View Full Version : Appeal Process

5th December 2014, 08:01
Hello everybody, my visa was refused last August and it's on appeal right now. Today, I've got an email from the British Embassy in Taguig City. They told me to submit my original passport thru carrier. My question is, is it good news or is it only part of the appeal process? Thanks in advance

Michael Parnham
5th December 2014, 09:17
They may want to issue your visa and they can't do it without your passport! :Erm:

5th December 2014, 09:55
I hope you're right, it will be the best Christmas gift for me and for my wife

5th December 2014, 10:05
Can never be 100% sure, but it's possible the Entry clearance manager has overturned the refusal

Good luck :xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th December 2014, 16:43
Cross fingers

Arthur Little
5th December 2014, 19:57
Cross fingers

Jo' ... as your namesake rightly says, you can rarely be one hundred percent sure, but I would also like to take this opportunity to wish you the very best of luck. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th December 2014, 21:28
Jo' ... as your namesake rightly says, you can rarely be one hundred percent sure, but I would also like to take this opportunity to wish you the very best of luck. :xxgrinning--00xx3:


but it's possible the Entry clearance manager has overturned the refusal

More like probable than possible :wink:

5th December 2014, 21:43
Sounds like good news to me. Fingers crossed :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th December 2014, 05:06
Thanks guys for all the replies. I'll let you know what will happen in couple of weeks

Arthur Little
6th December 2014, 13:37
.......Thanks guys

for all the replies.

..................... :yeahthat: rhymes beautifully ... seems " you're a poet - but didn't know it -

- until now! :wink:

22nd December 2014, 12:19
Finally after three months of appeal, ECM overtuned the decision. Got my visa today, the best Christmas gift I ever had. To God be the glory

22nd December 2014, 13:25
Finally after three months of appeal, ECM overtuned the decisio. Got my visa today, the best christmas gift i ever had. To God be the glory

:Jump: Congratulations!

22nd December 2014, 15:50

And a very happy Christmas.

22nd December 2014, 16:07
Finally after three months of appeal, ECM overtuned the decisio. Got my visa today, the best christmas gift i ever had. To God be the glory

So very pleased for you both.
Your prayers were answered :Jump:

22nd December 2014, 18:47
Finally, after 3 months of appeal the ECM overtuned the decisio. Got my visa today. To God be the glory

:xxgrinning--00xx3: Great news, but :cwm23: for making you appeal :NoNo:

22nd December 2014, 18:51
Finally after three months of appeal, ECM overtuned the decisio. Got my visa today, the best christmas gift i ever had. To God be the glory

:xxgrinning--00xx3: Lovely Christmas present. Congratulations :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd December 2014, 05:19
Thanks to all of you, Merry Xmas!

23rd December 2014, 19:43
Congratulations. Happy New Year ! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
23rd December 2014, 20:21
Finally after three months of appeal, ECM overtuned the decision. Got my visa today, the best Christmas gift I ever had. To God be the glory

Congratulations ... I'd a feeling there would be a :BouncyHappy: outcome after reading about the Embassy asking for your original passport and I'm delighted my optimism has since been justified. Merry Christmas! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:xxgrinning--00xx3: Great news, but :cwm23: for making you appeal :NoNo:

Again ... :iagree: with Joe!

28th January 2015, 21:40
Hi everybody, I'm already here in the UK. Thanks to all of you, this forum helped me a lot during my application process and appeal process. God bless you all!

28th January 2015, 22:23

29th January 2015, 13:13
Hi everybody, I'm already here in the UK. Thanks to all of you, this forum helped me a lot during my application process and appeal process. God bless you all!


29th January 2015, 13:59
Hi everybody, I'm already here in the UK. Thanks to all of you, this forum helped me a lot during my application process and appeal process. God bless you all!

Enjoy your new life over there in UK :Jump:
Expect significant differences. Do whatever you can to keep busy and minimise potential homesick feelings.
I'd suggest reviewing and securing a passing certificate for life in UK before you get tied up with any new employment.
Also, if you don't have B1 level English test then consider that too.

There are plenty of forum threads on other important things to set up during your first few weeks in UK. Please take time to search for them and review.

13th February 2015, 12:21
Finally after three months of appeal, ECM overtuned the decision. Got my visa today, the best Christmas gift I ever had. To God be the glory

Wow! Congratulations on this news! I may be late but still wishing you all the very best! I have a friend in Manila who is also in the process of appealing for her fiancee visa. Her visa application was refused a few months ago. Will be 6 months in April. She is expecting a positive result in April, so your news brings hope! Thanks for sharing :biggrin: Some people say that it rarely happens that a refusal is overturned.

Arthur Little
13th February 2015, 22:34
Some people say that it rarely happens that a refusal is overturned.

Tbh ... :anerikke: ... I think these people are being a bit unnecessarily pessimistic :icon_rolleyes: ... because - based on what I've read throughout more than 6 years as a member here - the majority of appellants have consistently had their previous refusals overturned.

Arthur Little
13th February 2015, 23:50
Tbh ... :anerikke: ... I think these people are being a bit unnecessarily pessimistic :icon_rolleyes: ... because - based on what I've read throughout more than 6 years as a member here - the majority of appellants have consistently had their previous refusals overturned.

IMO ... the reason why this often turns out to be the case, is primarily because initially *unsuccessful applicants who go to such lengths - coupled with the not inconsiderable added expense involved (appeals are no longer free, plus they can take anything up to 6 months or more to be heard) - in challenging an Entry Clearance Officer's earlier decision, do so due to *their commitment to the belief that an error (or errors) of judgement has/have been made by the ECO who examined their original application. And frequently their patience is rewarded following a thorough re~evaluation of applicants' personal circumstances by an Entry Clearance Manager trained to take account of each contingency on its individual merits. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th February 2015, 12:04
Tbh ... :anerikke: ... I think these people are being a bit unnecessarily pessimistic :icon_rolleyes: ... because - based on what I've read throughout more than 6 years as a member here - the majority of appellants have consistently had their previous refusals overturned.

That is a positive thing, Arthur Little. Thank you for saying. :smile:

16th February 2015, 12:06
IMO ... the reason why this often turns out to be the case, is primarily because initially *unsuccessful applicants who go to such lengths - coupled with the not inconsiderable added expense involved (appeals are no longer free, plus they can take anything up to 6 months or more to be heard) - in challenging an Entry Clearance Officer's earlier decision, do so due to *their commitment to the belief that an error (or errors) of judgement has/have been made by the ECO who examined their original application. And frequently their patience is rewarded following a thorough re~evaluation of applicants' personal circumstances by an Entry Clearance Manager trained to take account of each contingency on its individual merits. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Hopefully, it will be a positive news that we will hear from my friend in April.