View Full Version : Terrorist attack Paris 12 Dead

Harry T
7th January 2015, 14:02
There has been a terrorist attack on a newspaper in Paris within the last hour. 12 people have been killed! There is an ongoing situation, as the attackers are on the run in Paris.

7th January 2015, 14:50
Too angry at the moment to comment.


Michael Parnham
7th January 2015, 16:08
Muslim attack, it's not murder in my eyes, it's war! :cwm23:

7th January 2015, 16:34
The French know how to deal with these vermin

7th January 2015, 16:55
It is still a very small minority of Muslims that taint their religion in the eyes on Christian people and all other religions across the globe.

You will always upset someone by talking about any religion, but terrorist attacks are the lowest form of protest in any culture.

7th January 2015, 17:20
Trouble is the rest of 'their' religion are too terrified to stand up to them and remain silent. What does that say?

(By this I mean the average Dewsbury taxi driver or Birmingham Kebab shop owner, not someone under Saddam or Saud).

Michael Parnham
7th January 2015, 19:08
Trouble is the rest of 'their' religion are too terrified to stand up to them and remain silent. What does that say?

(By this I mean the average Dewsbury taxi driver or Birmingham Kebab shop owner, not someone under Saddam or Saud).

It's the decent Muslims that could bring an end to all the conflict if they did stand up against all the Muslim terrorists, because they are the ones who know who they are! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th January 2015, 19:29
It's the decent Muslims that could bring an end to all the conflict if they did stand up against all the Muslim terrorists, because they are the one's who know who they are! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Yes, true Michael but they won't - which says everything :cwm23:

Arthur Little
7th January 2015, 19:51
It is still a very small minority of Muslims that taint their religion in the eyes on Christian people and all other religions across the globe.

You will always upset someone by talking about any religion, but terrorist attacks are the lowest form of protest in any culture.

Yes. Terrorism is an act (or a series of acts) of the utmost cowardice, whoever - or whatever creed/faction - is responsible! Consequently its perpetrators are, without doubt ... the lowest :thumbsdown: form of humanity.

7th January 2015, 20:43
Just seen the footage - barbaric .......s. It's never going to end, so - since the so-called moderate community will do nothing as usual - maybe we should take steps to get rid of this religion from the western world. How long before we get another Lee Rigby, London bombing, 9/11, 120 schoolchildren murdered?

If this was any new religion starting up today, it would be banned!

Time to ban mosques, burkas, etc, and if they don't like it .... off! :cwm23:
If this is considered racist, I don't care but I don't go around blowing Muslims to bits!

Harry T
7th January 2015, 22:01
Here is a link to a video of part of what happened today in Paris, warning you may find part of the Video distasteful.


These people are nothing but Cowardly Scum, they dont even have the .......s to show there faces, killing innocent people going about there daily business.

In the name of what have they done this Cowardly crime ? Dont tell me its under the guise of religion, more likely its for an ideaology that few people believe in, much less support.

Im afraid its time for the softly softly approach to come to an end, the gloves have to come off, and these Human rights do Gooders have to face up to the fact that they are partly responsible for these kinds of actions.

In my opinion the ordinary working guys have to stand up and say enough is enough, that is the only way Politicians will take notice.

The latest news coming from France is that there are some reports, there is a chase going on around the city of Reims in whats known as the champagne region of France aprox 80 miles east north east of Paris. Lets hope the Cowards who perptuated this Terrorist attack can be brought to justice.

7th January 2015, 23:09
Just seen on Sky News that the gunmen have been identified by Police ...... two Algerian brothers in their 30s who moved later to Paris - Said Kouachi & Cherif Kouachi and also an 18 year old "man" Hamyd Mourad. The manhunt is still continuing and tomorrow will be a national day of mourning in France.

God bless all those who lost their lives today and their poor devastated families. Such a terrible barbaric act ..............

8th January 2015, 02:16
Seventy-eight percent support punishment for the people who earlier this year published cartoons featuring the Prophet Mohammed. Sixty-eight percent support the arrest and prosecution of those British people who "insult Islam." When asked if free speech should be protected, even if it offends religious groups, 62 percent of British Muslims say No, it should not.

Quite clearly we are different and are destined never to live in harmony. According to these figures 62% of this lot would have put Dave Allan in Jail. :NoNo:

Harry T
8th January 2015, 09:16
It is being reported, that the policeman who was Cowardly Murdered while he lay injured, was in fact a Muslim himself, so in fact these cowards Killed one of their own. Let's hope this may help others to give information leading to their apprehension.

8th January 2015, 13:19
Well one of them has surrendered. Let's hope the French special forces avoid the need for an expensive trial for the other 2 :NEW4:

8th January 2015, 17:53
I hope the creature who put his hands up is now being waterboarded

8th January 2015, 18:56
I hope the creature who put his hands up is now being waterboarded

I would happily do it! :cwm23:

8th January 2015, 19:31
http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q253/lestaxi1/156029_575696805895304_9100672889800609958_n.jpg (http://s138.photobucket.com/user/lestaxi1/media/156029_575696805895304_9100672889800609958_n.jpg.html)

Harry T
9th January 2015, 14:41
The Two brothers have been cornered in a small Town just outside of Paris, but have a hostage.

But there has been another Killing and a Hostage situation in Paris, and they are believed to be connected.

9th January 2015, 16:57
Looks like they've just taken out the murdering scum in the factory. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th January 2015, 17:56
Vive La France

That's how you deal with scum :appl::appl::NEW4::NEW4:

Arthur Little
9th January 2015, 20:15
:Blacklistnonono: ... heads should roll ~ shame France ever abolished the guillotine! :behead:

9th January 2015, 20:46
Just like our limp~wristed Governments the French allow vermin who despise us, our standards and way of life to reside in our countries :mad:

A Fifth Column Trojan Horse to be sure

9th January 2015, 21:01
Yep, too right Dedworth - let's see if the French Muslims go on a march saying not in the name of our religion - somehow I think it won't happen. :cwm23:

9th January 2015, 21:08
Yep too right Dedworth - let's see if the French Muslims go on a march saying not in the name of our religion - somehow I think it won't happen. :cwm23:

The poppy burners and their friends wouldn't last 2 minutes on the streets of France. Squeaky bum time for the rabble in Calais ?

9th January 2015, 22:59
Well all this pushes me further to the right and I'm not bothered what people think about that. These attacks will carry on and on - something needs to be done! :cwm23:

Harry T
10th January 2015, 01:40
I think its called self preservation Les, and like you, I don't care what people think, Oh for Enoch to be around now.

He foresaw all this happening, but the establishment thought he was crazy. We can look back now and ask, which of us was crazy? It certainly wasn't Enoch Powell!

10th January 2015, 02:55
Anonymous declares 'war' on jihadists in retaliation for Paris massacre


I`m sure the Jihadists are shaking in their sandals.
Every little helps I suppose.

10th January 2015, 12:10
Head on view of the supermarket attack. Police definitely made sure he was dead.:smile:


11th January 2015, 18:34
Head on view of the supermarket attack. Police definitely made sure he was dead.:smile:


Impressive :xxgrinning--00xx3: