View Full Version : Help regarding sleeping arrangements

17th January 2015, 00:20
Hi everyone, been a while since I last posted but is this normal?

My wife and I have been sleeping in separate rooms since our little girl was 6 months old, as she has her in the bed with her all the time and she is now 2.

My wife says this is normal in the Phils and that her own mother and father sleep separately.

Just miss the closeness we once had, as she reminds me constantly that we are not girlfriend/boyfriend like before and we now have a family.

I know someone on here will say man up, but she is a beautiful person with so many good qualities and I just want back what we once had. I am so lonely and bored with all of this and miss the past good times.

She even said she will give me a child of my own this year as since my previous post, I found out I was not the biological father of my daughter.

I don't know how I feel anymore about all of this and whether I want any future children now. All my expectations feel deflated even though I love her - but not like I used to.

Thank you...

Ako Si Jamie
17th January 2015, 00:58
I would feel exactly the same, Jack. It's nothing to be ashamed of. :wink:

17th January 2015, 01:23
I would feel exactly the same, Jack. It's nothing to be ashamed of. :wink:

Thank you Jamie, but just wondering what to do. My family don't know this little girl is not mine even though she shows full Filipino characteristics. I just make them believe she takes after her mother and the next one will maybe look like us both...:smile:

17th January 2015, 01:30
One thing at a time! Sort out the life you are wanting with your wife and daughter first before you start planning another child.

Talking is the only way you will sort this out. Maybe your wife is missing the Phils - remember, it's very hard to adjust for many who come here.

Just my thoughts

17th January 2015, 02:42
I think you need to talk to her and tell her how you feel. Keeping it all from her will just makes things worse. She needs to understand that you both also need time for each other. And I can't believe you both are sleeping apart!

Yes, having the kid sleeping with the parents is normal practice in the Philippines. We were like that with my parents. BUT, my parents never slept apart, only when my grandma was having difficulties and needed someone to be with her when she was still alive (her house was just a couple of houses away from ours and my dad took care of her). Even up to now my parents are very affectionate with each other and never gets shy of showing it to us (hugs & kisses).

17th January 2015, 09:12
Thank you Jamie, but just wondering what to do. My family don't know this little girl is not mine even though she shows full Filipino characteristics. I just make them believe she takes after her mother and the next one will maybe look like us both...:smile:

But she is your stepdaughter and to her, you are her dad :wink:

Get a smaller bed for your daughter and put it next to your bed.

17th January 2015, 10:59
It sounds to me like you have been taken for a total mug and are being used.


You need to examine this situation very carefully and find out what each of you have brought to the partnership, and what each of you are getting out of it, as well as what is likely to lie ahead, in the cold light of day.

Has your wife STILL got a Filipino partner somewhere ?

A question that needs to be asked.

17th January 2015, 11:37
It sounds to me like you have been taken for a total mug and are being used.


You need to examine this situation very carefully and find out what each of you have brought to the partnership, and what each of you are getting out of it, as well as what is likely to lie ahead, in the cold light of day.

Has your wife STILL got a Filipino partner somewhere ?

A question that needs to be asked.

I have to agree with this, it's time you told your wife how you feel.

Sleeping in separate rooms may have been ok for her parents in the Philippines, but you're not them and you're not there. You say she keeps reminding you that you're not boyfriend and girlfriend now that you're a family, but someone else is the father of her child.

Sorry to be blunt but either sort this out now or it'll get worse :cwm25:

17th January 2015, 11:40
I finally found out from my wife 6 months ago she was attacked by an ex at a party about a week before we first met hence the pregnancy but she kept it from me for 18 months.

It was only after I had a paternity test done when I found out the truth.

She told me she was drunk at the time and was not aware what had happened but insists it was against her consent and found him in bed next to her the next morning when she told him she never wanted to see him again.

No Graham she told me I am her only one and truly loves me.

Rayanputi maybe I am blowing this all apart as she has told me to move back into the bedroom at anytime I want but I feel so much has been lost.

I am the affectionate one and she very very rarely shows any sort of affection, I can count on one hand the times she has showed me any, I am the one who initiates anything will all set times when we can spend any time together which is normally a 15 romp pardon the pun.

She is a very hard person to read and says she has always been not really affectionate towards anybody but I don't know what to believe anymore, I just wish I was happy like I once was before I found all of this stuff out.

Anyway will leave it there for now and thanks for the advice so far.

Kind regards,


Ako Si Jamie
17th January 2015, 12:02
I finally found out from my wife 6 months ago she was attacked by an ex at a party about a week before we first met hence the pregnancy but she kept it from me for 18 months.

It was only after I had a paternity test done when I found out the truth.

She told me she was drunk at the time and was not aware what had happened but insists it was against her consent and found him in bed next to her the next morning when she told him she never wanted to see him again.

No Graham she told me I am her only one and truly loves me.

Rayanputi maybe I am blowing this all apart as she has told me to move back into the bedroom at anytime I want but I feel so much has been lost.

I am the affectionate one and she very very rarely shows any sort of affection, I can count on one hand the times she has showed me any, I am the one who initiates anything will all set times when we can spend any time together which is normally a 15 romp pardon the pun.

She is a very hard person to read and says she has always been not really affectionate towards anybody but I don't know what to believe anymore, I just wish I was happy like I once was before I found all of this stuff out.

Anyway will leave it there for now and thanks for the advice so far.

Kind regards,

Jack...:smile:After reading this I think Graham has a point if I'm being totally honest, Jack.

She may say she truly loves you but the proof of the pudding is in her actions, and from what you've told us, I can't see any evidence of that on her behalf.

Ako Si Jamie
17th January 2015, 12:26
By the way, Jack, how long has she been in this country?

17th January 2015, 17:01
By the way, Jack, how long has she been in this country?

Just gone 2 years under new rules Jamie.

17th January 2015, 17:44
Has your wife STILL got a Filipino partner somewhere ?

A question that needs to be asked.

I think the answer to that is probably not, I can't see many Filipino guys waiting 2 yrs, as his wife has been in the UK for more than 2 yrs.

Has your wife been back to the Phils Jack? Does she talk about going home or being homesick?

It's 6 months now since your first post, has anything changed? Looks like it hasn't :NoNo:

17th January 2015, 17:46
Graham has a good point. Ako Si Jamie sums it up well.

Makes me realise - yet again - how lucky I am. Hope it sorts itself out for you.

17th January 2015, 18:26
I think the answer to that is probably not, I can't see many Filipino guys waiting 2 yrs, as his wife has been in the UK for more than 2 yrs.

Has your wife been back to the Phils Jack? Does she talk about going home or being homesick?

It's 6 months now since your first post, has anything changed? Looks like it hasn't :NoNo:

Yes Joe, she has been back to the Phils twice, I have also taken her on another 4 foreign holidays apart from that.

Yes, she does miss her family but seems happy and settled here nevertheless. She has her own job and I let her keep all of her salary to do with as she pleases. I sort all bills out as well as supporting our daughter. I also give her money to buy clothes etc. My family said she is lucky to have someone like me.

I do feel happy sometimes Joe, but at other times feel distant. Maybe it's just me, because I am a very loving person who treats his wife with the utmost respect and will do anything to make her happy.

She tells me she loves me truly and I would end up regretting it if I was to walk away because she says the love she has for me is real and that she would never hurt me intentionally. Also her own family doesn't know the truth about our daughter but she thinks they suspect.

She also told me she would have aborted our daughter at the time if she knew 100% that her ex was the father, because in between her ex attacking her and myself having sex with her was just a week apart....

17th January 2015, 18:53
Well, as your wife had been back to the Phils twice, if she didn't want to be with you she could have told you when she was in the Phils she wasn't going back to the UK.

Arthur Little
17th January 2015, 19:03
Jack ... from what you've shared here with us, you have nothing to be ashamed of, believe me.

:nono-1-1: ... many a bloke in your shoes would've eventually come to the sad realisation they were "flogging a dead horse" and walked out long ago!

OK ... :anerikke: ... your wife says she loves you ... but she has an odd way of showing it, quite frankly.

17th January 2015, 21:40
Have no advice really but just wanted to say take care and I hope things work out for you :)

18th January 2015, 00:23
Jack, I’m so sorry to learn of your unhappiness. I find your wife’s explanation of her pregnancy to be rather odd. As a woman, if I had recently been raped, there would be absolutely no way that I could become intimate just a week later with another man who I’d never even met in person before. I guess we are all different.

Something obviously steered you into having a paternity test and lack of trust may have understandably played a big part in this.

Sadly, it’s not previously unheard of that some women have found a Westerner to provide a source of income that is sent back to a partner. So, I think that Graham’s question about another partner is a rightly raised, particularly since this could also affect the giving of love and affection.

This is clearly more than an issue about sleeping arrangements. Being starved of love and affection, feeling used and being lied to doesn’t make a healthy recipe for a good long lasting relationship. No doubt it will also affect your self-esteem and how you feel about yourself, as well as the relationship with your wife

I just hope that your wife isn’t continuing to be untruthful/ lie to you and is trustworthy. If you have already explored the above with your wife and you have accepted her explanation, then it’s time to stop beating yourself up about it and to put the issue to bed….. excuse the pun! If not, I would suggest that you sit down with her and discuss further :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th January 2015, 06:40
Jack, I’m so sorry to learn of your unhappiness. I find your wife’s explanation of her pregnancy to be rather odd. As a woman, if I had recently been raped, there would be absolutely no way that I could become intimate just a week later with another man who I’d never even met in person before. I guess we are all different.

Something obviously steered you into having a paternity test and lack of trust may have understandably played a big part in this.

Sadly, it’s not previously unheard of that some women have found a Westerner to provide a source of income that is sent back to a partner. So, I think that Graham’s question about another partner is a rightly raised, particularly since this could also affect the giving of love and affection.

This is clearly more than an issue about sleeping arrangements. Being starved of love and affection, feeling used and being lied to doesn’t make a healthy recipe for a good long lasting relationship. No doubt it will also affect your self-esteem and how you feel about yourself, as well as the relationship with your wife

I just hope that your wife isn’t continuing to be untruthful/ lie to you and is trustworthy. If you have already explored the above with your wife and you have accepted her explanation, then it’s time to stop beating yourself up about it and to put the issue to bed….. excuse the pun! If not, I would suggest that you sit down with her and discuss further :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Good post. Mirrors my own thoughts 100%

I too am fearful this is not solely about sleeping arrangements.
You must sit down together with your wife and discuss all possible reasons for her behaviours and really get the the bottom of what she is doing and why.

Personally I do not think you should bring a child into a world with such dysfunctional family life.

Harry T
18th January 2015, 08:54
Jack86, it's tough reading your problem, and being divorced, I guess I'm not the best to be giving advice.

However, firstly you have nothing to be feeling guilty about you yourself have done nothing wrong.

However here goes: I find it very unusual that your Gf knowing you were going to be visiting her in 7 days allowed herself to be in a position where she got drunk, and found another guy in her bed when she woke up. I suppose really that's the ONLY plausible explanation she could give you, she was never going to tell you it was her last fling before you came out.

Yes, having a young child does need adjustments and is difficult, but to remain in separate rooms after 2 years, I'm afraid that's difficult to accept. It seems your wife is showing symptoms of not wanting your love, (these are the symptoms she should have shown 1 week after the alleged NONE consent) and you appear to have more like a Brother and Sister relationship right now, and to be in separate rooms after 2 years is not normal whatever country you are in.

Every one of us wants to Love and be Loved - that's a normal, natural behaviour.

You, at the moment, and over the recent past, are not getting this from your wife. How does she expect you to feel? If you are not getting something at home, then it's a normal reaction to look elsewhere. You at the moment have not done this, but believe me, sooner or later you will. All that your wife has said to you is she will give you your own child (WOW, how generous of her to consider a natural thing) this year. DON'T do it Jack86, your marriage is NOT stable enough.

You need to sit down with her and decide where YOU are heading. Look her in the eye and ask her outright if she loves YOU. If she says yes, then YOU need to tell her she HAS to start showing it, because right now YOU are NOT feeling her Love for YOU. Give her time - let's say 6 months or so - and see if things change. Don't plan a child during this time. After this, chat and if things don't change then you know there is only one choice for YOU. And, if you don't want to stay in a loveless marriage, you HAVE to make that decision.

If your wife says she doesn't Love YOU, then you can go ahead with your decision more or less straight away. However, in MY opinion your wife is NOT going to say this, she is going to want to hold on to what she has, a roof over her head, a comfortable Lifestyle which includes more than average number of holidays, a husband who foots all the bills, a husband who contributes to the upbringing of another's child. It's a lifestyle she could only Dream of back home in the Phils, and really your wife doesn't contribute much - if anything - to this marriage either financially or emotionally.

She says she loves you, and would never hurt you intentionally. Doesn't she realise that's exactly what she is doing right now? And YOU would regret it if you walked away. Yes, maybe you would have regrets, but will YOU not have bigger regrets if you stay in an apparently loveless marriage ?

Whatever you decide Jack86, you know in your own mind you can't carry on as you are at this moment in time, it's not normal behaviour. Take as long as you need to sort your problems out, but this seems to me a one way relationship. If that's what you want, then fine, stick with it. If she can't give you what you need - and it's NOT another child right now - please don't use another baby to try to repair what's wrong.

Good luck with whatever you decide. I think YOU know in your own mind things can't go on, which is why you posted. I was in a relationship/married 20 years, I had 3 step children as was often thrown at me (blood is thicker than water) during ANY argument she always sided with them. I'm now divorced. My biggest regret? That I didn't divorce sooner. My present circumstances? I am alone, I could go back to my ex tomorrow, but the problems we had then would still be there, so I choose to remain alone. I really hope YOU can sort this out but, in your heart of hearts, I think you already know the answer. I have tried to see this from a neutral's perspective; in all truth, I cant see ONE thing YOU are getting from this sham of a marriage. HARSH, I know, but that's what it is..

robbie bobby
18th January 2015, 13:49
Jack86, it's tough reading your problem, and being divorced, I guess I'm not the best to be giving advice.

However, firstly you have nothing to be feeling guilty about, you yourself have done nothing wrong.

However, here goes:

I find it very unusual that your Gf knowing you were going to be visiting her in 7 days allowed herself to be in a position where she got drunk, and found another guy in her bed when she woke up. I suppose really that's the ONLY plausible explanation she could give you, she was never going to tell you it was her last fling before you came out.

Yes, having a young child does need adjustments and is difficult, but to remain in separate rooms after 2 years, I'm afraid that's difficult to accept. It seems your wife is showing symptoms of not wanting your love, (these are the symptoms she should have shown 1 week after the alleged NONE consent) and you appear to have more like a Brother and Sister relationship right now, and to be in separate rooms after 2 years is not normal whatever country you are in.

Every one of us wants to Love and be Loved - that's a normal, natural behaviour.

You, at the moment, and over the recent past, are not getting this from your wife. How does she expect you to feel? If you are not getting something at home, then it's a normal reaction to look elsewhere. You at the moment have not done this, but believe me, sooner or later you will. All that your wife has said to you is she will give you your own child (WOW, how generous of her to consider a natural thing) this year. DON'T do it Jack86, your marriage is NOT stable enough.

You need to sit down with her and decide where YOU are heading. Look her in the eye and ask her outright if she loves YOU. If she says yes, then YOU need to tell her she HAS to start showing it, because right now YOU are NOT feeling her Love for YOU. Give her time - let's say 6 months or so - and see if things change. Don't plan a child during this time. After this, chat and if things don't change then you know there is only one choice for YOU. And, if you don't want to stay in a loveless marriage, you HAVE to make that decision.

If your wife says she doesn't Love YOU, then you can go ahead with your decision more or less straight away. However, in MY opinion your wife is NOT going to say this, she is going to want to hold on to what she has, a roof over her head, a comfortable Lifestyle which includes more than average number of holidays, a husband who foots all the bills, a husband who contributes to the upbringing of another's child. It's a lifestyle she could only Dream of back home in the Phils, and really your wife doesn't contribute much - if anything - to this marriage either financially or emotionally.

She says she loves you, and would never hurt you intentionally. Doesn't she realise that's exactly what she is doing right now? And YOU would regret it if you walked away. Yes, maybe you would have regrets, but will YOU not have bigger regrets if you stay in an apparently loveless marriage ?

Whatever you decide Jack86, you know in your own mind you can't carry on as you are at this moment in time, it's not normal behaviour. Take as long as you need to sort your problems out, but this seems to me a one way relationship. If that's what you want, then fine, stick with it. If she can't give you what you need - and it's NOT another child right now - please don't use another baby to try to repair what's wrong.

Good luck with whatever you decide. I think YOU know in your own mind things can't go on, which is why you posted. I was in a relationship/married 20 years, I had 3 step children as was often thrown at me (blood is thicker than water) during ANY argument she always sided with them. I'm now divorced. My biggest regret? That I didn't divorce sooner. My present circumstances? I am alone, I could go back to my ex tomorrow, but the problems we had then would still be there, so I choose to remain alone. I really hope YOU can sort this out but, in your heart of hearts, I think you already know the answer. I have tried to see this from a neutral's perspective; in all truth, I can't see ONE thing YOU are getting from this sham of a marriage. HARSH, I know, but that's what it is..

Spot on Harry. Good post!

18th January 2015, 14:42

If I were you I would copy and paste Harry`s post onto something like Notepad or Microsoft word and then ask her to read it.
I cant think of a better way to break the ice and get to the truth.
Its a tough one,I know as doing such a thing could absolutely ruin everything..
On the other hand though it could improve things immeasurably...Depending on how she reacts.
I think its worth the risk to find out the truth.
Serve her a glass of her favourite drink before she reads it and put half a shot of vodka in it to help release her inhibitions.
These things are better aired than hidden.

Ako Si Jamie
18th January 2015, 15:07
Good posts from Harry and Rosie. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th January 2015, 16:12
Jack, I’m so sorry to learn of your unhappiness. I find your wife’s explanation of her pregnancy to be rather odd. As a woman, if I had recently been raped, there would be absolutely no way that I could become intimate just a week later with another man who I’d never even met in person before. I guess we are all different.

Something obviously steered you into having a paternity test and lack of trust may have understandably played a big part in this.

Sadly, it’s not previously unheard of that some women have found a Westerner to provide a source of income that is sent back to a partner. So, I think that Graham’s question about another partner is a rightly raised, particularly since this could also affect the giving of love and affection.

This is clearly more than an issue about sleeping arrangements. Being starved of love and affection, feeling used and being lied to doesn’t make a healthy recipe for a good long lasting relationship. No doubt it will also affect your self-esteem and how you feel about yourself, as well as the relationship with your wife

I just hope that your wife isn’t continuing to be untruthful/ lie to you and is trustworthy. If you have already explored the above with your wife and you have accepted her explanation, then it’s time to stop beating yourself up about it and to put the issue to bed….. excuse the pun! If not, I would suggest that you sit down with her and discuss further :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Hiya Rosie,

Thank you so much for your kind words and advice I would just like to add the following.

When we slept together that time I had only been in the Phils for 24 hours when it happened it was actually the second night and we used no protection, that is the only time we slept together ie: full sex in all of the 14 days I was there. I tried again with her on numerous occasions but she kept pushing me away even though we did have other types of intamacy but not full sex as she kept saying she was sexually inactive and was sore afterwards hence no more intercourse.

She told me in a letter when I was back in the UK that the real reason was that in her heart she wanted to but her mind kept telling her that maybe I just wanted her for sex and I could be using her for that and was frightened even though I asked her to marry her and bought her a ring that time and told her I would return in 8 weeks for the marriage which I did and duly kept my promise.

I returned for the wedding and made love again the very first night then she went all cold blaming it on her hormones, it was 12 days later we married having only made love once then even after the marriage she kept pushing me away and on our wedding night she wasn't interested.

I finally snapped and threatened to walk out of her parents home and after a big bust up I told her how important it was for me to consumate our marriage as I am a practising christian and believe in what the bible teaches us.

Like I have posted before she does lack showings of affection but is a beautiful and wonderful woman and is a mother in a million and times we do spend together are good even if its only pre arranged when our daughter is been cared for by somebody else we still manage to get a couple of days a week of time together.

Maybe its me being paranoid I don't know but what I miss is going to bed lonely and not been able to talk about our day ect basically not for sex but sometimes just to cuddle and hold each other that's what I mean, god I love this woman like crazy she is so beautiful, classy, intelligent and sexy to boot god how I look up and ask god why did she choose somebody like me but she did and even though she is 24 and I am 44 she assures me that age doesn't matter.

I have suffered low self esteem with weight gain and just wondering what the hell and it shows that I don't feel happy like I used to even though now I am on a healthy eating and excercise plan to get back some self control.

I know I have hard times ahead and decisions I will have to make but I worry what if she is genuine like she tells me she is, why stay with me for 5 years if she has a partner back home, why make love to a man is she doesn't love me, why as a devout catholic who attends church weekly before god and swears on the bible also her mother's and son's life that what she has told me is the truth and that she loves me unconditionally, why do I still have doubt.

Why would a woman do this to a good man and tantamount her self as basically a prostitute if she sleeps with me for financial gain.

Jesus my head is done in, I just wish sometimes I could turn the clock back and ask myself is this worth it god I just hope and pray that I am wrong about all of this because the truth to come out would undoubtely tear my family apart.

Thank you,


18th January 2015, 16:18
Jack86, it's tough reading your problem, and being divorced, I guess I'm not the best to be giving advice.

However, firstly you have nothing to be feeling guilty about you yourself have done nothing wrong.

However here goes: I find it very unusual that your Gf knowing you were going to be visiting her in 7 days allowed herself to be in a position where she got drunk, and found another guy in her bed when she woke up. I suppose really that's the ONLY plausible explanation she could give you, she was never going to tell you it was her last fling before you came out.

Yes, having a young child does need adjustments and is difficult, but to remain in separate rooms after 2 years, I'm afraid that's difficult to accept. It seems your wife is showing symptoms of not wanting your love, (these are the symptoms she should have shown 1 week after the alleged NONE consent) and you appear to have more like a Brother and Sister relationship right now, and to be in separate rooms after 2 years is not normal whatever country you are in.

Every one of us wants to Love and be Loved - that's a normal, natural behaviour.

You, at the moment, and over the recent past, are not getting this from your wife. How does she expect you to feel? If you are not getting something at home, then it's a normal reaction to look elsewhere. You at the moment have not done this, but believe me, sooner or later you will. All that your wife has said to you is she will give you your own child (WOW, how generous of her to consider a natural thing) this year. DON'T do it Jack86, your marriage is NOT stable enough.

You need to sit down with her and decide where YOU are heading. Look her in the eye and ask her outright if she loves YOU. If she says yes, then YOU need to tell her she HAS to start showing it, because right now YOU are NOT feeling her Love for YOU. Give her time - let's say 6 months or so - and see if things change. Don't plan a child during this time. After this, chat and if things don't change then you know there is only one choice for YOU. And, if you don't want to stay in a loveless marriage, you HAVE to make that decision.

If your wife says she doesn't Love YOU, then you can go ahead with your decision more or less straight away. However, in MY opinion your wife is NOT going to say this, she is going to want to hold on to what she has, a roof over her head, a comfortable Lifestyle which includes more than average number of holidays, a husband who foots all the bills, a husband who contributes to the upbringing of another's child. It's a lifestyle she could only Dream of back home in the Phils, and really your wife doesn't contribute much - if anything - to this marriage either financially or emotionally.

She says she loves you, and would never hurt you intentionally. Doesn't she realise that's exactly what she is doing right now? And YOU would regret it if you walked away. Yes, maybe you would have regrets, but will YOU not have bigger regrets if you stay in an apparently loveless marriage ?

Whatever you decide Jack86, you know in your own mind you can't carry on as you are at this moment in time, it's not normal behaviour. Take as long as you need to sort your problems out, but this seems to me a one way relationship. If that's what you want, then fine, stick with it. If she can't give you what you need - and it's NOT another child right now - please don't use another baby to try to repair what's wrong.

Good luck with whatever you decide. I think YOU know in your own mind things can't go on, which is why you posted. I was in a relationship/married 20 years, I had 3 step children as was often thrown at me (blood is thicker than water) during ANY argument she always sided with them. I'm now divorced. My biggest regret? That I didn't divorce sooner. My present circumstances? I am alone, I could go back to my ex tomorrow, but the problems we had then would still be there, so I choose to remain alone. I really hope YOU can sort this out but, in your heart of hearts, I think you already know the answer. I have tried to see this from a neutral's perspective; in all truth, I cant see ONE thing YOU are getting from this sham of a marriage. HARSH, I know, but that's what it is..

Harry thank you so much for your straight forward advice, I will surely take all this in to account.


18th January 2015, 16:39
Hiya Rosie,


I know I have hard times ahead and decisions I will have to make but I worry what if she is genuine like she tells me she is, why stay with me for 5 years if she has a partner back home, why make love to a man is she doesn't love me, why as a devout catholic who attends church weekly before god and swears on the bible also her mother's and son's life that what she has told me is the truth and that she loves me unconditionally, why do I still have doubt.

Why would a woman do this to a good man and tantamount her self as basically a prostitute if she sleeps with me for financial gain.


Thank you,


You have doubts. Maybe it's because you don't think everything she tells you is real and genuine? Actions speak louder than words as they say. Does she know everything that you feel and posted here? Does she understand whatever you are feeling?

Harry T
18th January 2015, 16:42
Jack, I feel for you, I really do, and I can sense you are in bits over this, and really Love your Wife. Basically, I will briefly reiterate what I said before. If you are happy with what you have, then stay as you are. If she CANNOT give you what you need and crave for (Her Love) not just a quick jump into bed, when SHE feels she needs to keep you sweet, then you have to walk away, not wait 20 years like I did.

Listen, it's hard. Life is never easy, its about making decisions day after day, week after week, year after year. There are plenty women out there that would give you what you need and want (Love). Indeed they would give their right (or left) arm for what your wife has. Obviously you seem to have talked this over before, but still you are NOT happy. YES, by all means give it one last go, but don't beat yourself up by thinking you haven't tried, dont feel Low self esteem.

I'm envious that you are in a position to be able to start all over again. I myself, would give anything to be able to do that. I left it too late for myself to begin again in the way that I want to. Age and income dictate what I am able to achieve. I would hate for you to be in the position that I find myself in, and that's because I realised 20 years too late that I needed to make a hard decision.

If you want to PM me, feel free to do so. But good luck whatever you decide. Oh, and one last bit of advice: It's you and you alone who has to decide this, and don't worry about what other people may or may not think, YOUR happiness is the most important thing in all of this.

By the way guys, thank you for all the nice comments you made on my previous post on this topic,. I'm only trying to help Jack86 sort his situation out, as I believe right now he is feeling a little desperate over something that is NOT his fault.

18th January 2015, 17:11
You have doubts. Maybe it's because you don't think everything she tells you is real and genuine? Actions speak louder than words as they say. Does she know everything that you feel and posted here? Does she understand whatever you are feeling?

Yes, Rayanputi you are right, I don't seem to believe everything she tells me. Yes, I also feel sorry for her at times that she gave up everything to be with me - most off all her family, who are very good God-worshipping people.

I have nothing but genuine love for her and I have said that to her, that no man could love her like I do and I totally believe that because its true.

Like I have said she is a beautiful person so that's why I feel I am doing wrong for doubting her.

I have given my all to be with this woman and even said to her that if she does not love me we can live as friends but stay married and I will get her through this 5-year immigration journey. At least I will still have my daughter - which is better than nothing, but she insists that she wants this marriage to work and does love me with all her heart.

I even asked her if has been hurt in the past by somebody - going back even to her childhood - but she insists she hasn't and that she is just not a "touchy feely" person but that doesn't mean she doesn't love me.

She has not read this yet but I think she needs to soon..


18th January 2015, 17:21
Jack, I feel for you, I really do, and I can sense you are in bits over this, and you really Love your Wife.

Basically, I will briefly reiterate what I said before. If you are happy with what you have, then stay as you are. If she CANNOT give you what you need and crave for (Her Love) not just a quick jump into bed, when SHE feels she needs to keep you sweet, then you have to walk away, not wait 20 years like I did.

Listen, it's hard. Life is never easy, it's about making decisions day after day, week after week, year after year. There are plenty women out there that would give you what you need and want (Love). Indeed they would give their right (or left) arm for what your wife has. Obviously you seem to have talked this over before, but still you are NOT happy. YES, by all means give it one last go, and dont beat yourself up by thinking you haven't tried, dont feel Low self esteem.

I'm envious that you are in a position to be able to start all over again. I myself, would give anything to be able to do that. I left it too late for myself to begin again in the way that I want to. Age and income dictate what I am able to achieve. I would hate for you to be in the position that I find myself in, and that's because I realised 20 years too late that I needed to make a hard decision.

If you want to PM me, feel free to do so. But good luck whatever you decide, Oh, and one last bit of advice: It's you and you alone who has to decide this, and don't worry about what other people may or may not think, YOUR happiness is the most important thing in all of this.

By the way guys, thank you for all the nice comments you made on my previous post on this topic. I'm only trying to help Jack86 sort his situation out, as I believe right now he is feeling a little desperate over something that is NOT his fault.

Thanks Harry your kind words mean alot.

I know she is lucky to have me and she knows that also, like I replied to Ryanputi maybe she's not that touchy feely type of person as she tells me she's not.

She reminds me of my mother..:biggrin: also she was the same with my father and they were married 51 years, maybe I have to man up instead of being a wimp and really get this out in the open but I know what's she's like as she once said if you want a divorce I will sign the papers (that's what was said after I had the paternity test done) that was because she knew how angry I was and was willing to do this for me if I insisted.

Anyway I will have a long hard think on what the best step forward is but like you said my happiness has to come first, that is something I am starting to realise.

Thanks once again,


18th January 2015, 23:49
Been thinking a while now and have realised that we are too different to stay together. I want another child to finally put the missing piece of jigsaw together but have realised that by asking for this will only upset her further as her career is more important at the moment and it's not the right time, especially in these circumstances.

I must call her bluff on this to finally get to the truth and that's why I will be considering divorce proceedings to finally have settlement - also my sanity - and finally be free to move on.

Once again, thank you everybody,

Kind regards,


19th January 2015, 02:09
All the best Jack.
Let us know how you get on.

19th January 2015, 02:30
Been thinking a while now and have realised that we are too different to stay together. I want another child to finally put the missing piece of jigsaw together but have realised that by asking for this will only upset her further as her career is more important at the moment and it's not the right time, especially in these circumstances.

I must call her bluff on this to finally get to the truth and that's why I will be considering divorce proceedings to finally have settlement - also my sanity - and finally be free to move on.

Once again, thank you everybody,

Kind regards,


We all deserve to be happy Jack :wink:
Good luck and best wishes for a happy future :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Harry T
19th January 2015, 11:16
Good luck Jack, remember we are always here for you, so don't feel alone. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th January 2015, 20:01
Jack ….. a little piece of well-meaning advice for you …….

You state you met and promised to marry a young woman that you clearly didn’t know properly and then returned to Philippines to do so after only 8 weeks of your first meeting. In my opinion, that is very irresponsible and a recipe for disaster. Sadly, there is also a little girl involved in all of this who thinks that you are her daddy.

You appear to have brought much of your unhappiness on through your own irrational behaviours and actions (marry in haste, repent in leisure….). I hope that you will learn from your experiences and I would recommend that you also consider seeking a few counselling sessions to help you cope with your feelings of low self esteem. I do hope that you will take this in the way it’s meant …… to help.

Best of luck for the future. :smile:

19th January 2015, 22:56
Jack ….. a little piece of well-meaning advice for you …….

You state you met and promised to marry a young woman that you clearly didn’t know properly and then returned to Philippines to do so after only 8 weeks of your first meeting. In my opinion, that is very irresponsible and a recipe for disaster. Sadly, there is also a little girl involved in all of this who thinks that you are her daddy.

You appear to have brought much of your unhappiness on through your own irrational behaviours and actions (marry in haste, repent in leisure….). I hope that you will learn from your experiences and I would recommend that you also consider seeking a few counselling sessions to help you cope with your feelings of low self esteem. I do hope that you will take this in the way it’s meant …… to help.

Best of luck for the future. :smile:

Rosie I have read many of your posts on here regarding the help and support you offer others and the advice given is very much appreciated and accepted in greatest regard.

Yes I did marry my wife after just 8 weeks of meeting her and I know it was done so in haste, I had just come out of a long 14 year relationship and threw myself open to the wolves as to speak and was besotted by her beauty and charm.

Don't get me wrong she is a hard woman to understand and is so damned independent, but if there is something going on then I hold all the aces and won't think twice about divorcing her and severing my sponsorship to boot.

I will fight for rights to my daughter as I have a good job working as a Chartered Accountant and earning more than 5 times her salary with a beautiful home - all mortgage free.

I have spoken to my lawyers regarding rights and I am in a very good position under the new 5-year rule. It has certainly been good for me if she is playing a game, because under old rules she would have had ILR by now and be entitled to up to half of everything I own.

Anyway, I will keep you guys posted and, if this is a bad apple, then it will surely be put in the garbage.

Thanks once again,


Ako Si Jamie
19th January 2015, 23:28
You sound so open and honest, Jack - and while the good people will love and appreciate you for it, the not-so-good ones will take advantage of those traits for their own personal gain.

So my advice would be to keep your cards closer to your chest when you next meet a woman and look for her inner qualities - maybe ones that mirror your own before emptying your glass so to speak. Just don't hand your soul over freely to someone who you barely know and hasn't earned that right. :wink:

19th January 2015, 23:58
Best of luck Jack you've had the patience of Job, and now you're doing some good groundwork, she could be in for a shock

20th January 2015, 00:14
You sound so open and honest, Jack - and while the good people will love and appreciate you for it, the not-so-good ones will take advantage of those traits for their own personal gain.

So my advice would be to keep your cards closer to your chest when you next meet a woman and look for her inner qualities - maybe ones that mirror your own before emptying your glass so to speak. Just don't hand your soul over freely to someone who you barely know and hasn't earned that right. :wink:

Thanks Jamie,

You sound such a sincere honest guy and I appreciate your advice and help on here.

Just to say one thing against others warning me off. I will give her an ultimatum to give me a biological child I have desired for so many years; maybe, just maybe, this will be the catalyst that throws open a can of worms so to speak.

I do truly believe she is a genuine and honest person but has a fear that if she gives me the full truth she knows she could lose me for good.

Having to find out that my daughter was not mine was devastating to say the least, and 6 months ago I lost a daughter and gained a step daughter. It's like a grieving process - but without a grave to visit - if you know what I mean.

The whole concept has thrown me into a wilderness beyond my own imagination and has caused me depression issues and self-neglect - even though I think of her welfare above my own and after everything still love her.

I just wish to take time away from all this spinning inside my head and find clarity without been posed as a despot holding onto something which doesn't seem reality anymore.

I see from your posts Jamie that you have been in similar circumstances as me and I hope everything goes well for you.

Thank you for your kind words...


20th January 2015, 00:38
Best of luck Jack youv've had the patience of Job, and now you're doing some good groundwork, she could be in for a shock

Thanks Dedworth...:wink:

Arthur Little
20th January 2015, 02:52
Anyway, I will have a long hard think on what the best step forward is but like you said my happiness has to come first, that is something I am starting to realise.

Well ... whatever you decide, good luck ... :anerikke: ... you'll be alright, Jack! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th January 2015, 10:24
Hi Jack - so sorry to read your stories and I do hope things work out in the end. One thing you say scares me a little in your recent post, you mention giving her the ultimatum of having a second/your child. Surely this is not necessarily the right way to go about this? She gets pregnant after a quick rummage and still remains the same person/and your relationship doesn't improve. 2 years down the line you finally separate and then YOUR child is in a broken family, and you will have a nightmare. Isn't the best thing to talk with her and explain that you want a loving wife as part of the marriage? You respect her work, her family, her child but you should both be a couple. I think this needs to happen before any baby producing. She either changes and becomes your wife in all ways or not. You can't just use her as a baby making machine. I do understand why you may give her this ultimatum but don't underestimate her IYKWIM.

Best of luck and please keep us updated.

Harry T
20th January 2015, 16:55
I didnt intend commenting anymore as things stood, bcuz you are your own person and will make up your own mind, However you have since said you had just come out of a 14 year relationship (never easy) and basically jumped into the arms of the first woman that came along. Yeah i know some people believe in Love at first sight and it does happen but rarely, i think you were infatuated with this women, and you let your Heart rule your head (perfectly understandable) given that she is a pretty and inteligent young woman.

You mention of giving her an ultimatum of giving you your own Biological child, that is just what more or less EVERYONE has advised AGAINST. You need to think very clearly about the consequences of doing that Jack, right now you hold the upper hand, albeit that you are NOT happy, and seemingly have what could be best described as a sham marriage, but you can at this moment, and i quote your words

(I have spoken to my lawyers regarding rights and I am in a very good position under the new 5-year rule. It has certainly been good for me if she is playing a game, because under old rules she would have had ILR by now and be entitled to up to half of everything I own.)

Now just supposing you do get your OWN biological child by her, but things remain the same within the marriage, NO affection, Sleeping in seperate rooms, etc etc, remember by this time she will be further down the immigration road ILR, entitlement to half of what you own and what you earn (entitled to be kept in a way that she is used to) which will leave you in a very difficult position with regards your Biological Child, and NOT only that but an awkward financial position should you enter into another relationship at some future date. Then is it fair and wise to bring another Child into what you have already said is an unhappy home ?.
I really think you SHOULD reconsider this ultimatum you say you will give her, she may just agree to YOUR ultimatum knowing full well this will give her the time she needs to comply with the New Immigration rules, and then YOU and YOUR Child will be in a far worse situation than you are now, but SHE could/would be in a far stronger position by not only qualifying for ILR, but also being Mother to YOUR Biological child, and everything that brings with it with regards to the financial situation.

Jack, Walk away Now, or do whatever you deem to be best, but having a child in your present situation is probably the worst thing you could do.

20th January 2015, 18:05
Good post Harry, and I totally agree with all that you've written. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I might add...much easier to find a new woman than to separate your heart from your own biological child.

As (I believe Jack is) a young man too, plenty of time !

20th January 2015, 20:43
I didnt intend commenting anymore as things stood, bcuz you are your own person and will make up your own mind, However you have since said you had just come out of a 14 year relationship (never easy) and basically jumped into the arms of the first woman that came along. Yeah i know some people believe in Love at first sight and it does happen but rarely, i think you were infatuated with this women, and you let your Heart rule your head (perfectly understandable) given that she is a pretty and inteligent young woman.

You mention of giving her an ultimatum of giving you your own Biological child, that is just what more or less EVERYONE has advised AGAINST. You need to think very clearly about the consequences of doing that Jack, right now you hold the upper hand, albeit that you are NOT happy, and seemingly have what could be best described as a sham marriage, but you can at this moment, and i quote your words

(I have spoken to my lawyers regarding rights and I am in a very good position under the new 5-year rule. It has certainly been good for me if she is playing a game, because under old rules she would have had ILR by now and be entitled to up to half of everything I own.)

Now just supposing you do get your OWN biological child by her, but things remain the same within the marriage, NO affection, Sleeping in seperate rooms, etc etc, remember by this time she will be further down the immigration road ILR, entitlement to half of what you own and what you earn (entitled to be kept in a way that she is used to) which will leave you in a very difficult position with regards your Biological Child, and NOT only that but an awkward financial position should you enter into another relationship at some future date. Then is it fair and wise to bring another Child into what you have already said is an unhappy home ?.
I really think you SHOULD reconsider this ultimatum you say you will give her, she may just agree to YOUR ultimatum knowing full well this will give her the time she needs to comply with the New Immigration rules, and then YOU and YOUR Child will be in a far worse situation than you are now, but SHE could/would be in a far stronger position by not only qualifying for ILR, but also being Mother to YOUR Biological child, and everything that brings with it with regards to the financial situation.

Jack, Walk away Now, or do whatever you deem to be best, but having a child in your present situation is probably the worst thing you could do.

Certainly food for thought and I was also thinking along those lines.

I love my daughter as my own as I have always believed she was but I do understand that losing a biological child would be more devestating than a step child yes definitely food for thought.

Thanks Harry and graham also all the other guys who have commented.

As they say plenty of more fish in the sea and if I ever go down that road of a future overseas relationship then things certainly will be different... Oh god sure will...:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ako Si Jamie
20th January 2015, 23:32
No Jack, you're going backwards with that idea.

I think you need to stay clear of relationships for a year or so and give yourself and your emotions a break, recharge your batteries and clear your head. It'll make you stronger and less vulnerable and you can start from scratch again and search for that woman who will love you as much as you love her. Would you rather have a child with someone like that or with an unloving wife in a marriage which is practically on the rocks?

20th January 2015, 23:48
No Jack, you're going backwards with that idea.

I think you need to stay clear of relationships for a year or so and give yourself and your emotions a break, recharge your batteries and clear your head. It'll make you stronger and less vulnerable and you can start from scratch again and search for that woman who will love you as much as you love her. Would you rather have a child with someone like that or with an unloving wife in a marriage which is practically on the rocks?

I know Jamie will be a long time before I throw my desperate vulnerability open again, I am gonna live my life as a single guy and I know what my destiny is all about its my choice to ditch the negative influences out of my life once and for all.


21st January 2015, 00:10
Hi guys I have made a decision to let Maria confess all to my family as I cannot live with these lies any more.

I believe the fear inside her is them finding out one day that she is not my own child - and I know they have suspicions - but I have learned to become a pretty good liar myself, which kills all my beliefs as a Christian.

I even told them the Passport Office asked for a paternity test before I could apply for her British Passport and they swallowed it hook line and sinker and it kills me to see how they have become so attached and what the truth would do.

How the hell do I deal with what's going on inside my head?

Guys you have been a Godsend thank you Jack...:smile:

21st January 2015, 00:16
The longer it goes on (living the lie), the worse it will get Jack. :wink:

I've brought up two Filipino stepkids from very young, incidentally, plus the one of our own, before divorcing after 12 years.

My stepson and stepdaughter still get on with me really well, and call me dad, though they've flown the nest long ago. :smile:

21st January 2015, 00:19
Oh, and I didn't date another Filipina until I was 60, and we've been together 3 years now. :smile:

Harry T
21st January 2015, 00:27
Oh, and I didn't date another Filipina until I was 60, and we've been together 3 years now. :smile:

There's hope for me yet then Graham :biggrin:

21st January 2015, 00:29
Oh, and I didn't date another Filipina until I was 60, and we've been together 3 years now. :smile:

God, that makes me smile. Get in there Jack! :biggrin::xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st January 2015, 00:33
...and she's expecting. :icon_lol:

Harry T
21st January 2015, 00:38
Hi guys, I have made a decision to let Maria confess all to my family - as I cannot live with these lies any more.

I believe the fear inside her is them finding out one day that she is not my own child - and I know they have suspicions - but I have learned to become a pretty good liar myself, which kills all my beliefs as a Christian.

I even told them the Passport Office asked for a paternity test before I could apply for her British Passport and they swallowed it hook line and sinker, and it kills me to see how they have become so attached and what the truth would do.

How the hell do I deal with what's going on inside my head?

Guys you have been a godsend thank you Jack...:smile:

Good to see some positivity Jack and - even more so - to see some common sense to go along with it. :xxgrinning--00xx3: Stay positive, think clearly, KNOW what you want and go for it. And this time, don't do the 8-week wonder thing! :biggrin:. There are lots of lovely, loving Filipino ladies who would jump at half a chance to show YOU Love. And hey, this self esteem thing, don't do yourself down, you have a good job, security, generally you are a sensible guy, and have Christian beliefs. Much like many Filipinos. I tell you what Jack, you post an ad of when you intend to go to the Philippines again, and there will be a Queue of ladies lining up at the Airport wanting to meet you. I say this in all seriousness, because with YOUR background you really are a catch for some lucky lady. So stay positive! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Harry T
21st January 2015, 00:45
...and she's expecting. :icon_lol:

Don't you have a TV? :xxgrinning--00xx3::biggrin:

21st January 2015, 00:48
Dont you have a TV ? :xxgrinning--00xx3::biggrin:

NO ! :laugher:

Hey, if this silly old sod can find a sweet Filipina, then anyone can. Lol


Harry T
21st January 2015, 05:32
NO ! :laugher:

Hey, if this silly old sod can find a sweet Filipina, then anyone can. Lol


Graham, looking at that picture, who needs a TV? :xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st January 2015, 12:52
Hello Jack86, you've got a lot of very good advices already, so I just wanna say I am hoping all the best for you in the future. Stay strong and positive. :smile:

21st January 2015, 15:52
Yeah Jack a lot of sound advice has been offered here and I hope you manage to sort things out.

I think it would be so much better if you could stand on the outside with us looking in and see things from our perspective. Like what advice you would give to say, your brother, or your best friend, if they were in your position.

Good luck. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st January 2015, 23:29
Just an update guys,

My wife like I said is very career orientatated and wants to pursue her vocation as a nurse and has been worried by wanting this so much as she doesn't need to work at all but she needs to do this as this was her vocation in the Phils.

She wants me to accept her dreams and basically let her do what she's always wanted but was to worried incase I would go against her wishes.

We have discussed in detail and opened both our hearts and found some sort of path forward regarding our fears, worries ect and decided to change things and bring some harmony into this marriage.

I feel a great relief on both sides as Maria thanked me for understanding her dreams and the first time in a long time I seen that sparkle back in her eyes.

I have told her to establish herself and prepare her for academic IELTS so her dreams can come true also baby number 2 planned for late 2016....:biggrin::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ako Si Jamie
21st January 2015, 23:54
It just sounds to me it's all about what she wants, Jack, but it's your decision. I hope she can make you happy. :smile:

22nd January 2015, 05:08
Are you still in separate rooms :Erm:

22nd January 2015, 05:38
Are you still in separate rooms :Erm:

Bloody hell Simon! Give the man a chance.. He`s only just finished making her happy again! :biggrin:

22nd January 2015, 06:05
Bloody hell Simon! Give the man a chance.. He`s only just finished making her happy again!:biggrin:

Sorry Fred, you're right - a good relationship is all about give and take :wink:

22nd January 2015, 06:42
Just an update guys,

My wife like I said is very career orientatated and wants to pursue her vocation as a nurse and has been worried by wanting this so much as she doesn't need to work at all but she needs to do this as this was her vocation in the Phils.

She wants me to accept her dreams and basically let her do what she's always wanted but was to worried incase I would go against her wishes.

We have discussed in detail and opened both our hearts and found some sort of path forward regarding our fears, worries ect and decided to change things and bring some harmony into this marriage.

I feel a great relief on both sides as Maria thanked me for understanding her dreams and the first time in a long time I seen that sparkle back in her eyes.

I have told her to establish herself and prepare her for academic IELTS so her dreams can come true also baby number 2 planned for late 2016....:biggrin::xxgrinning--00xx3:

You seem to have grasped all the advice given and have quite plainly seen the sense in what people like Harry have been telling you.. The problem is that quite obviously,you love this girl so much that every time you are about to confront her with the truth,the fear of losing her and your marriage, halts you in your tracks.... again!
The only thing I would say is for Gods sake..Dont even consider having another child with this woman until she displays the kind of love to you that you do to her.
Personally,I dont think she will EVER change.
I dont think there is any need for you to update us again for lets say 6 months or a year...or 3 until things are resolved one way or the other.
I wish you luck..Hang tough!

22nd January 2015, 08:36
You seem to have grasped all the advice given and have quite plainly seen the sense in what people like Harry have been telling you.. The problem is that quite obviously,you love this girl so much that every time you are about to confront her with the truth,the fear of losing her and your marriage, halts you in your tracks.... again!
The only thing I would say is for God's sake..Dont even consider having another child with this woman until she displays the kind of love to you that you do to her.
Personally,I don't think she will EVER change.
I don't think there is any need for you to update us again for lets say 6 months or a year...or 3 until things are resolved one way or the other.
I wish you luck..Hang tough!

Agreed and now she knows exactly how to behave to get just what she wants :cwm25:

I hope I am proved wrong but this relationship seems to be a little too one-sided for my liking

For her to behave in that manner and for so long would have ended it for me

Expect problems ahead

22nd January 2015, 09:42
I have been following this thread for many days now and I thought I might as well chip in from a woman's point of view as I can see that most of the information/suggestions you've had are from men in this forum.
As London_Manila has pointed out, your relationship is a bit one-sided. From your recent post, seems to me that the only thing that has been discussed is how you can make her even more happy, you've not talked about how SHE CAN AND WILL MAKE YOU HAPPY. As far as I know, most Filipinas, including myself, if they do love their partners/husbands and family, they'd do everything to make the relationship harmonious and without tension. I've known and heard of many stories wherein all the man hears from the woman is "what about ME? MY family back home? What about MY savings for the future?" I know these relationships with such thinking of the woman don't always end nicely. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a perfect relationship, it's the opposite of your case, I'm hanging in there because we have a child together and I love my son. A mother never leaves her child.
I can deduce from your posts that you're a very good man. She's very lucky to have you though I don't think she clearly sees that because of her "other priorities". She came to this country TO BE WITH YOU. For both of you to build a supposed to be loving family together. Don't forget that. I think you should remind her of that. :)

22nd January 2015, 10:03
Very good post Proud Mummy. :xxgrinning--00xx3: I have the same opinion as you. I think that as long as Jack's wife thinks of her happiness only, this will always be a one-sided relationship. Yes she gave up everything to be here in the UK with Jack, but Jack has done everything for her to be too comfortable (according to his posts). She's not showing the love and affection that he needs and thinking of fulfilling her dream career more than what their marriage really need now, it will not end up good in my opinion. :NoNo:

22nd January 2015, 10:18
Just an update guys,

My wife like I said is very career orientatated and wants to pursue her vocation as a nurse and has been worried by wanting this so much as she doesn't need to work at all but she needs to do this as this was her vocation in the Phils.

She wants me to accept her dreams and basically let her do what she's always wanted but was to worried incase I would go against her wishes.

We have discussed in detail and opened both our hearts and found some sort of path forward regarding our fears, worries ect and decided to change things and bring some harmony into this marriage.

I feel a great relief on both sides as Maria thanked me for understanding her dreams and the first time in a long time I seen that sparkle back in her eyes.

I have told her to establish herself and prepare her for academic IELTS so her dreams can come true also baby number 2 planned for late 2016....:biggrin::xxgrinning--00xx3:

That's great news, I am so glad you two have found a way forward.
Yesterday I starting writing a reply on here to the effect that I thought you should ignore any advice to "cut and run" as it seemed to me you just needed to sit down and discuss things with your wife. You described her as someone who said she loved you and to me it seemed there was an underlying problem that needed to come out in the open.

Well my computer shut down and wouldn't restart until today I tried it again and was so glad to hear your problem has been resolved. Good luck to both of you.

Ako Si Jamie
22nd January 2015, 12:53
I've just thought of something, Jack.

I can't see a woman who is very career orientated wanting a baby, unless it's a number of years down the line. Also, who's going to look after it when it's born?

Is she just saying this to get what she wants then when the time comes to try for a baby turn around to you and say something to the effect of "I've got a career now, how can I have a child?"

If I'm being brutally honest Jack, I think she's got you wrapped around her little finger and see's you as a doormat.

Excellent posts, Fred and proudmummy.

Harry T
22nd January 2015, 14:54
Good luck Jack, I'm afraid you are going to need it. :smile: and I'm afraid I have to agree with most of Jamie's last comment.

22nd January 2015, 15:16
Thanks for the reps. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

There is lots of good advice and good words to ponder upon here Jack. At the end of the day, the decision is yours to make. Everyone deserves to be happy - especially those who try and make everyone around them happy. :smile:

22nd January 2015, 20:11
I've just thought of something, Jack.

I can't see a woman who is very career orientated wanting a baby, unless it's a number of years down the line. Also, who's going to look after it when it's born?

Is she just saying this to get what she wants then when the time comes to try for a baby turn around to you and say something to the effect of "I've got a career now, how can I have a child?"

If I'm being brutally honest Jack, I think she's got you wrapped around her little finger and see's you as a doormat.

Excellent posts, Fred and proudmummy.

My misses was working and studying up to a week before little Joe was born. Three wks after his birth, she was back working and studying. It's not easy but not impossible either.

But as you've said Jamie, it could all be delaying tactics. Once she is registered as a nurse, maybe she can get a work permit if she doesn't have ILR :cwm25:

But Lordna, I've got to agree with you. Walking away shouldn't be an option until they've tried counselling from someone like Relate.

22nd January 2015, 22:47
Thanks guys for the recent replies.

Everything is in hand, so to speak, just wrapping a few things up with my lawyers so I can have peace of mind for future events and well worth the cash to be happy once again.

Maria seems sweet at the moment smiling again. I hope it lasts because I wouldn't want her to be unhappy one day. Think enough said....:biggrin: Well, who says life can't be sweet after all.....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ako Si Jamie
23rd January 2015, 22:10
It sounds like this woman has mashed your head in, Jack, because you keep changing your mind.

I think there's something more to this than just sleeping arrangements if I'm being truthful.

Have you told family/friends about this or are they the dismissive types who'll just tell you to man up? If you have, what's their opinion?

Thanks to the anonymous member who sent me rep btw. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ako Si Jamie
23rd January 2015, 22:12
My misses was working and studying up to a week before little Joe was born. Three wks after his birth, she was back working and studying. It's not easy but not impossible either.

I suppose that can work if the husband is happy to take on that role. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
23rd January 2015, 22:19
Thanks to the anonymous member who sent me rep btw. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:Erm: ... 'twas Harry T, I think, :icon_rolleyes: Jamie! :biggrin:

Ako Si Jamie
23rd January 2015, 22:31
:Erm: ... 'twas Harry T, I think, :icon_rolleyes: Jamie! :biggrin:How do you know that, Arthur? :Erm:

23rd January 2015, 22:38
How do you know that, Arthur? :Erm:

Mods can see everything, well except the PMs.. :biggrin:

Ako Si Jamie
23rd January 2015, 22:44
Mods can see everything, well except the PMs.. :biggrin:I'd better turn off my webcam then! :wink:

24th January 2015, 21:16
I suppose that can work if the husband is happy to take on that role. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Role of being mom :cwm25:. We've got an excellent child-minder whom we've been using for 10 yrs now, she is like an aunt to them! :wink:

13th March 2015, 13:00
A relationship is like a family home, it needs strong foundations to stand the test of time. This relationship from the outset isn't/wasn't as stable and didn't have strength. Marry in haste repent at leisure! I have just read your other post where you realise love has waned. Take a little 'me' time, heal yourself, then rebuild slowly.

Your ex certainly sounds odd - separate beds - and she wasn't tactile? That's NOT typical Pinay behaviour at all, but that's maybe how she is as an individual :anerikke: Enjoy your future, focus on yourself for a while. :smile: