View Full Version : What help can the British Government give to British National jailed in New Bilibid Prison?

charlene taylor
15th November 2014, 06:41
As I have been writing a blog for the past five years regarding our plight in a Philippine Jail...now Kevin and I are sentenced to 8-12 years. I will be transferred to the Correctional Institute for Women and Kevin at New Bilibid Prison. What help can the British Gov offer my husband, as I'll not be with him there?

charlene taylor
15th November 2014, 07:16
As I have been writing a blog for the past five years regarding our plight in a Philippine Jail...now Kevin and I are sentenced 8-12 years. I will be transferred to the Correctional Institute for Women and Kevin to New Bilibid Prison. What help can the British Government offer my husband, as I'll not be with him there?

Thanks to all who supported Kevin Taylor and I and those who followed my thread at 'British Detained' and those who joined the 'Help Kevin Taylor' group at yahoo....

We will be transferred this week...new life awaits for us especially a British National in Bilibid Prison :mad:

15th November 2014, 11:59
Charlene.. The British Government couldn't care less about its citizens at home never mind those that have found themselves in difficulty abroad..

Just look after yourself and Kevin in the same manner you have for the last 5 years.. Perhaps with a little help from good people in the Yahoo group from time to time it will help the time go a little quicker and perhaps just a little easier..

We in the group are thinking about you.
Chin up! You are on the final stretch now.

charlene taylor
21st November 2014, 03:46
Thanks Fred, but at the moment our transfers were suspended as two new inmates in Bilibid just died, and there was a riot at the moment....just keep praying for us

21st November 2014, 12:54
My guess is you,ll have lots of content for your up coming book. It will make interesting reading I,m sure.