View Full Version : Taxi driver and three friends sentenced to a total of 68 years for gang rape

21st November 2014, 21:46
Filth :cwm23:

The usual suspects - Bradford 'Stanis

Taxi driver and three friends sentenced to a total of 68 years for gang rape of drunk woman passenger

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2844528/Taxi-driver-three-friends-sentenced-total-68-years-gang-rape-drunk-woman-passenger.html#ixzz3Jjp6Yi3N

Looks like the authorities stupidly gave one germ bail :mad:

21st November 2014, 22:12
Hate them :cwm23:

22nd November 2014, 06:30
Me too :cwm23: and still we let more pour into the country

22nd November 2014, 09:31
This may seem strange to those posting above, but if you search the news for rape convictions, they are nearly all white men :omg:


We need to send the white people 'home'. Hate them!!

22nd November 2014, 09:59
This may seem strange to those posting above, but if you search the news for rape convictions, they are nearly all white men :omg:


We need to send the white people 'home'. Hate them!!

:Erm: From the first page of your link Keith:-

6 White
5 Non white
1 Woman

Considering in England alone the white British makes up 79.8% of the demographic I not too convinced with your stats :Erm:

22nd November 2014, 10:00
10,786 prisoners are from overseas equal to 26 % of the prison population what does that tell you? Yes, even white foreigners should be deported. We have enough home-grown ones as it is, but our government is too damn soft to get rid of them.

22nd November 2014, 10:06
And it costs, on average, 34 grand per year, per prisoner, to keep them locked up. Work that out! How much the British tax payer is having to fork out keeping these undesirables in jail - it,s shocking!

22nd November 2014, 10:30
:Erm: From the first page of your link Keith:-

6 White
5 Non white
1 Woman

Considering in England alone the white British makes up 79.8% of the demographic I not too convinced with your stats :Erm:

Did you filter out the non-UK ones? Plus Google keeps changing the page :doh It was 38 white British males, 7 BRITISH non-whiteswhen I checked. First 50 results. Which is 82%, so about right.

22nd November 2014, 10:47
The Pakistanis are always in the news these days. If you take the make up of the population, they are clearly higher in proportion than your stats prove.

22nd November 2014, 10:47
And it costs, on average, 34 grand per year, per prisoner, to keep them locked up. Work that out! How much the British tax payer is having to fork out keeping these undesirables in jail - it,s shocking!

I have never believed these figures per prisoner, so I looked for a breakdown.

Direct Payroll


Non Pay




Direct Costs








Apportioned Costs

Property overheads


Regional costs


Public Prisons balance


Prisoner Escorts & Custody Service


HQ and Other Central costs


Apportioned / Allocated Costs


Overall Cost


Direct Payroll £18,075 :Erm:
Going by the wages I know they pay, that would be 1/2 a member of staff per prisoner, which is not right. As two screws usually look after a whole unit containing quite a few prisoners.

22nd November 2014, 10:50
The pakistanis are always in the news these days. If you take the make up of the population they are clearly higher in proportion than your stats prove.

Only because the media is focusing on that group and not the others. That is why I always say that a lot of people are blinkered with things like this, they listen to the media and so do not see the big picture.

If I remember correctly, Jimmy Saville was a white British male and beasted far more people than all of these Pakistani groups put together. Big picture.

22nd November 2014, 11:07
Nah, not buying into it. I see enough from the ones in my town. It's definitely on the increase as I believe their ....ed up religion does not help. They slag off white girls but can't wait to do 'em. Despicable ethics from a backward religion. I won't be pc on it any more. Won't be many years till there's a Christian Muslim war.

22nd November 2014, 11:30
Nah, not buying into it. I see enough from the ones in my town. It's definitely on the increase as I believe their ....ed up religion does not help. They slag off white girls but can't wait to do 'em. Despicable ethics from a backward religion. I won't be pc on it any more. Won't be many years till there's a Christian Muslim war.

You're spot on Les. Christians are getting set upon in many countries across the world and some countries don,t even tolerate Christians on their soil

22nd November 2014, 11:42
Just been on the news - didn't catch where - bus stopped, non- Muslims identified on bus and murdered.

22nd November 2014, 12:00
Just been on the news - didn't catch where - bus stopped non-Muslims identified on bus and murdered.


22nd November 2014, 12:12
Either white or Asian-Pakistanis who offend in this way, should have their testicles and offensive weapon removed; and 17 years each is not enough :cwm23:

22nd November 2014, 12:14
Did you filter out the non-UK ones? Plus Google keeps changing the page :doh It was 38 white British males, 7 BRITISH non-whiteswhen I checked. First 50 results. Which is 82%, so about right.

Nope, just followed the link you provided, and just double checked again. First page, 10 results:-

1. John Ferrier...... white British
2. Tamseel Virk and 3 other non whites
3. Gary Reader......WB
4. Mark Mulligan.....WB jailed of harassment, not rape
5. Same as 3
6. Aliyah Weekes and her brother Lacquan Weekes.......... NW
7. Gavin Jones.....WB
8. Edward Moir.....WB
9. Adrian Watts......WB
10. Charanjit.......NW

So, that's 5 White British jailed for rape and 1 for harassment and a total of 7 NW if you include the woman and her brother :smile:

22nd November 2014, 13:09
Only because the media is focusing on that group and not the others. That is why I always say that a lot of people are blinkered with things like this, they listen to the media and so do not see the big picture.

If I remember correctly, Jimmy Saville was a white British male and beasted far more people than all of these Pakistani groups put together. Big picture.

I must find the time to check out the predominant ethnicity of grooming gangs from Northern England :wink:

22nd November 2014, 16:42
Nope, just followed the link you provided, and just double checked again. First page, 10 results:-

1. John Ferrier...... white British
2. Tamseel Virk and 3 other non whites
3. Gary Reader......WB
4. Mark Mulligan.....WB jailed of harassment, not rape
5. Same as 3
6. Aliyah Weekes and her brother Lacquan Weekes.......... NW
7. Gavin Jones.....WB
8. Edward Moir.....WB
9. Adrian Watts......WB
10. Charanjit.......NW

So, that's 5 White British jailed for rape and 1 for harassment and a total of 7 NW if you include the woman and her brother :smile:

As I said, Google gives different results to different people. I don't get those results.