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4th December 2014, 14:54
Chilling CCTV footage shows jilted lover stalking his ex-fiancee and her new boyfriend moments before he slashed their throats because she had 'dishonoured him' by escaping forced marriage

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2860416/Chilling-CCTV-footage-shows-jilted-lover-stalking-ex-fiancee-new-boyfriend-moments-slashed-throats-escaped-forced-marriage.html#ixzz3Kw8zOFTc

Yet another reason for bringing back the rope, the taxpayer foots the bill for keeping filth like this in jail


4th December 2014, 16:03
Terrible story. It seems the girl's entire family turned against her as well. Reading between the lines, perhaps one or two of them should be doing time as well. Shame on them :cwm23:

4th December 2014, 18:22
It's their culture - with such sick cultures as these - they should be illegal, and the people who believe in this way of life and practice it in UK be deported :cwm23: