View Full Version : Miliberk Funds Roma Beggars

31st October 2014, 21:15
Breaking news from Multicultural Manchester

Police give Ed Miliband a ticking off for not donating to registered charity after handing change to beggar


Demonstrates his true colours giving money to parasites :mad:

31st October 2014, 21:28
Where does it say she is Roma Dedworth? :Erm::cwm25:

Why didn't the police move her on then? Oh hang on, there are no police on the beat, Cameron has put them on the dole, or they're too busy getting fat :doh

Good on Ed :xxgrinning--00xx3:
I suppose there is no chance of Cameron or Osborne giving anything to the poor :icon_lol:

31st October 2014, 21:41
She's got Roma garb on - does the report state the pavement is grey

She's poor :laugher: I know you belong to the flat earth society Joe................. All those £s are going back to Romania to buy Mercedes and gaudy houses

The Police were nicking gangs of Roma street robbers and ATM skimmers

1st November 2014, 02:19
Beggars can't be choosers, eh Mr Miliband: Toe-curling encounter sees Labour leader drop just 2p into homeless woman's cup

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2816394/Beggars-t-choosers-eh-Mr-Miliband-Toe-curling-encounter-sees-Labour-leader-drop-just-2p-homeless-woman-s-cup.html#ixzz3Hm7Y9xk4


Another superb photo opportunity up there with the bacon sandwich debacle


1st November 2014, 08:58
from the fairytale land of the daily mail :icon_lol:

1st November 2014, 09:10
Those pictures are real:icon_lol:
What a nob Millipede is and you want him to run the country:icon_lol:
The public certainly dont:xxgrinning--00xx3:

1st November 2014, 09:26
The public certainly dont:xxgrinning--00xx3:

And which nob left his kid in the pub, gaffs galore with Cameron :icon_lol:



Which party is in the lead Les? You are deluded :icon_lol: still waiting for this surge :wink:

1st November 2014, 14:07
More drifting off topic Joe - we're talking about a naive nobhead who gives his money to a Roma parasite who is part of an organised criminal network. You shudder to think what he would do if he was ever responsible for public money :yikes:

All the money these filth make be it from stealing, begging, selling the big issue etc gets sent back to their strongholds in Romania

Importing Romanian Criminals via the EU


Arthur Little
1st November 2014, 16:27
Beggars can't be choosers, eh Mr Miliband: Toe-curling encounter sees Labour leader drop just 2p into homeless woman's cup

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2816394/Beggars-t-choosers-eh-Mr-Miliband-Toe-curling-encounter-sees-Labour-leader-drop-just-2p-homeless-woman-s-cup.html#ixzz3Hm7Y9xk4


Hmm ... :iagree:, he does look a bit furtive!

1st November 2014, 16:57
And which nob left his kid in the pub, gaffs galore with Cameron :icon_lol:



Which party is in the lead Les? You are deluded :icon_lol: still waiting for this surge :wink:

Neck and neck last week. I'm referring to your glorious leader he has an approval rating of a slug. Public don't want him. He will bring you down! Please keep him.

1st November 2014, 19:35
Neck and neck last week. I'm referring to your glorious leader he has an approval rating of a slug. Public don't want him. He will bring you down! Please keep him.

Cameron what a clown :icon_lol:


1st November 2014, 20:05
Marvellous. Cameron let the Romanians into the country and Ed is helping them out. No pleasing some people is there Ded? :biggrin:

1st November 2014, 20:19
Cameron clown 2


3rd November 2014, 09:44
You were querying whether she was Roma Joe ..........................

Revealed - Miliband’s Romanian beggar: 14-year-old says she lives off £5 a day and that Labour leader (who 'dropped 60 or 70p' in her cup) was ONLY man in a suit to stop!

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2818133/I-live-5-day-says-beggar-aged-14-Miliband-gave-money-Girl-says-Labour-leader-dropped-60-70p-cup-impressed-man-suit-stop.html#ixzz3Hzcx4krb

The article confirms she's from the criminal town of Tandarai mentioned in Post #8

9th November 2014, 15:57
Child exploitation and the deeply disturbing story behind Red Ed's 14-year-old Roma beggar

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2826035/Child-exploitation-deeply-disturbing-story-Red-Ed-s-14-year-old-Roma-beggar.html#ixzz3IaErR2vW