View Full Version : Settlement Visa Requirements

24th November 2014, 13:35
Hi all,

Just need help with this. The current requirement is £18,600 for settlement visa. My husband doesn't earn this much so I was thinking to ask help from my parents. Would you think the UK Embassy will allow a joint account from me and my dad as additional savings so we can meet the settlement visa requirements? Or will this totally not be allowed.

Thank you for information and answers in advance.

24th November 2014, 13:41
As per UKVI rules, if your husband is the sponsor, he should reach the financial requirement of £18,600/annum. It is one way to show that he can support your stay in the UK.

24th November 2014, 16:42
Sorry to say that third party help for meeting the financial requirement is not allowed.

It must be solely the sponsor.

25th November 2014, 12:08
A way forward might be for your husband to take on some part time work to make up the shortfall in his income.

29th November 2014, 14:15
Another question if I apply for student visa so I can go to UK to follow my husband would you think I'll be disapproved or not? My problem is my family can actually support me compared to current salary of my husband. So I was thinking I can have a joint account with my dad to support my school fees and accommodation and I have online work that I can bring with me when I go to UK so what you think guys will I be disapproved or not by the Embassy? Thank you so much in advance.

30th November 2014, 15:08
Nice idea that many have thought about.
Technically it's assessed as deception and trying to circumvent immigration rules.

The best outcome scenario would be refusal for applying incorrect visa.

You'd still need to apply under current settlement rules at some point.

Have you considered being together under EU regulations ?
If your husband could secure some employment in another EU country such as Ireland, France or Germany etc you could join him under EU regulations.
If you live there for some time you could eventually join him as he returned to UK (if you both wanted to) under the EEA family permit rules.
There's no financial rules to meet and the costs of visa is minimal

Try making a search under family permit , EEA route or Surinder Singh.

Food for thought and perfectly legal.

4th December 2014, 10:23
Thank you for great reply guys. So informative have a nice day.