View Full Version : Another clueless limp wristed Judge pandering to ethnics

15th January 2015, 21:45
Border agency officer used lover to con migrants out of £113k to pay gambling debts


What a pathetic judiciary we are lumbered with :cwm23:

15th January 2015, 22:02
Maybe Mrs May and her government should provide better screening of their Border officers. :wink:

15th January 2015, 22:05
She was probably recruited when the Home Office was not fit for purpose under John Reid during a target driven positive discrimination campaign to recruit more pen pushers from ethnic backgrounds.

15th January 2015, 22:09
Nevertheless Ded, the government should have sorted it out by now. I thought they were doing a complete overhaul.

15th January 2015, 23:00
Nevertheless Ded, the government should have sorted it out by now. I thought they were doing a complete overhaul.

I agree Andy but being public sector she's no doubt been on paid sick leave for a couple of years waiting for the case to come up ......it all happened between January 2010 and October 2011.

15th January 2015, 23:14
I don't know where these judges get their sentencing policies from :cwm23:. They say crime doesn't pay? :icon_rolleyes: