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29th November 2014, 22:25
Hi, I'm Steve from Shropshire.
I'm new to Filipino issues having only just been to Davao for first time. I met a lovely girl called Ruby who I have been in contact with for a year since I met in Japan.
There are some issues which I could do with advice about please.

I have my own house, boat and car and am fully employed...
What are the conditions for immigration if I marry her in a year?
How much money would be enough to show immigration?
Do Filipinos like living in U K?
Is it easy for them to find work?
What is ring size four in Phillipines to English sized rings?
Would 150000 pounds keep me in Davao with my wife to be and daughter?
Thanks Steve

29th November 2014, 23:24
full financial requirement rules are here https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/371437/AnnexFM_Section_FM_1_7_Financial_Requirement.pdf

basically if your employed and earn more than £18,600

30th November 2014, 00:12
Hi, I'm Steve from Shropshire.
I'm new to Filipino issues having only just been to Davao for first time. I met a lovely girl called Ruby who I have been in contact with for a year since I met in Japan.
There are some issues which I could do with advice about please.

I have my own house, boat and car and am fully employed...
What are the conditions for immigration if I marry her in a year?
How much money would be enough to show immigration?
Do Filipinos like living in U K?
Is it easy for them to find work?
What is ring size four in Phillipines to English sized rings?
Would 150000 pounds keep me in Davao with my wife to be and daughter?
Thanks Steve

Hi Conrad,

First, welcome to the forum. :)

As has been said if you earn over 18,500 GBP then you meet the requirement, as your soon to be wife has a daughter already I think that amount increases to around 24,000 GBP per year if you have dependents. If you earn below this amount then you have to show a certain level of savings to make up for the shortfall in salary.

Do Filipinos like living in the UK? That's an expansive question with just as many expansive possible answers, what one person likes, another may not. I would say though that my wife likes it here although as I'm sure you will know, there is no place like home for anyone.

Is it easy for them to find work? Again it depends on what she's looking for and what her qualifications are, the best bet is to have her sign up with an agency when she arrives and has her N.I number. (I would focus on your visa first though is this is waaaayyyy down the line).

Would 150,000 be enough to keep you in Davao? I have no idea, it depends on your living style, and how you spend your money. Are you expected to help out with "family problems", I'm not saying she's going to take you for a ride with your money, I'm just saying be careful.

Best of luck though!

30th November 2014, 01:37
Hello Steve, welcome aboard Filipino UK :welcomex:

You are just starting out on your journey together.

It may anything between challenging or plain sailing depending on your own personal circumstances and aspirations.

Almost everyone here has a story to tell and experiences to share.
You'll find a great resource and a willing support group here in the forum.

Do your research. Browse the forum and use the search facility.
Ask any specific questions you need clarification on.

As a first step in reviewing the forms and documentation take a look at the UKVI webpage - Apply to join family living permanently in the UK (https://www.gov.uk/join-family-in-uk)

Take a look at the application form details here - Application for UK visa for family settlement: form VAF4A (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/application-for-uk-visa-for-family-settlement-form-vaf4a ) then ask any specific questions.

Each applicant needs to complete the form.

If you haven't already searched here in the forum look here to get some additional background info - How to apply for a spouse visa (http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/39740-All-New-Guide-How-to-apply-for-a-Spouse-Partner-Visa )

Michael Parnham
30th November 2014, 08:08
A very warm welcome to the Forum Steve, I'm sure you'll find all your answers here, good luck!:xxgrinning--00xx3: