View Full Version : My new Girlfriend - I dare not tell Dedworth

8th November 2014, 13:09
Erm where do I start ? She is not Filipino so that's the only clue :icon_lol::yikes:

8th November 2014, 13:16
But she is Asian? :biggrin:

8th November 2014, 13:18

8th November 2014, 13:27
A Labour politician :Erm:

8th November 2014, 13:46
She's a passenger he hasn't let out yet :biggrin:

8th November 2014, 14:16
A Chelsea fan....

8th November 2014, 14:17
No to all so far :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Simon close :biggrin:

8th November 2014, 14:21

8th November 2014, 15:30
A Romanian doctor who came here as an economic migrant, and who is a member of the BMA :cwm25:

8th November 2014, 17:56
a Romanian doctor who came here as a economic migrant who is a member of the BMA :cwm25:

Who does a bit of part time begging and ATM skimming

I'm getting worried Les :cwm25:

8th November 2014, 18:00
But I can explain :Cuckoo:

Arthur Little
8th November 2014, 18:44

But I can explain :Cuckoo:

Oh, dearie me :23_111_9[1]: ... DECISION TIME, Les! :cwm25:
:cwm24: ... how much is your friendship with Comrade Ded worth?

Him ... :anerikke: ... or your Romanian girlfriend :Erm: ... WHICH?

8th November 2014, 19:01
Tough one Arthur :icon_lol:
Ok she was a Romanian baby rescued some years ago and adopted by well off English parents.

She went to an all girls school and so has lived here nearly all her life - it's only her sultry looks that hints towards her birthplace.

This is one of those 'What are you doing relationships' (:yikes:) I guess but she is very cute and young.

Resistance is futile :biggrin:

8th November 2014, 21:12
:icon_lol: Nothing amazes me Les, after finding out Gwapito was a union member, I take it you will not be posting about Romanians any more :cwm25:

8th November 2014, 23:04
I take it you will not be posting about Romanians any more
Well she is probably classed as English so it should not change things.
It probably won't last as the age gap is big but I'm enjoying her company :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th November 2014, 00:14
Well she is probably classed as English so it should not change things.

That sounds fair enough Les

9th November 2014, 00:43
That sounds fair enough Les

:icon_lol: Fair enough also for anyone who applied for British Citizenship :wink:

Arthur Little
9th November 2014, 01:35
Resistance is futile :biggrin:

Why resist? If I were in your shoes, I'd take things step by step and see where they eventually lead ... because, from what you've told us, she seems like a really nice person. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
9th November 2014, 07:16
Good luck to you both Les and don't worry about age gap!:appl::hugx::xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th November 2014, 08:01
This thread is useless without pics :biggrin:

9th November 2014, 08:05
I will see what I can do :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th November 2014, 08:31
Fill yer boots Les :icon_lol:

hope it works out good for you :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th November 2014, 09:20
As you don't have to pay the visa fees for her, you can send them to me. It will make you feel like the rest of us then.

9th November 2014, 09:49
Ha ha I can't really see it lasting as the age gap is too big really for us but I will be fun - for now, I will fill my boots.

My mate says I'm a jammy git :icon_lol:

9th November 2014, 11:39
Then why be in the relationship if you don't see it lasting? :Erm:

9th November 2014, 11:52
Maybe Les is enjoying the journey....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th November 2014, 12:30
Maybe Les is enjoying the journey....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Correct - it would be nice if it lasted but got to be realistic :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th November 2014, 14:03
How young is she? I hope you're not expecting the police to knock on the door :omg: :xxparty-smiley-004:

9th November 2014, 15:14
How young is she? I hope you're not expecting the police to knock on the door :omg: :xxparty-smiley-004:

Never mind the cops, its the Romanian Mafia he wants to be :xxparty-smiley-004: from :icon_lol: