View Full Version : Government 'deporting too few foreign criminals'

22nd October 2014, 08:21
Ministers have been criticised by the UK spending watchdog for failing to deport more foreign criminals.

Source (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-29715630)

22nd October 2014, 10:00
And people wonder why I and others have been going on about this for years...only to be accused of racism or whatever. :NoNo:

Far too much sitting on hands and hiding behind political correctness in this country, instead of looking after the interests of us citizens and our families. :mad:

Michael Parnham
22nd October 2014, 10:12
I say get rid of the lot, biggest reason for NHS struggling!:Erm:

22nd October 2014, 10:15
That's Ded's mate Mrs May's department I believe. :omg:

22nd October 2014, 10:32

22nd October 2014, 10:45
Thats Deds mate Mrs Mays department I believe.:omg:.

I know you're a history buff Andy. I'd forgotten about the wonderful system we had under Liebor despite John Reid saying his Home Office "was not fit for purpose" - straight to the airport from the prison gates wasn't it ?

This appalling situation needs to be addressed though :cwm23:

22nd October 2014, 10:48
Ha Ha I knew it wouldn't take long for you to bite Ded. :biggrin: Going back in history does not alter the up to date facts. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd October 2014, 12:15
Going back in history does not alter the up to date facts. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I'll keep that one for the next time you or Joe go on about Margaret Thatcher :biggrin:

22nd October 2014, 12:47
Yes Ded lets look at the up to date facts. More borrowing from this government. Now they are blaming low paid workers for not paying enough taxes after they put the personal allowance up :icon_lol: you couldnt make it up.

22nd October 2014, 12:56
Yes Ded lets look at the up to date facts. More borrowing from this government. Now they are blaming low paid workers for not paying enough taxes after they put the personal allowance up :icon_lol: you couldnt make it up.

Meanwhile back on topic :cwm25:

22nd October 2014, 13:01
I thought you were bored of the topic :yawn:? Ah well only another few months to suffer under this rabble. :biggrin:

22nd October 2014, 13:04
Party politics aside it doesn't make good reading. Less talk and more action from the politicians is what's needed. If you're convicted and imprisoned in this country then perhaps your rights should end there. Upon release free lift to the airport and a one way ticket back home without any need for a court case as they clearly have little or no respect for the laws of our land :cwm23:

22nd October 2014, 13:05
Apparently its easier said than done.

22nd October 2014, 13:07
I thought you were bored of the topic :yawn:? Ah well only another few months to suffer under this rabble.:biggrin:.

Andy, I've offered before and I will once again. If you're that confident of Labour winning next year then put I'll take any bet you want :biggrin:

22nd October 2014, 13:40
Why would I want to take money from a fellow forum member?. I think it would be better if you just donated it to the site.:biggrin:

22nd October 2014, 13:52
Why would I want to take money from a fellow forum member?. I think it would be better if you just donated it to the site.:biggrin:

That sounds like a good idea, £100 from me if Labour get in and the same from you if they don't :xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd October 2014, 13:55
That sounds like a good idea, £100 from me if Labour get in and the same from you if they don't :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Yes C'mon Andy :icon_lol:

You have stitched him up now Simon :biggrin:

Meanwhile if this takes hold, Keith can retire :icon_lol:

22nd October 2014, 13:57
Back on topic: It's crazy that this is allowed to happen. I don't always agree with the Tories - it's on their watch now.

Wish Labour followers would admit to their Party's cock ups but they are always in denial :icon_lol:

22nd October 2014, 14:05
That sounds like a good idea, £100 from me if Labour get in and the same from you if they don't :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Surely the bet should be on who wins the most seats. In theory Labour could win more seats than the Tories but still not form a Government .

22nd October 2014, 14:16
Don't see anything wrong with Simon's proposal :icon_lol:

Be nice to see someone else lose money other than me :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Hopefully it will be Andy :laugher:

22nd October 2014, 14:17
Surely the bet should be on who wins the most seats. In theory Labour could win more seats than the Tories but still not form a Government .

:Erm: No, that's be like betting on which team scores the most goals in a season as opposed to who wins. I'll leave the bet of £100 donation as it is, unless Andy fancies donating more :biggrin:

22nd October 2014, 14:27
If the Tories win, I might come down there and we can go out for celebratory beers with Dedworth :biggrin:

22nd October 2014, 14:31
Don't see anything wrong with Simon's proposal :icon_lol:

Be nice to see someone else lose money other than me :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Hopefully it will be Andy :laugher:

I learn from your mistakes Les. :icon_lol:

22nd October 2014, 14:32
:Erm: No, that's be like betting on which team scores the most goals in a season as opposed to who wins. I'll leave the bet of £100 donation as it is, unless Andy fancies donating more :biggrin:
No need to bet I know whos going to win.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd October 2014, 14:34
No need to bet I know whos going to win.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

It's not a bet though is it Andy, it's a donation to the forum from one of us to the tune of £100 :xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd October 2014, 14:37
Well being as you have more money than me I think you should donate it reguardless Simon.:biggrin:

22nd October 2014, 14:39
Well being as you have more money than me I think you should donate it regardless Simon.:biggrin:

I think you'll find that I do Andy :smile:

Not willing to back your beloved Labour party then :Erm:

22nd October 2014, 14:42
I always back them Simon I am a member of a union. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
22nd October 2014, 14:53
Why would I want to take money from a fellow forum member?. I think it would be better if you just donated it to the site. :biggrin:

Yesss ... :Jump: ... GREAT :idea:!

Let's ALL take a 'page out of our chequebooks' and follow his lead. :wink:

22nd October 2014, 15:38
I always back them Simon I am a member of a union
Get your bet on then Andy - you sound super-confident :icon_lol:

22nd October 2014, 15:38
Hard cash often tests courage of real convictions and thats a fact!

22nd October 2014, 15:40
I learn from your mistakes Les.

So that means you expect the Tories back in power as you have learnt I got it wrong so you are expecting to get it wrong and won't bet :biggrin:

22nd October 2014, 20:55
I'll keep that one for the next time you or Joe go on about Margaret Thatcher :biggrin:

This has gone on under May's watch, she has been in charge 4 1/2yrs and that Dept has 9 * the number of staff Labour had in that Dept, yet they are deporting less criminals than the last Labour gov WHY ??????

Not my opinion, Dedworth - its a fact! :NoNo: