View Full Version : Poste restante service

11th November 2014, 00:04
Hi, a quick (I hope!) question about the postal service in Manila, I have read so much stuff about it being problematic, stuff not being delivered for months, or never and so on, I wonder does the postal company offer a poste restante service in Manila, and is it just like their other services i.e. variable?

I do not want to send anything valuable, so that is not an issue, but would like to send paperwork to be collected, my fiance is a dual Filipina/American and does not have a permanent address.

So any ideas about this please?

Thanks in advance,

11th November 2014, 01:14
Lbc, Dhl

11th November 2014, 02:00
I'd agree with Steve, a courier service offers the safest route.

To answer your specific question though, I stand to be corrected in that quite a few of the Central Post Offices in Metro Manila (and other places too) have counters for Post Restante mail.

The items addressed to Post Restante are retained for one month.

The Central Post Office in Marikina has one for sure.

Search google for the address of the nearest convenient Central Post office to confirm they have a counter.

Personally, I wouldn't use that service for anything other than postcards or short non-urgent messages etc.

Certainly not for important papers, gift parcels etc

13th November 2014, 22:46
Thank you Terpe, a full and succinct answer, I had no intention of using it for other than letters/post cards.
Thank once again