View Full Version : I hope this isn't a forum member... :(

3rd January 2015, 01:47
Poor guy. :(
Former Stroud man dies trying to rescue 10-year-old boy and pet dog from river in Philippines


3rd January 2015, 02:17
Tragic !

Michael Parnham
3rd January 2015, 07:57
Brave man, tragic loss, I'm sure there is a lesson to be learned here!

3rd January 2015, 08:30
Brave man, tragic loss, I'm sure there is a lesson to be learned here!

:NoNo: I think many of us wouldn't have thought twice and done the same as him thou :cwm24:

3rd January 2015, 09:37
:NoNo: I think many of us wouldn't have thought twice and done the same as him thou :cwm24:

No other choice......it'd be instinctive for most

3rd January 2015, 13:34
We live within 15mins of the Balanac river and I hadn't heard about this tragic accident. Don't think he lived locally or someone would have mentioned it to me.
Since the beginning of December it has rained every day, so the rivers are flowing faster than normal and even a strong swimmer would struggle with the current.

3rd January 2015, 14:03
I think tragic for all concerned for sure, member or not.

But to jump into a swollen river for me even under such circumstances would be my last option. I know a lot of us think fast and on our feet, but a swollen brown swirling river is just asking for trouble. It's very sad.

Arthur Little
3rd January 2015, 14:23
Having just had a quick trawl through our archives, I cannot find anything to suggest this unfortunate man was ever registered with us. :NoNo: But, of course, it doesn't make what happened any the less tragic ... and I'm sure the heartfelt thoughts of all members who've read the article go out to his grieving family.

4th January 2015, 14:57
British man drowned after being swept away by river current in the Philippines as he tried to save his girlfriend's son and their dog

Bit more info here .....:NoNo:
