View Full Version : Visa application - chat history - what to submit?

21st December 2014, 20:56
Hey gang,

Levin will be submitting her visa application for the spouse visa after we get married in January next year.

I have looked at our chat history and it's literally thousands of lines long, in Skype/facebook/whatsapp/viber etc.

Do we only need to submit a couple of months of chat, or would be best to print and submit it all?

It's a shame we can't submit it on a CD-R or something, but I remember reading somewhere it must be a hard copy.

Any advice on this would be great.


21st December 2014, 21:10
I wouldn't submit it all. Not if it's going to be inches thick! :wink:

Submit sections spread over the period of your relationship; you need to prove your relationship is genuine.

How far back do your logs go ?

21st December 2014, 21:47
I wouldn't submit it all. Not if it's going to be inches thick! :wink:

Submit sections spread over the period of your relationship; you need to prove your relationship is genuine.

How far back do your logs go ?


21st December 2014, 21:48
I wouldn't submit it all. Not if it's going to be inches thick! :wink:

Submit sections spread over the period of your relationship; you need to prove your relationship is genuine.

How far back do your logs go ?

That's a good idea, will just take the history at various intervals.

Myself and Levin have been together since April 2013.

Thanks Joe

21st December 2014, 21:56
What I would do, would be a few pages for each month from April 2013 with pastes from the different logs. That should be about 20 months * 3 pages = 60 pages - should be more than enough.

Have you also got Airline stubs, Hotel receipts, Photos of you both etc?

8th January 2015, 02:08
You can submit a few screen captures of your conversations for each month since you started talking. You can even make it small to save you submitting thick papers. Lol, they don't mind. Just make sure to highlight the dates and that it's still readable. They just want to make sure there is constant communication between the the two of you. And don't forget to add pictures, Airline tickets, Hotel receipts - and even Greetings cards :)

8th January 2015, 22:49
It used to be easier before the internet...one letter a month. :cwm3:

11th January 2015, 14:50
What we did was to take a few screen shots with the date each month, also I printed the log of chat duaration hours for each month ( about 4-5 pages) also western union receipts and any any post mail or cards I scanned inas well. Our data went over 2 years. For the rest we added photos of holidays together, and pics of land marks like the airport, scans of tickets and hotels etc also any letters of approval from her parents etc :smile:

11th January 2015, 15:23
So you didn't send originals of things like plane tickets and cards and that was ok?

13th January 2015, 00:52
As stated in the requirements, they need original and photocopy of each document. It was actually pointless copying greeting cards, tickets and pictures as they would know it's genuine once they see them (isnt it? :doh lol) they would only be just additions to the loads of papers needed to be submitted. So my husband emailed them and asked just to be sure. and they advised us to submit a copy of each coz that's what was stated with the "requirements" :thumbsdown: (I applied for a Spouse Visa back then) and advised all originals will surely be returned. As far as I can remember, I think they returned to me both copies and originals of all of what we'd submitted except from the copies of important documents like (Marriage Contract, Birth Cert. my husband's papers etc.) and important forms.

23rd January 2015, 17:23
So you didn't send originals of things like plane tickets and cards and that was ok?

Hi Yes we sent all original but we copied them all for back ups just in case they were lost by the visa centre ( we didnt want to risk it ) They will give them all back later. :smile:

24th January 2015, 11:28
Always thought better to send too much than too little.

I just copied chat logs into a printable format, and cut down so it just showed the date stamp for every other day, highlighted that and put them all together. It was still a number of pages long.

Oh and, well, if you've been missing each other and chatted about things that might be "personal", you know exactly what I mean, well you might want to cut that out!