View Full Version : Kitchen has flooded

16th November 2014, 13:57
Put the washer on then popped to the shops.

What a sight greeted me - floor awash and the washer was still working. PANIC!

Sinking dirty water full of white mesh bits on all the woollens ... :doh:doh:doh:doh

Managed to get everything out and tried to see what the problem was. The filter is full of this white mesh stuff -just like the little mesh bags you put your soap into - but we have never used them before.

Cleaned everything up and tried again. Still loads of this stuff coming out.
Again I cleaned it out and put it back together and thought this would be ok, so tried a quick rinse. Alas, no good this time, :anerikke: just clean water leaking from under the machine, not from the pipes or pump, but coming from somewhere around the drum.

Happy Xmas Ems, looks like you are having a new washing machine! :wink:

16th November 2014, 14:00
Oh well, it is Xmas

16th November 2014, 14:11
Make sure you put a big bow around it.....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th November 2014, 14:13
Make sure you put a big bow around it.....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I may sit on it naked and say two things for the price of one :biggrin:

Arthur Little
16th November 2014, 17:54
Oh dear, Steve :bigcry:... the things that happen to us men when we're left to fend for ourselves!!!

Michael Parnham
16th November 2014, 18:23
I may sit on it naked and say two things for the price of one :biggrin:


16th November 2014, 18:28
Glad Ems not here Arthur, she would have got the blame for it :mad:

16th November 2014, 19:08
I may sit on it naked and say two things for the price of one :biggrin:

Bold or Fairy :Erm:

16th November 2014, 20:03
Bold or Fairy :Erm:

Neither Simon, full head of hair and all man :biggrin: