View Full Version : Pardon Sgt Blackman

18th November 2014, 18:18
More than 100,000 call for pardon for Marine who shot Afghan fighter: Case could be discussed in Parliament after beating threshold for debate to be considered


A complete miscarriage of justice this brave man should be pardoned, given a medal and compensated. I've complained to the DM about describing the excrement he put out of his misery as an "Afghan Fighter" - he was a terrorist and illegal combatant

18th November 2014, 18:44
With you Dedworth 100% but a few on here disagree - get ready! :icon_lol:

18th November 2014, 20:45
With you Dedworth 100% but a few on here disagree - get ready! :icon_lol:

Hands are wringing right now :icon_lol:

19th November 2014, 21:20
More than 100,000 call for pardon for Marine who shot Afghan fighter: Case could be discussed in Parliament after beating threshold for debate to be considered

Out of 64,000,000 that err 0.001% could be bothered to sign it :cwm25:

19th November 2014, 23:19
100,000 is a lot of people :xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th November 2014, 23:33
100,000 is a lot of people :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Not out of 64M its not Les

Arthur Little
20th November 2014, 02:33
Pardon me :icon_rolleyes: for asking such a question ...

... but what would be the reaction here, had the "boot been on the other foot", the roles reversed ... and the Afghan had :NEW3: and killed a wounded Sgt Blackman?

20th November 2014, 03:41
In his country probably the same, that he took out an infidel-well done

This has been argued on here very passionately - I would say that it was a British serviceman taking out the enemy who apparently was badly wounded anyway - put him out of his misery. Let's be clear, the Taliban would have had no problem beheading the soldier if roles reversed.

This is a war scenario - take out the enemy or he will take out you.

20th November 2014, 05:25
Blackman told him: 'There you are. Shuffle off this mortal coil, you c***. It's nothing you wouldn't do to us.'

He then turned to comrades and said: 'Obviously this doesn't go anywhere, fellas. I just broke the Geneva Convention.'

Blackman, who was known as Marine A during legal proceedings, denied murder, saying he believed the victim was already dead and he was taking out his anger on a corpse.

:Erm: Now Les, why would he say that before firing into a dead body and he tells the others to keep quiet because he knows he's done wrong :cwm25:

What was the phrase they used for the Army, 'Join the Professionals' ?


Many think he let himself and the British Army down

20th November 2014, 08:50
Now Les, why would he say that before firing into a dead body

Now Joe, who said dead body?

I don't give a chuff - tables turned, British soldier would have been executed. It's a war, kill the enemy as, like I said before, if that guy had recovered (highly doubtful as the helicopter had shot him up) and then in 6 months time set up a roadside bomb and killed 5 of our boys that's a good outcome is it?

Anyway, they all want to meet the 72 virgins - speed it up for them and before they pop their clogs say you do know the 72 virgins are all blokes. Nah .... 'em - they are there to kill you so take 'em out by completely removing thread and threat in the future.

Big difference between POW in the past, where respect was shown and Geneva Convention followed.

Islamic extremists do not follow it so all bets off :xxgrinning--00xx3:

100,000 signatures-there will be thousands more who have just not signed.

Not seen a list of 100,000 who want him to remain in jail.

20th November 2014, 19:37
Now Joe, who said dead body?

I don't give a chuff - tables turned, British soldier would have been executed. It's a war, kill the enemy as, like I said before, if that guy had recovered (highly doubtful as the helicopter had shot him up) and then in 6 months time set up a roadside bomb and killed 5 of our boys that's a good outcome is it?

Anyway, they all want to meet the 72 virgins - speed it up for them and before they pop their clogs say you do know the 72 virgins are all blokes. Nah .... 'em - they are there to kill you so take 'em out by completely removing thread and threat in the future.

Big difference between POW in the past, where respect was shown and Geneva Convention followed.

He did

Blackman, who was known as Marine A during legal proceedings, denied murder, saying he believed the victim was already dead and he was taking out his anger on a corpse.

You mean by the Germans who you admire so much Les :cwm25:

Educate yourself a bit

Massacre in Ciepielów
Massacre of the Acqui Division
Le Paradis massacre - Les you should have a problem with this one
Malmedy massacre

And there are many more, committed by Americans, Germans, Japanese etc, but many by Germans

20th November 2014, 20:27
Great to know you support our Army and all who serve in it! :doh
War is war, my friend, and it's all dirty.

Don't see British soldiers going out into the street beheading Islamists do we though? :Erm:

Yes, I do admire the present day Germans. I would like to see a German-British-Scandanvian Alliance and stuff the rest of Europe - including the bloody ungrateful French.

As for educating myself, this comes from the 'king of copy and paste' man on the forum :icon_lol:

20th November 2014, 20:44
A gross miscarriage of justice along the lines of the farcical convictions and sentencing of Tony Martin and Private Lee Clegg

20th November 2014, 21:38
Here is a link to a book by the singer Bryan Adams showing wounded soldiers - very upsetting, don't look if easily shocked - poor buggers.


20th November 2014, 22:23
Great to know you support our Army and all who serve in it!:doh
War is war, my friend, and it's all dirty.

Don't see British soldier going out into the street beheading Islamists do we though? :Erm:

Yes, I do admire the present day Germans. I would like to see a German-British-Scanadanvian Alliance and stuff the rest of Europe - including the bloody ungrateful French.

As for educating myself, this comes from the 'king of copy and paste man' on the forum :icon_lol:

No problem supporting the British Army Les, you get bad apples everywhere. He was found guilty by his peers.

Wormhoudt massacre - Germans killing British and French POWs
Massacre in Zakroczym - Germans killing Polish POWs

I can't recall one where British troops killed POWs. Not something they did!

20th November 2014, 22:44
Yes, they did it in the Falklands apparently.