View Full Version : Bloated, Lardy Parasites

5th January 2015, 23:08
The benefits couple who are too FAT to work: Newlyweds who weigh 54 stone between them claim £2,000 a month – and they say it's the Government's fault

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2897024/Couple-weigh-54-stone-claim-2-000-month-benefits-fat-work-use-pay-3-000-dream-wedding.html#ixzz3NzGsZyLg

Sickening lumps of blubber - cut the benefits to zero and give them bread & water :mad:

6th January 2015, 00:11
I was going to watch, but it makes me feel ill looking at them, to be honest. :NoNo:

6th January 2015, 00:16
Its the government's fault... :furious3:

They must be waiting for Mili-band to come into power and give them a gastric band

It's time to make these types of people work - why should the taxpayer cough up for them? Just like those idiots that get plastered every week and then go to A&E..

Michael Parnham
6th January 2015, 08:16
Its the government's fault... :furious3:

They must be waiting for Mili-band to come into power and give them a gastric band

It's time to make these types of people work - why should the taxpayer cough up for them? Just like those idiots that get plastered every week and then go to A&E..

All self-inflicted illnesses should be paid for! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th January 2015, 08:59
All self inflicted-illnesses should be paid for!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

What would you describe as self inflicted illness?! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th January 2015, 09:41
Actually, this story is nowhere near as bad as it seems. The guy has worked all of his life, until a few years ago, so has paid thousands in tax & NI, unlike other scroungers who have never worked.

All self inflicted illnesses should be paid for

Drunks? Smokers? People who don't exercise? Eating disorders? Accidents when driving fast/without due care? The list is a very long one.

6th January 2015, 11:37
....... disgusting couple - they typify everything I hate in scroungers. They were able to save £3000 for a wedding. Bloody hell unbelievable! :censored:

No sympathy at all from me,the guy will already have taken more out of the system than he ever put in.

They have Sky, internet, kebabs for dinner - what a shower of ....!

I would give them a basic food package every week and as they lose weight get them to get jobs.

If they refuse, I would kick 'em out and make them homeless - they would soon lose weight then.

Typical of today's spongers - it's always everyone else's fault :cwm23:

6th January 2015, 12:00
At my heaviest I was 22 stone but I would never consider myself too heavy to work and I would never blame my weight on anyone else. I am happy to say I am not that anymore and although I understand how easy it is to become overweight/obese it is not an excuse for anything in my mind. I agree with Keith at least the guy has contributed in the past but it is still disgusting that he won't work now.

6th January 2015, 12:04
Just get them to sign on every day at a post office which is at least a mile away, which they have to walk to :Erm:

6th January 2015, 12:18
Just get them to sign on every day at a post office which is at least a mile away, which they have to walk to :Erm:

= Taxpayer Funded Funeral :biggrin:

Michael Parnham
6th January 2015, 12:33
....... disgusting couple - they typify everything I hate in scroungers. They were able to save £3000 for a wedding. Bloody hell, unbelievable! :censored:

No sympathy at all from me, the guy will already have taken more out of the system than he ever put in.

They have Sky, internet, kebabs for dinner. What a shower of ....!

I would give them a basic food package every week and as they lose weight get them to get jobs.

If they refuse, I would kick 'em out and make them homeless - they would soon lose weight then.

Typical of today's spongers - it's always everyone else's fault :cwm23:

I agree Les! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
6th January 2015, 12:34
Drunks? Smokers? People who don't exercise? Eating disorders? Accidents when driving fast/without due care? The list is a very long one.

Exactly! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th January 2015, 13:14
Like my favourite comedian Ricky Gervais said - being fat is not an illness - it's a lifestyle no one makes you fat except yourself.

6th January 2015, 14:24
I agree with Keith at least the guy has contributed in the past but it is still disgusting that he won't work now.

People should research before commenting in public. This guy has been for job interviews recently, one of them told him he was too fat to work. So, he is currently trying to lose weight.

There is no defence for the woman though, but we still live in a world where the man is still expected to earn the money.

6th January 2015, 14:51
He won't lose the weight, he has to attend interviews to get his benefits.

6th January 2015, 15:44
I wouldn't comment if I hadn't read it. It doesn't say how many interviews he has been to and it is only him saying they wouldn't employ him because he was too heavy. There is no evidence to show that is the truth (I will admit I didn't watch the documentary so maybe there was some more detail in that about it?), some fat people are guilty of believing if things don't go their way they are being discriminated against because of their weight. This is true of many other things as well, weight, age, nationality, disabilities etc, etc. I wish him luck in his weight loss efforts but as you also said Keith, what is the wife's excuse?

6th January 2015, 16:21
Seems like every whiny whinging oddball, deviant, lazy idle :censored: and his dog is being 'discriminated' against these days....especially if there is the possibility of a cheque coming in the post, or some other reward for being a pain in the butt to everyone else in 'normal' society. :NoNo:

6th January 2015, 17:08
You got it Graham :smile:

6th January 2015, 17:31
Seems like every whiny whinging oddball, deviant, lazy idle :censored: and his dog is being 'discriminated' against these days....especially if there is the possibility of a cheque coming in the post, or some other reward for being a pain in the butt to everyone else in 'normal' society. :NoNo:

You've hit the nail on the head Graham :xxgrinning--00xx3: Labour voters every one of them

Michael Parnham
6th January 2015, 19:02
You've hit the nail on the head Graham :xxgrinning--00xx3: Labour voters every one of them

So true! :xxgrinning--00xx3: