007, 15:20
hehe :D

this is the chapter that goes on :D yay

14th November 2007, 15:26
hehe :D

this is the chapter that goes on :D yay

Hi Tom,
Do you remember this replied to your post when you were very upset? Do you think am I right now? :)

Depends also what cause you stress.
RElationships, Job, Family, Money and etc.
If its about relationship, if you feel upset about her, just be positive, being a LDR is not very easy. Try to read some post about successful LDR. Try to recall those times when you having laughters with her. If you feel you have doubts, try to look from her points of view.

14th November 2007, 15:28
yes ate bridge and thank u for being there for me ... a true friend :D

thank u


14th November 2007, 15:31
yes ate bridge and thank u for being there for me ... a true friend :D

thank u


It is my pleasure Mister. Im sure you re very excited that you re coming to see her...:icon_lol:

14th November 2007, 15:32
i can't explain the excitement i have :D

it's overwhelming :D

14th November 2007, 15:35
i can't explain the excitement i have :D

it's overwhelming :D

:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: and Mar is starting marking her calendar :icon_lol::icon_lol:

14th November 2007, 15:37
yes hehehe

let's see, 15th - be with Tom, 16th- Be with Tom, 17th - Be with Tom, 18th - Be with Tom

well ...

u get the idea :D


14th November 2007, 15:39
yes hehehe

let's see, 15th - be with Tom, 16th- Be with Tom, 17th - Be with Tom, 18th - Be with Tom

well ...

u get the idea :D


then 19th bye bye Tom:bigcry::bigcry:

14th November 2007, 15:40
nope :D hehe

she got about 26 - or is it 27 - days to mark as "Be With Tom" ...

then .... after that ....

"go to airport with tom and say goodbye to tom for a few months"!


14th November 2007, 15:45
nope :D hehe

she got about 26 - or is it 27 - days to mark as "Be With Tom" ...

then .... after that ....

"go to airport with tom and say goodbye to tom for a few months"!


I was just joking...:icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol: so you`ll spend christmas here? woowww...

14th November 2007, 15:47

imagine the party

4 celebrations

1) my birthday - christmas eve
2)lolo's birthday - christmas eve
3)our engagement party -same time
4)Christmas celebrations :D

so does this mean i need 4 lechon baboy? ;)

14th November 2007, 15:50
hahahahha wow thats great......can I have some lechon, too? please...

14th November 2007, 15:51
we'll get back to talkin about the lechon flavoured connies ;) hehehe

14th November 2007, 15:54
hahahaha. must think the best slogan for that first..

14th November 2007, 15:55
lechon flavoured connies ... = "for that ULTIMATE celebration" ;)

14th November 2007, 15:59
hahahahahaha not bad

14th November 2007, 16:00
hehe can u think of a better one? ;)

14th November 2007, 16:03
Ive got to go to bed now. I`ll think about it.

14th November 2007, 16:07
well my friend
sleep well :D

tulog na hehehe
