View Full Version : Dual Citizenship

5th November 2014, 00:04
Hi guys any advice on this would be helpful.

What do we need to do to for our son to be a dual British/Filipino national??

Currently he is British only and plans for the future to give him dual nationality.

Does it take permission from both of us to make this happen or can just one of us deal with it?

Cheers folks...:smile:

7th November 2014, 14:16
You need to report the birth of your son at the Philippine Embassy..


Form: http://philembassy-uk.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/RoBirth-interactive-form.pdf

7th November 2014, 20:10
Hi. Since your wife is Filipina, the child is automatically Filipino hence a dual citizen as he is also British. Your wife has to report the birth of your son to the Philippine Embassy as what Raynaputi has mentioned above. Once they receive it and acknowledge the receipt, it would indicate on the report of birth form that the child is a dual citizen. I've received the one for my son. :)