View Full Version : Why change your name on getting married?

1st November 2014, 12:44
Why change your name on getting married?

Why should women change their names on getting married?

Source (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-29804450)

1st November 2014, 13:17
Blimey, that made 'War and Peace' look like a paperback, lol.

It's tradition and the majority of women seem ok with it. More stuff to get our knickers in a twist about.

Michael Parnham
1st November 2014, 16:41
Magna Carta comes to mind! :Erm:

2nd November 2014, 21:13
My sister's hubby changed to OUR surname...otherwise his wife and subsequently, two daughters, would have been 'Wytch'es . :smile:

Arthur Little
3rd November 2014, 19:12
Why indeed? Many women don't ... in fact a fair number retain their maiden names for professional purposes. Take, for example, a couple of GPs who are partners at my doctor's surgery ... they're actually married to one another; therefore, in order to minimise confusion they did exactly that!

Myrna had wanted to change hers straightaway because ... :anerikke: ... well, it's the time-honoured tradition in most nations for newly-married women to assume their husband's surname upon getting hitched. :biggrin:

But given she'd only just gotten her very first *passport around a month before our :wedtoss: ... it would've undoubtedly entailed an unnecessary additional expense to renew *it so soon afterwards. And - more importantly - since the name(s) on the [eventual] visa had to match that on the passport, time was of the essence - hence she only "officially" became 'Mrs Little' (so to speak) once she'd finally obtained British Citizenship.