View Full Version : It's cartoon day!

14th January 2015, 11:36
Looking forward to seeing the cartoon! I would happily pay for a copy if they were sold here. I would like to see it displayed on every billboard in UK.

14th January 2015, 11:47
I agree.

Totally ridiculous that the whole world is expected to humour this stone-age religion over this nonsense.

Half of the world have progressed into the 21st century. The other half are still prepared to kill innocent people over some pedo from 1,000 years ago. :NoNo:

14th January 2015, 11:53
Where are the 'human rights' people and other hand-wringers on this one too ?


14th January 2015, 11:56
I'm in two camps here.

1. Free speech is important and I am against anything which inhibits people (within reason)

2. Pushing a bit too far which I think Charlie Hebdo has done. It is clear some Muslims are VERY offended by this kind of thing. It is not preventing free speech, it is being considerate to the views of others. Imagine a cartoon of Jesus and the Queen in a very rude situation. That wouldn't go down well with many. Imagine a cartoon insulting the Jewish faith badly?

Of course people should not react by shooting the artists/publishers but we need to rise above this and understand why they feel so strongly that they would think of doing this. I was listening to Jeremy Vine yesterday while driving to London and they had a very interesting discussion on this topic. One guy explained that the Prophet Muhamed was more important to him and he loved him more than his mother and his children.

In my opinion we should understand and not aggravate each other. Live together and stop being silly (from both sides).

14th January 2015, 12:07
No, disagree strongly. These thickos need educating that it's a load of .......s. Good on the French for standing up and being counted.

14th January 2015, 12:17
Well we're allowed to disagree :smile:

Sometimes being right for the sake of being right is not the best thing to do. It's a bit like agreeing with your other half even when you want to argue/know you're right, you do it because it is the best thing for a good life together.

Yes, we absolutely need to fix this issue with 'these thickos' but at the same time let's prevent people being killed unnecessarily. Those people in the Jewish supermarket, the two French Police etc. did not deserve to die because of a decision by the magazine editor. Neither did his staff.

14th January 2015, 12:20
Here is a link to some of the cartoons:


14th January 2015, 12:26
No, it was a decision by murderers not a cartoonist. So by your theory I can wipe out the poppy burners and blame them for insulting me then!

14th January 2015, 12:36
No it was a decision by murderers not a cartoonist. So by your theory I can wipe out the poppy burners and blame them for insulting me then!

Exactly. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

This isn't a relationship with a wife or neighbour we're talking about here either.

It's about gangs of armed criminal psychopaths.

14th January 2015, 13:49
1 million copies went on sale today. SOLD OUT! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th January 2015, 14:09
Viva La France!

14th January 2015, 14:32
5 million copies printed so far :xxgrinning--00xx3:.

Wish they would sell it over here, I would be at the front of the queue.

Sky News just said they're selling for £700 on ebay, :yikes:!

14th January 2015, 14:44
More lunacy from the Stone Ages....:NoNo:


14th January 2015, 14:54
I'm in two camps here.

1. Free speech is important and I am against anything which inhibits people (within reason)

2. Pushing a bit too far which I think Charlie Hebdo has done. It is clear some Muslims are VERY offended by this kind of thing. It is not preventing free speech, it is being considerate to the views of others. Imagine a cartoon of Jesus and the Queen in a very rude situation. That wouldn't go down well with many. Imagine a cartoon insulting the Jewish faith badly?

Of course people should not react by shooting the artists/publishers but we need to rise above this and understand why they feel so strongly that they would think of doing this. I was listening to Jeremy Vine yesterday while driving to London and they had a very interesting discussion on this topic. One guy explained that the Prophet Muhamed was more important to him and he loved him more than his mother and his children.

In my opinion we should understand and not aggravate each other. Live together and stop being silly (from both sides).

Monty Python, The Life of Brian :Erm:

14th January 2015, 17:01
Monty Python, The Life of Brian :Erm:

Oh yeah... :icon_sorry:

14th January 2015, 22:18
2. Pushing a bit too far which I think Charlie Hebdo has done. It is clear some Muslims are VERY offended by this kind of thing. It is not preventing free speech, it is being considerate to the views of others. Imagine a cartoon of Jesus and the Queen in a very rude situation. That wouldn't go down well with many. Imagine a cartoon insulting the Jewish faith badly?

I disagree with this. Free speech is fine as long as it is not inciting violence, hatred, etc.

No one has or should have the right to not be offended. So what if rude pictures of the Queen and Jesus were published? I probably wouldn't be happy and I might even be offended. So I could disagree or protest, but I still support the right for the pictures to be published.

Anyway, the protection afforded to religion by some countries in the form of blasphemy laws is ridiculous. Why would an all powerful god need protecting or care about being ridiculed and criticised?