View Full Version : Nigerian singer refused visa, Latvian man gets Moldovan wife in suitcase

17th January 2015, 11:19
I read on the news last night that a Nigerian singer Orlando Julius was refused a visa to perform in the UK but they didn't give a reason. They're trying to find out the problem. Here's the story:


I wonder what the reasons were why he got refused?

Here's another story of a Latvian man who smuggled his Moldovan wife in his suitcase to bring her to the UK was stopped at the Port of Calais where authorities checked his suitcase and found his wife curled up in there. This is just very bad. She was refused a visa twice and don't say the reasons why she was refused. I wonder why they refuse visas even without reason?
Here's the other story.


Maybe the Nigerian and the Moldovan has criminal pasts or something. That's my guess.

17th January 2015, 11:40
For the Nigerian, he must have received a letter explaining why his visa was refused but he or his management have not mentioned why :cwm25: maybe the HO don't believe he is a musician or that he will go back.

As for the Latvian man, he's an EU citizen so he has a right to bring his wife to the UK. Again it doesn't mention why she was refused, could be the HO don't think they are married or the relationship is not genuine. :cwm25:

17th January 2015, 11:51
You could be right there Joebloggs.

Ako Si Jamie
17th January 2015, 12:09
They should have called Cameron. :wink:

17th January 2015, 12:16

17th January 2015, 14:38
They are still looking into the Latvian's case.

Ako Si Jamie
17th January 2015, 15:50

The Latvian should be sent packing.

17th January 2015, 15:59
Yeah, but I heard she was a right old bag.

17th January 2015, 17:30
He was last heard shouting " pleeeze valise her ! ".

17th January 2015, 17:47
HO said it was an open-and-shut case and deported her.

17th January 2015, 17:54
They should have called Cameron. :wink:

:xxgrinning--00xx3: Amazing - when we ask for help with a visa we get told you have to abide by the rules.