View Full Version : applying for IRL Visa

18th November 2007, 15:38
Hi everyone,

This is edesa wife of winner just wanna have some advice about applying for IRL visa. Me and my husband in love and happy especially cos will going to have a baby soon with God's love.I give up my partime job cos i'm pregnant cos i'm always feel being sick, my spouse visa run out on 2009. We are renting a room at the moment. I recieve letters from the doctor and the only bill we had for evidence is the rent. My husband wage is enough to look after me and our new coming baby. We went to council cos were we live now is not suitable for baby and we're waiting now a letter from the council to have an interview. I know i cannot claim funds on the visa i have now but the baby will be born here and become a british citizen and my husband is a british, can my husband claim for our baby's fund? Thanks.....God bless


18th November 2007, 18:07
If your husband is low income he should apply for Working Tax Credit, Housing and Council Tax Benefit - this will help your husband to pay rent to your house/flat etc.

How many weeks are you pregnant now? Because if your husband is entitled or in received of Working Tax Credit he can claim a Sure Start Maternity Grant.

You said, you gave your work up just because you felt sick? Does your GP knows you are pregnant? You should get an advice to your GP or Midwife about your pregnancy, this is free!

Your husband is automatically entitled to claim a Child Benefit from the day your child was born.

And as I said above, If your hubby is low income then tell him to claim Working Tax Credit, once he received this benefit he can then claim a Sure Start Maternity Grant (£500 Grant per child), and once your child was born he can claim a Child Tax Credit.

Your husband must be the claimant and he must put your details down on every benefit he is claiming...and this is won't affect your ILR application in the future.

Tell your husband to use this calculator to help him work out his entitlement to benefits and tax credits.


He must act ASAP or he will lose his benefits!

19th November 2007, 12:02
:xxgrinning--00xx3: so right ladyj :xxgrinning--00xx3:

time for your husband to start claiming and getting some of those visa fees back :D

don't forget to download and read the set (m) form about what type of letters you can use for evidence, child benefit and tax creds letters are good ones, as they will have both your names on.

19th November 2007, 13:08
thanks ladyj,

yes been to the GP already and by the way thanks a lot for your advice..may God bless you...


19th November 2007, 13:10
hi thanks joebloggs, God bless and take care.....


19th November 2007, 13:38
:NoNo:What is this

Tell your husband to use this calculator to help him work out his entitlement to benefits and tax credits.

Why not be positive and say this !

Tell your husband to get out there and find a better job that pays better, and then he can take care of you in a manner that is appropriate....and pay his income tax like the rest of us do.

I really get sick of hearing comments like
How many weeks are you pregnant now? Because if your husband is entitled or in received of Working Tax Credit he can claim a Sure Start Maternity Grant.


He must act ASAP or he will lose his benefits!

The United Kingdom is not a something for nothing society, please don't encourage people to think that way, benefits come from central government money which in turn is levied from tax payers.

I am a high rate tax payer and I object to this advice being given on a public forum, there are no benefits for people like me, only tax tax tax...

Honestly, it gets right up my nose...when I think how hard my wife and I have to work to get by, and how much tax we pay between us,
My poor Filipino wife came to this country 2.5 years ago, from the minute she arrived she has been working and paying her income tax, even though she is not entitled to public funds, so many others i know are like her also here at this forum.

19th November 2007, 13:43
:xxgrinning--00xx3: so right ladyj :xxgrinning--00xx3:

time for your husband to start claiming and getting some of those visa fees back :D

don't forget to download and read the set (m) form about what type of letters you can use for evidence, child benefit and tax creds letters are good ones, as they will have both your names on.

What for, her visa does not run out until 2009, what's the emergency ? she is still in 24 months temporary resident stage, and whats that comment Joe you made there ?

time for your husband to start claiming and getting some of those visa fees back :D

Why should he...he pays like the rest of us, there are no free lunches out there, I wish people would understand that...

19th November 2007, 13:50
:furious3::furious3::furious3:OMG what is this ?????????

£500.00 is that what they get ????

And where do you think that comes from...yes you got it....

I know i cannot claim funds on the visa i have now but the baby will be born here and become a british citizen and my husband is a british, can my husband claim for our baby's fund?

Can someone enlighten me as to what this baby fund is ? cos the poor suckers who are tax payers will have to pay for it, i would just like to know what it is as when my children were growing up, we didn't have it, but then again, my child pays income tax on his income and it costs him £1000.00 a year to insure himself against getting injured in Afghanistan..my children were brought up from birth to make their way in the world, not rely on parents, carve out a future, and get on their bike and go for it..so we never did bother with finding out about special baby funds...back then you purchased your own baby buggy, scrimped and saved for your clothes, got Gran to knit for you, and you made do with what you had...now its baby funds, and free this and that....disgraceful...

19th November 2007, 15:12
hi ginapeterb just like to say to you i've been a very high tax payer for the last 20 years i had a industrial injury a few years back thats y i had to take a big drop in wages i can not understand [word removed - this is a public forum - Rob] like you to say things like that this first time i will be claiming so get your head out your butt i am born and breed english man so y not take some think back what i've paid in for years and years nice if you reply


19th November 2007, 15:19
oh i thought the rightwing was in hiding :xxparty-smiley-004:

so whats the point of a tax creds, and child benefit if no one claims it !, if you are ENTITLED to claim it, its up to you if you claim it, like it or not, its the way it is..

and pete if you want child benefit, and tax creds, you know what you need to do then !!

and err pete, her husband pays income tax just like you ! and err me, and like everyone else !!!, and i didn't moan for the 20+years i've paid income tax, and soon as my wife gets a full time job, i will still not be moaning when we're NOT ENTITLED to claim it and she paying :censored: loads of tax.. we will be happy to pay it, and be grateful we will be earning enough to live off without having to claim it .. and know some of the tax we pay goes to help those who need help ,.... and pete thank god or who ever your not one of them..

as for the visa fees, i've paid £2,300 in less than a year, err, thats ok with you is it ? well then, i dont see why i should pay at all, just as you don't want anyone to claim benefits !

and as for the maternity grant, i think your wrong, i'm sure in the past Social services, if you were on benefits could help you buy things for your baby when it was born.

19th November 2007, 15:43
hi ginapeterb me again best thing you can do is stand on the white cliffs of dover and start preaching maybe all the immigrants turn back winner

19th November 2007, 16:09
oh winner I forgot to congrat you and your wife :Hellooo::BouncyHappy:

best wishes to you all :xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th November 2007, 16:43
:NoNo:What is this

Why not be positive and say this !

Tell your husband to get out there and find a better job that pays better, and then he can take care of you in a manner that is appropriate....and pay his income tax like the rest of us do.

I really get sick of hearing comments like


The United Kingdom is not a something for nothing society, please don't encourage people to think that way, benefits come from central government money which in turn is levied from tax payers.

I am a high rate tax payer and I object to this advice being given on a public forum, there are no benefits for people like me, only tax tax tax...

Honestly, it gets right up my nose...when I think how hard my wife and I have to work to get by, and how much tax we pay between us,
My poor Filipino wife came to this country 2.5 years ago, from the minute she arrived she has been working and paying her income tax, even though she is not entitled to public funds, so many others i know are like her also here at this forum.

I second your opinion. To many lazy people out there, much work for everybody if they really want it:xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th November 2007, 16:44

I'm sorry if my advice made you upset..but you made me quite upset too.
You should have told to us your opinion in a nice way, I think its unfair you talked to me/us like that way.

I think we all knowthat most of the member here are non-professional about these Immigration or benefits etc. and we know that we are just trying to help one another.

I wouldn't advice people to claim benefits if I think they are not entitled to and we all know aswell that before we brought our love ones here in UK we proved to the British Embassy Manila that we can live here without help from the public funds.

So If you don't want them to claim benefits or tax credits? where do you think public funds should go to?

19th November 2007, 16:55
Can someone enlighten me as to what this baby fund is ? cos the poor suckers who are tax payers will have to pay for it,

Well I think everyone pays tax like you do Pete!

If you are upset because you are in a higher income and can't claim benefits or tax back then I think that's your problem, you should moan to the HM Revenue & Custom and not to us.:NoNo:


I'm sorry if my advice made you upset..but you made me quite upset too.
You should have told to us your opinion in a nice way, I think its unfair you talked to me/us like that way.[/QUOTE]

If that's how you treat people who you think their advice is not sounds good to you, then I'm outta here.

19th November 2007, 17:10
oh ladyj, petes no lady :cwm24:, i wouldn't let anything anyone says upset you on here, it's a 'FREE' country :D, well free speech anyway, you've got a right to say what you like, its not petes forum, its scousers keiths, and as long as you don't :cwm23: him, which is pretty hard to do, your ok :xxgrinning--00xx3:

tax,tax,tax is something i pay and we all pay, but i don't cry about it :bigcry:, everyone is against those who claim benefits and could work, but the benefits which we are talking about are to help bring a child up, have you any idea pete, what it cost for child care ???, yes my wife works to, shes never claimed any benefits, and oh they even refused her maternity pay, that same child will oneday will be working and paying tax while your sick or retired. so as long as users on here ask for any advice, and i can help, i'll post that advice wether others like it or not :rolleye:, they'll just have to deal with it...

thatchers britain - i'm al'right jack :xxgrinning--00xx3: - she stole from everyone, and gave to the rich...

19th November 2007, 19:05
how many weeks till you have that 500 from the day you apply for the grant?:D

19th November 2007, 19:17
hi ginapeterb just like to say to you i've been a very high tax payer for the last 20 years i had a industrial injury a few years back thats y i had to take a big drop in wages i can not understand dick heads like you to say things like that this first time i will be claiming so get your head out your butt i am born and breed english man so y not take some think back what i've paid in for years and years nice if you reply


Winner, put a name to your nickname, mine is Pete what is yours ? stop hiding behind it.

Secondly, paying income tax does not give anyone the right to assume they can get it back in the form of benefits.

And thirdly, we tend to refrain from using the language you have used on this forum, such as calling me a dick head, firstly I find that bastos, and secondly, my reponse was not to your post, but to someone else's whose advice I found to be negative.

I was not aware of your circumstances, since you did not make the original post, it appears your wife did, I appreciate and understand you have also paid income tax, good for you, however, was it wise to have your wife asking for that kind of advice on a public forum, when you have already indicated that you are english born and bred, if that is the case, you yourself are fully aware of your rights and entitlements, such as maternity benefits and other state benefits.

You will have to forgive me for being outspoken on this issue, I am not familiar with state benefits, since I have never had to claim them, its is foreign and alien to me.

My views have always been very clear, perhaps that is what makes one or two of my posts here at this forum controversial, I don't mince my words, that is true, some people here will support my stance, others will not, that as Joe Blogs has rather brashly pointed out, free speech, you are entitled to your views, whether this is the 1st claim you have made in 20 years, does not interest me in individual cases, I am merely stating my opinion on the general policy of turning to the welfare state for assistance, so please do not seek to suggest I am personalizing this issue.

I am surprised winner (as you call yourself) that you chose to call me a ********, and "to get it out of my ass". I do hope you are man enough to send me a personal apology, since it is not the language I would have used when addressing you, especially as you are a stranger, and not someone known to me.

I will answer the other posts now...I await your private apology.


19th November 2007, 19:26
Well I think everyone pays tax like you do Pete!

If you are upset because you are in a higher income and can't claim benefits or tax back then I think that's your problem, you should moan to the HM Revenue & Custom and not to us.:NoNo:


I'm sorry if my advice made you upset..but you made me quite upset too.
You should have told to us your opinion in a nice way, I think its unfair you talked to me/us like that way.

If that's how you treat people who you think their advice is not sounds good to you, then I'm outta here.[/QUOTE]

LadyJ ? that is a ridiculous statement to make, of course everyone does not pay income tax, people on Income support and housing benefit does not pay income tax.

Why should I moan to HM Customs and Revenue, I am not seeking to claim benefits, secondly your assertion is that I am moaning to you, why would you suppose that I am ? have I asked you for anything ? of course I did not, I am expressing my views on a sensitive and political issue in our country, by the way are you a registered voter ? are you a resident or a citizen ? if so, then the debate might interest you ?

How could I have told you my opinion in a nice way, is there a nice way to say I don't agree with the welfare state as it exists in my country, how could I put that over to you in a nice way.

The fact of the matter is, there is no nice way to put it, or should I resort to what they do in the Philippines to resolve political differences, just to have my opponents killed, as in extra judicial killings, no I don't think that is the way forward, let us stick to harmless debating of our viewpoints, in that way, nobody gets topped, and everyone gets a say.

And please don't presume to threaten me with the fact that you may leave the forum, your'e free to come and go as you please, no one holds you here, they certainly don't hold me here, I spend countless hours giving immigration advice, here and by private e mail for hours on end, I do it out of interest and because i care about others who have difficulties in getting through the entry clearance process, just because someone disagreed with your advice, (If I had a dollar for everyone who did not agree with me, I would have left years ago)

Stand the course LadyJ and get in the debate, instead of threatening to go at the first sign of an opposing view.

Your a typical Filipino, cant take any kind of confrontation...welcome to the real world.

19th November 2007, 19:36
Hi Joe,

I sent you a personal message to answer your posts directly.

I won't presume to get into a flaming spiral with you on this forum, for the reasons I stated in my message.

19th November 2007, 19:38
how many weeks till you have that 500 from the day you apply for the grant?:D

Lovely baby eljean cute mo cute mo...

Pete Bennett mod
best wishes.

19th November 2007, 19:39
hi ginapeterb me again best thing you can do is stand on the white cliffs of dover and start preaching maybe all the immigrants turn back winner

Is this the usual level of your debating acumen, your sad pal ! ....and by the way i am still waiting for your apology for the name you called me.

19th November 2007, 19:47
Lovely baby eljean cute mo cute mo...

Pete Bennett mod
best wishes.

thanks for the compliment kuya pete!
cutey baby like mommy:iagree:
who know's you might be having a cute baby too!someday...then you can have 500 quid as well:xxgrinning--00xx3::Rasp:

19th November 2007, 19:51
hahaha thanks eljean, but I am sure I wont get it, I think for me and Gin Gin, we don't think about it anymore, there was a time when I thought, well should we or should we not....

But as time has gone by, we seem to be loving life as it is, I know there might be a time when we think, ohhhhh would it not be nice to have a little one playing in the house, you think like that sometimes, but then again, my children grew up so long ago, I think being a Dad again would be titilating for me, as the baby's brothers would protect her, especially if its a little girl, hmmm would they ever.

But as for now, I must just have to miss out on that carrot that is being dangled of the £500.00, anyway, I Hope you get yours Eljean, take care, and your baby is so beautiful, congratulations.

19th November 2007, 19:56
Is this the usual level of your debating acumen, your sad pal ! ....and by the way i am still waiting for your apology for the name you called me.

Hi Pete,
We have never chatted before I would like to say WELL DONE! for saying what you said. I would say you spoke the words what many members where thinking but never had the courage to say. Im so sorry what 'winner' called you, I thought all messages are checked out before they are released? don't lose any sleep over it.
Regards Mark:xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th November 2007, 20:05
hahaha thanks eljean, but I am sure I wont get it, I think for me and Gin Gin, we don't think about it anymore, there was a time when I thought, well should we or should we not....

But as time has gone by, we seem to be loving life as it is, I know there might be a time when we think, ohhhhh would it not be nice to have a little one playing in the house, you think like that sometimes, but then again, my children grew up so long ago, I think being a Dad again would be titilating for me, as the baby's brothers would protect her, especially if its a little girl, hmmm would they ever.

But as for now, I must just have to miss out on that carrot that is being dangled of the £500.00, anyway, I Hope you get yours Eljean, take care, and your baby is so beautiful, congratulations.

as the saying goes its better to give than to receive so maybe that why you are blessed becoz you pay more taxes:D

well anyways...just as what has been said that there might some people who will agree and some will disagree,some will say bad and some will say good but as long as everyone knows how to reconcile:ARsurrender:we would live all together harmoniously:)

19th November 2007, 20:09

I am grateful for your kind support on these issues, sometimes I am prepared to say what sometimes needs to be said, actually if Winner read the original post, he would have noted that I was not actually against his right as a British citizen to make a claim for his entitlement, as I understand the guy had been injured industrially, that would have meant his capacity to work etc would have been severely restricted, on that basis of course I am sympathetic to his requirements, and would not begrudge him receiving anything he is entitled to.

What seemed to set me off, was the advice given by LadyJ, who has yet to come back and tell us what her status is here in the UK.

The advice offered by JoeBloggs also seems to be brash and flippant and ill-advised such as

time for your husband to start claiming and getting some of those visa fees back

I am not sure why this advice was given, it appears from his posts that he somehow resents having to pay visa fees, hmmmm we all do, but the fact of the matter is, they have to be paid, even if we think that they are a rip off, which if he had stated as such, he may found that many of us would sympathise with his viewpoint.

Sadly Mark with the amount of messages on this forum, its not possible to moderate every message that is posted, personally since you mention it, I am surprised by the amount of ping-pong replies that have found there way on to this forum over the last couple of months I have been on it, some people seem to think its a instant messaging client, rather than an asynchronous bulletin board.

But once again Its good to know that I am not the only member oft this forum who shares my view, I suspect as you have said, there are many more, who may be reluctant to give their view especially as they may wish to refrain from being chat bombed by the language that Winner used in his remarks against me.

I will take your advice, and not loose too much sleep over it, once again thanks for your support, and by the way, welcome to the forum.

19th November 2007, 20:11
Eljean, you kind of brought a smile to my face when I read this:

as the saying goes its better to give than to receive so maybe that why you are blessed becoz you pay more taxes

I had to think of something to pacify my outbursts today, you have said it all kapitid na babae...can you tell that to HM Customs and Revenue..

Best wishes Eljean..thanks for that comment.

19th November 2007, 20:22
Hi Edesa, winners wife.

I don't have much knowledge about benifits and taxes but if you really wanted to have a proper answer with regards to this issue. Try this site http://www.ukresident.com/ You can raise your querries there, the site has got forum as well which members have similar issues with you.

btw, congratulations for being preggy :xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th November 2007, 20:44
Thanks for the welcome Pete
Ive been a member here since July3rd2007. I ve not made manys posts in that time but my wife (cryingbaby) has.
I to can be 'out spoken' this is why I dont make many posts.
I made a post yesterday and it was met with a negative reply. All I was doing, like all of us, is giving our view points and what we experence.
Having said that this forum has been a great help to gemma and I, we made good friends in Edinburgh who we will visit in the new year and been given good advice. Like Gemma told me, this is an open forum for anybody and if I dont like what I read don't react!! Today was too much, and Gemma is not here to take the PC from me!! hehehehe
Oh yes, I dont consider myself rightwing but I agree with your viewpoint, I voted for a thatcher goverment twice, for me they were the best years if you wanted to get on in life But that is my viewpoint and not gospel:cwm12:

19th November 2007, 20:48
Looks like I missed all the fun!!! :yikes:

hi ginapeterb me again best thing you can do is stand on the white cliffs of dover and start preaching maybe all the immigrants turn back winner

...and I'll join Pete on the cliffs....we don't want any more of those pesky whites coming into our country and ruining it :rolleyes:

I look at tax as an investment, I like to make sure that the council have enough coppers in the tin to pay for the important Christmas visit to the little village of Umfucatwato in the Bahamas :Erm:

You gotta love this one, a mate of mine was working 6 months in Liverpool for Norwich Union while SIX women had nipped off on 12 month pregnancy leave........they had 13 MONTHS off, because they are still entitled to the 4 weeks holiday they had earned during the year off!!! :Brick:

If you want 12 months off to have a child, bloody stay there and look after it, it is NOT A PET!!! :cwm23: Plenty of work from home jobs these days. ANYONE can start an online business. Myself & Pete had no experience of the sites we run before we started.

...and since we are all having a rant....get the smackheads of Incapacity, it is a social choice, not an illness. :CompBuster:

19th November 2007, 20:53
Hello once again MARK,

Sorry I had not noticed you, probably I was not here when you became a member, I think I saw Gemma around (cryingbaby) its nice to meet you both on the forum, i think in truth i probably kind of over-reacted, sometimes though when I write posts, I do say what first comes into my head, you could find that funny if you want, because thats how it comes over, I guess i want to be free to express my thoughts.

I don't consider myself right wing either, and yes Mark I did vote for Margaret Thatcher twice also, and I would agree with you, for those of us who remember that time, it did seem that opportunities were there for us to get on in life, sadly, not everyone saw it that way.

I think its obvious to many at this forum, that Pete is not a socialist, I make that obvious.

Anyway wasn't this thread about benefit entitlements or something like that ?

19th November 2007, 20:59
Welcome back Keith - you missed all the fun.
I know what you're thinking, its Browns Scottish old socialist state in action.

19th November 2007, 21:01
I like Brown :Sex:, he got rid of betting tax :luv13::luv4:

19th November 2007, 21:10
oh me and pete may not agree on this issue,, but my posts as always should be taken as light hearted, and i never mean to offend anyone, i'm all for a bit of lively debate :xxgrinning--00xx3:, but insulting members of the forum shouldn't be tolerated, and pete has my full support on that matter..

ladyj chin up gal.. hows the little'un ? little joe never crawls now, walks everywhere !

as for rightwing and thatcher, thats my little jokes :cwm34:, well i've never voted for her, maybe if i got 1,000 BA shares off her i would have :D, i'm in a labour stronghold, if the labour party put up a monkey it would win :D easily

12 months leave !!! :icon_lol::D:icon_lol::D, my wife was back working in less than 4 wks of little joe being born (we needed the money), and i didn't even get any paternity leave :NoNo:

19th November 2007, 21:18
The new revised child benifit has nothing to do with his personel standing and all the freebees north of the border has nothing to do with him being a Scot, how could that be? wouldn't we all see through that, of course not, thats is why we can't vote on Europe, we can't understand it...

19th November 2007, 21:19
I don't like the Visa fees but if you don't agree with them use the democratic process and vote agaisnt the parties which want them.
That or like most of us debated between their loved one and themself move to phill or a third country where it would be easier and cheaper for the two of you to settle.

Having gone though the process and had to make sure that the bank balance looked decent. I thought it was outragous but now i see it makes sense, having a 2k surplus to support a person who needs to bulid a new life in the UK is probably on the low side. Not to have that money would be unfair on the two of you.

Although i know the uk citzen/resident spouse can claim but the visa holding spouse can't, i wouldn't want to have to rely on what i might be able to claim to support three people. For those planning to apply make sure you have decent savings, jobs will be far harder next year to find so less likely the visa older walking into a job unless highly qualified.

Also snatcher who like all polticians i have very little time for is side by side bliar/brown comedy duo who will at least equal if not exceed their idol in policies which will make your life worse the Crash when it happens remeber the govement is printing money to pay its way out of crisis and northern rock is about to take out a few members of browns cabinet when the 1000 pound for each british person paid to them can't be paid back in full. Plus the small issue of two wars with no end site plus random inspired al queada attacks for the forseeable future due to his policies which are costing us billions.

Joe the reason you and I paid so much in visa fees is partly due to recent goverments of both colours doing nothing about various visa issues for a long time and now realising they need to bring in new procedures like checking people in and out of the country. Why can't they pay out of the taxes we all pay, well due to no one earning under 27k iirc actually paying a surplus to what they need if they claim all they are entitled to.
I would think for the plans they would have they might have to add an extra penny on to the tax rate which would not do well for Brown.

Peace to all:xxgrinning--00xx3: whoever they are

19th November 2007, 21:24
hi pete my name is warren not hide behind any name if i have some thing to say i say it, first sorry for calling you a name accept my apology, 2nd i only ask if i was entitled to any thing and you run of with your mouth saying this that and the other making me look bad (ho look another one) this not true i pay as well as the other man tax and more tax so when you down on your luck you think bad of people i say again pete sorry for that name i call you hope we can be good freinds all the best warren (winner)

19th November 2007, 21:27
Peace to everyone

We are family here so no need to used harsh words :xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th November 2007, 21:41
LadyJ ? that is a ridiculous statement to make, of course everyone does not pay income tax, people on Income support and housing benefit does not pay income tax.

How sure are you about that Pete? What about If I tell you we are in received of Housing Benefit and me and my partner still pays income tax.

I spend countless hours giving immigration advice, here and by private e mail for hours on end, I do it out of interest and because i care about others who have difficulties in getting through the entry clearance process, just because someone disagreed with your advice, (If I had a dollar for everyone who did not agree with me, I would have left years ago)
So do I?! and other members of this forum!

Stand the course LadyJ and get in the debate, instead of threatening to go at the first sign of an opposing view.
Your a typical Filipino, cant take any kind of confrontation...welcome to the real world.
Straight to the point, debate is not my cup of tea..I don't like argument! And I also dislike people who are over reacting!

19th November 2007, 21:41
Looks like I missed all the fun!!! :yikes:

...and I'll join Pete on the cliffs....we don't want any more of those pesky whites coming into our country and ruining it :rolleyes:

I look at tax as an investment, I like to make sure that the council have enough coppers in the tin to pay for the important Christmas visit to the little village of Umfucatwato in the Bahamas :Erm:

You gotta love this one, a mate of mine was working 6 months in Liverpool for Norwich Union while SIX women had nipped off on 12 month pregnancy leave........they had 13 MONTHS off, because they are still entitled to the 4 weeks holiday they had earned during the year off!!! :Brick:

If you want 12 months off to have a child, bloody stay there and look after it, it is NOT A PET!!! :cwm23: Plenty of work from home jobs these days. ANYONE can start an online business. Myself & Pete had no experience of the sites we run before we started.

...and since we are all having a rant....get the smackheads of Incapacity, it is a social choice, not an illness. :CompBuster:

Hi Keith,
Just to let you know you have another fan added to your fan club. Not just because of what you just said but because after all these weeks I realise you are a funny man, you make me laugh! Not your jokes!!:BouncyHappy:

19th November 2007, 21:57
Peace to everyone

We are family here so no need to used harsh words :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Hmmp! You heard that Pete?! :D We are all family here :xxgrinning--00xx3 So don't let your blood boiled like that again next time.. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Can I just ask?

How far did I get your nerves?:icon_lol:


19th November 2007, 21:59

Fair enough, your apology accepted mate, it takes a big man to come back and to that, i respect you for that, as for my ramblings, its obvious to everyone I am not in favor of the welfare state.

Well thats not quite my opinion, my opinion has slightly diversified and been modified over the years since Margaret Thatcher came to power, but when I took my degree one of the subjects I studied was "The UK, the Golden age to contemporary Britain".

When the welfare state was first envisioned by the Churchill committee in 1942, Winston Churchill asked the then Sir William Beveridge to look into the needs of the not so well off.

The committee came up with the idea of having a scheme called "National Insurance" "All people of working age should pay a weekly national insurance contribution.

In return, benefits would be paid to people who were sick, unemployed, retired or widowed.' The basic assumptions of the report were the National Health Service, which provided free health care to the UK.

The Universal Child Benefit was a scheme to give child benefits, which encouraged people to have children so they could afford to keep them alive and not for them to starve to death.

This was particularly useful after the second world war, where the population in England declined, so encouragement for new babies was encouraged, which sparked the baby boom.

Child benefit was then in effect an inducement for couples to grow the population by being given cash incentives to plug the population decline following the serious loss of life in the 2nd war, amazing don't you all think ?

Before 1939, health care had to be paid for, this was done through a vast network of friendly societies, trade unions and other insurance companies which counted the vast majority of the UK working population as members.

These friendly societies provided insurance for sickness, unemployment and invalidity, therefore providing people with an income when they were unable to work.

But because of the 1942 Beveridge Report, in 5th July 1948, the National Insurance Act, National Assistance Act and National Health Service Act came into force, thus this is the day that the modern UK welfare state was founded.

Criticisms of the UK Welfare State.

1. one criticism of welfare states concern the idea that a welfare state makes citizens dependent and less inclined to work.

2.Another criticism comes from Classical Liberalism. Namely, that Welfare is theft of Property or Labor.

This criticism is based upon classical liberalist ideals, wherein a citizen owns his body, and owns the product of his body's labor (i.e. goods, services, or money).

Note that in this definition property that is inherited is not included. So to remove money through legal mechanisms set by a democratically elected assembly from the working or non-working citizen and give it to a non-working or handicapped citizen or to a child is argued to be theft of the worker's property and/or labor and a violation of his property rights.

3.A third criticism is that the welfare state allegedly provides its dependents with a similar level of income to the minimum wage. Critics argue that fraud and economic inactivity are apparently quite common now in the United Kingdom.

4. Some in the UK claim that the welfare state has produced a generation of dependents who rely solely upon the state for income and support instead of working even though assistance is only given to those unable to work so that actually being able to work and instead relying on the state for income is a criminal offence.

5. The welfare state in the UK was created to provide a carefully selected number of people with a subsistence level of benefits in order to alleviate poverty, but that as a matter of opinion has been overly expanded to provide a large number of people indiscriminately with more money than the country can afford.

Some feel that this argument is demonstrably false: the benefits system in the UK hands out considerably less money than the national minimum wage, although people on welfare often find that they qualify for a variety of benefits, including benefits in-kind, such as subsidised accommodation which usually make the overall benefits much higher than figures show.

6. A fourth criticism of the welfare state is that it results in high taxes. This is usually true, as evidenced by places like Denmark (tax level at 50.4% of GDP in 2002) and Sweden (tax level at 50.2% of GDP in 2002). Such high taxes do not necessarily mean less income for the nation overall, since the state taxes go directly to the people it is taxed from. The real issue is that they result in a major redistribution of that income from the citizens on the productive side of the equation to the citizens on the welfare state side. Thus the productive, self-reliant citizens subsidise the lifestyle of others.

My modified stance remains unchanged, governments need to provide the conditions in which people do not need to rely on state benefits to get by in life, national insurance should be only to provide an income in retirement, child benefit which is universally paid to anyone with children, is quite ridiculous, I mean come on, Does the Duke of Westminster the riches man in the country actually need child benefit.

Child benefit should not be universally paid to anyone with children, for example, I do not need it, should I have children, so I do not believe I should receive it, I know some of my friends also have that view, but they take the child benefit because its universal, why do we still need a benefit that was set up in 1948 simply to encourage people to have babies.

Britain cannot afford the welfare state as it is today, and it will come to that conclusion within the next 30 years, the NHS is almost bankrupt, and we will also come to that conclusion that a public private scheme will be the only answer in 30 years.

Look at France's healthcare system, public private works, and France's healthcare is far better and efficient than ours, they have embraced the hard decisions that needed making, why can't we !

The points Mark raised about what is going on North of the English border only goes to support my assertions, free dental, free university tuition, free care for elderly, this is all ok, but in the end who will pay for it, the answer is simple:

A Massive re-distribution of income - in effect theft of ones property through work, by setting up legal mechanisms to relieve people of the fruits of their own labors to subsidize the lifestyles of others.

That cannot be right, and that is my humble opinion folks !

19th November 2007, 22:02
I thought a forum can also debate as well surely? can you tell me you did'nt find this debate exciting? more so than the normal stuff on here?there is no rudeness just all being 'frank' with one another. I think im right when you look at the 'who's on line' and what they are looking at. Ive enjoyed it so thanks to all!!

19th November 2007, 22:05
Hmmp! You heard that Pete?! :D We are all family here :xxgrinning--00xx3 So don't let your blood boiled like that again next time.. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Can I just ask?

How far did I get your nerves?:icon_lol:


Yes LadyJ did my blood boil ? hmmm its ok, I think LadyJ you can see I don't like Gordon and Alistair and I think you can also see, that I hate NEW LABOUR, and all they stand for, I cannot wait until we kick them out at the next election, and boot them all back to their old Scottish accountant socialistic lairs North of the border.

'here is a song for you LadYj"

Here it is " Over the Hills and far away, Gordon commands and we obey, he wants our money to spend his way, over the hills and far away ! through England Scotland wales and Ireland, we work our fingers to the bone, so that Gordon can sit in his counting house, over the hills and far away, he tax demands and we obey, its mind over matter and Gordon doesnt mind and we dont matter.

Over the hills and far away ?

Sorry the music is not available, make your own up.

19th November 2007, 22:06
Can I be FRANK as well, never liked the name KEITH? :)

19th November 2007, 22:07
hi pete my name is warren not hide behind any name if i have some thing to say i say it, first sorry for calling you a name accept my apology, 2nd i only ask if i was entitled to any thing and you run of with your mouth saying this that and the other making me look bad (ho look another one) this not true i pay as well as the other man tax and more tax so when you down on your luck you think bad of people i say again pete sorry for that name i call you hope we can be good freinds all the best warren (winner)

Nice one warren takes a real person to say sorry and both of you have.

I think it was one of those misunderstandings from where im reading on the sidelines and when i read though your wifes post it was not to clear about your situation.

Most important thing is for you both to be sorted and of course Baby winner:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I like many on here are not experienced in benefits, but will i know try and help if we can.

19th November 2007, 22:09
Can I be FRANK as well, never liked the name KEITH? :)

Now if you were sensible you could be frank in sense

ok i'll get me coat, just mind that tumbleweed

19th November 2007, 22:12

You are right, it does make a difference from this kind of post which kind of goes like this

"Hello everyone, my name is sexy lady, I come from Ilocos Norte, I am happy to be on this forum, peace and goodwill to all men, I was just wondering about my situation - I am married to a Filipino, he was on glue sniffing, he beat me, and forced me into slavery, he spend all the money on Tanduay and Hope, he is always sneaking around the barangay with his barkada.

Well this is my situation, recently about 2 months ago, my husband fell down a hole near the house, and was washed away by a typhoon, then roof fell of the house, and the caribao had to be attended by a vet.

I met my British BF on FH, he say he come to see me in 3 months, but I neeed to get my anulment, as my husband fell down the hole and was washed away by the typhoon, I have problems with my papers, also the magnetic strip on my passport is defaced, because my cousin pretended to be me when she apply at the American embassy.

I have 2 children with my husband, and my British BF he is married also, he say he get a divorce, and he pay for my anulment, he also say he is now on the Income POT !

Do you think Embassy give me visa, because I anxious to get to Uk soon, to work for my family, and pay vet bill for sick caribao.

Peace to all good men and thank you so much moderators for all your help, I am trusting you all understanding my predicament here....

God bless - God is loving to all you good men there in Hingand.

19th November 2007, 22:15
Its nice to know atleast one of our MOD here believes in GOD.

19th November 2007, 22:20
Now if you were sensible you could be frank in sense

ok i'll get me coat, just mind that tumbleweed

and we all lived happily ever:BouncyHappy:after

19th November 2007, 22:26

You are right, it does make a difference from this kind of post which kind of goes like this

"Hello everyone, my name is sexy lady, I come from Ilocos Norte, I am happy to be on this forum, peace and goodwill to all men, I was just wondering about my situation - I am married to a Filipino, he was on glue sniffing, he beat me, and forced me into slavery, he spend all the money on Tanduay and Hope, he is always sneaking around the barangay with his barkada.

Well this is my situation, recently about 2 months ago, my husband fell down a hole near the house, and was washed away by a typhoon, then roof fell of the house, and the caribao had to be attended by a vet.

I met my British BF on FH, he say he come to see me in 3 months, but I neeed to get my anulment, as my husband fell down the hole and was washed away by the typhoon, I have problems with my papers, also the magnetic strip on my passport is defaced, because my cousin pretended to be me when she apply at the American embassy.

I have 2 children with my husband, and my British BF he is married also, he say he get a divorce, and he pay for my anulment, he also say he is now on the Income POT !

Do you think Embassy give me visa, because I anxious to get to Uk soon, to work for my family, and pay vet bill for sick caribao.

Peace to all good men and thank you so much moderators for all your help, I am trusting you all understanding my predicament here....

God bless - God is loving to all you good men there in Hingand.

I see some of them posts pete (Winners not being one of them i might add) and think :yikes:

19th November 2007, 22:27
Can I be FRANK as well, never liked the name KEITH? :)

Strangely thats what Gemma says to me on most nights ie; honey, I can be what ever you want me to be: Rasp:

19th November 2007, 22:52
hurray! peace to everybody:)

here is my song for everybody he he he

no fighting shakira... shakira.....:cwm38:

Keep smilin', keep shinin'
Knowin' you can always count on me, for sure
That's what friends are for
For good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for :xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th November 2007, 23:09
Its nice to know atleast one of our MOD here believes in GOD.

Ouch.....I just felt a dig :D

I've never said I do not believe a God cannot exist, but I have no proof one does either, but the weight of physical, real & quantum evidence suggests no, while any proof of a yes is non existent. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th November 2007, 23:47
Ouch.....I just felt a dig :D

I've never said I do not believe a God cannot exist, but I have no proof one does either, but the weight of physical, real & quantum evidence suggests no, while any proof of a yes is non existent. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Exactly lots of people think sherlock homles was a real person.

20th November 2007, 02:06
Ouch.....I just felt a dig :D

I've never said I do not believe a God cannot exist, but I have no proof one does either, but the weight of physical, real & quantum evidence suggests no, while any proof of a yes is non existent. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

i thought it was aimed at me :D, only thing scouser keith believes in, is the horse he's backed in the 4:30 at kempton park :D

andypaul, the reason visa fees are so high now is the gov know people will pay, you don't have much of a choice, i've read on a blog, that someone tired to find out the details of the meeting where the new visa prices were decided using the freedom of information act, the home office said to him, it would take more than 15 hours to get the information he wanted, so it wasn't covered by the act, and it would charge him £46 an hour :yikes: to get the information he wanted, as this is their hourly fee they charge..

so if i use the home office £46 an hour :D, ILR now costs £750 / £46 = 16 hours, i would like to know what they do for those 16 hours ? check with my bank - err no they cannot do that becuase of the data protection act, check with my boss, no after all the visa's i've applied for, no one has ever contacted my work asking about me, checked with my mom? nope !, so what do they do for the 16 hours :Wine::xxparty-smiley-050::NEW5::action-smiley-060:. it would not take more than 1 hour to look and read all the evidence that i've sent for a visa app. its just another scam to make :REGamblMoney01HL1:

20th November 2007, 09:52
You can always contact the governments audit office, your MP & the European commission and ask them.

20th November 2007, 23:24
Breaking News today!!

As we are talking about Benefits/ HM Revenue & Customs here

The Tax Boss Quits after the records vanish

Two crucial CDs containing 25 million people's personal details have gone missing, the Chancellor has admitted.

The chairman of HM Revenue and Customs Paul Gray has quit as the country's top tax man over the matter.

The Metropolitan Police are "making inquiries" into the blunder and Alistair Darling has made a statement to the Commons.

They went missing after they were sent by TNT courier.

"The missing information contains details of all Child Benefit recipients: records for 25 million individuals and seven and a quarter million families," he told MPs.

He also revealed that the missing discs contain personal data including the names, National Insurance and bank details of millions of child benefit recipients.

It means that the personal details of every family in the country with a child under 16 have gone missing.

Mr Darling told the Commons: "I regard this as an extremely serious failure by HMRC in their responsibility to the public."

In a letter to HMRC staff, Mr Gray said: "I am announcing today that I will be standing down as HMRC Chairman as a result of a substantial operational failure in the Department.

"This is not the way I would have planned to organise my departure from HMRC."

The Prime Minister has expressed his "full confidence" in the Chancellor of the Exchequer but Sky News' Political Editor Adam Boulton said the implications for the Treasury were very serious.

I would expect this afternoon that from some quarters we will hear suggestions that Alistair Darling should resign, and his position has already been damaged by the Northern Rock crisis."

Conservative member of the House of Commons Treasury Committee Michael Fallon told Sky News Alistair Darling was in a precarious position.

"It will underline the growing feeling that we have a new chancellor who is not up to the job," he said.

Lib Dem leadership contender Chris Huhne said he was "flabbergasted" at the situation.

"It is a breach of trust and it is quite right that one head has a rolled, but if ministers knew about this, if they knew about the security problems, I'm afraid ministerial heads will have to roll as well."

More to read here http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/7103566.stm

20th November 2007, 23:31
Q&A: Child benefit records lost
How worried should people be by the loss of discs containing child benefit recipients' personal details?

What has happened?

HM Revenue and Customs has lost computer discs containing the entire child benefit records, including the personal details of 25 million people - covering 7.25 million families overall. The two discs contain the names, addresses, dates of birth and bank account details of people who received child benefit. They also include National Insurance numbers.

How were the discs lost?

They were sent in normal internal mail from HMRC to the National Audit Office on 18 October, by someone at a low level, and never arrived, Mr Darling said. That broke data protection laws and is the reason Revenue and Customs chairman Paul Gray has resigned.

How worried should people be?

The details on the lost discs would be sought-after by fraudsters. Mr Darling said the Metropolitan Police were investigating but it is not known what has happened to the discs. Searches continue. Mr Darling says the information was password protected, but that was not good enough. He said there was no suggestion that anything untoward had happened as a result of the discs' loss to date. Experts say such data should normally be sent in encrypted form.

Analysis: How worried should we be?

How could the information be misused?

Banks say the information on its own would not be enough to allow someone access to your bank account, as other security information and passwords should be required. But the details would be enough for criminals to use in other types of fraud, such as setting up credit or financial agreements like mobile phone accounts. There may also be child protection concerns, as the discs contained names, addresses and dates of birth of children.

What are people advised to do?

Mr Darling said people should check their bank accounts for any "irregular activity"
He said there was no need for people to close accounts as the details would not be sufficient to allow fraudsters to access them
But people should not give out personal or account details "requested unexpectedly" by phone or by email
Banking industry body Apacs advised people who bank online to monitor accounts and change passwords if they are a child's name or date of birth
Contact your bank immediately, but only if you spot something suspicious as banks are expecting to be overwhelmed with calls
Banks also warn customers to be on the lookout for signs of ID theft and fraud - such as regular post like bank statements going missing, bills for items you have not bought, or letters approving or denying you credit you know nothing about

Is my money safe?

Mr Darling said there was no evidence of fraud or that the details had fallen into the "wrong hands", but said that anyone who loses money as a result of fraud resulting from the lost discs would be reimbursed. But he said there was no need for anyone to close their bank accounts.

How can I find out more?

Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs has set up a Child Benefit Helpline on 0845 302 1444 for customers who want more details.

20th November 2007, 23:37
What a disaster! Can't believe this happened, the data was sent unrecorded now millions of families are at risk.

This one is very serious and the issue in Northern Rock is not yet done, whats next?

21st November 2007, 02:59
i'm sure the cds must be encrypted, and no use to anyone..

but then, were talking about a gov department :yikes:, looks like another court case coming up :D

21st November 2007, 03:10
The cd's were not encrypted so say on 5pm news on radio 4

21st November 2007, 03:19
well i'm sure they've be on a torrent site soon then :D

crazy, stupid and irresponsible gov dept, they must have an IT department, with someone whos passed a basic A+/security exam :yikes:

21st November 2007, 10:06
Even a Manc could figure out what to do with the discs..........make a nice ash tray :BouncyHappy:

21st November 2007, 12:02
Even a Manc could figure out what to do with the discs..........make a nice ash tray :BouncyHappy:

i've seen cd's stuck near the number plates of cars in scouse land, they believe they deflect the radar signal from the traffic cops :icon_lol:

21st November 2007, 21:02
i thought it was aimed at me :D, only thing scouser keith believes in, is the horse he's backed in the 4:30 at kempton park :D

andypaul, the reason visa fees are so high now is the gov know people will pay, you don't have much of a choice, i've read on a blog, that someone tired to find out the details of the meeting where the new visa prices were decided using the freedom of information act, the home office said to him, it would take more than 15 hours to get the information he wanted, so it wasn't covered by the act, and it would charge him £46 an hour :yikes: to get the information he wanted, as this is their hourly fee they charge..

so if i use the home office £46 an hour :D, ILR now costs £750 / £46 = 16 hours, i would like to know what they do for those 16 hours ? check with my bank - err no they cannot do that becuase of the data protection act, check with my boss, no after all the visa's i've applied for, no one has ever contacted my work asking about me, checked with my mom? nope !, so what do they do for the 16 hours :Wine::xxparty-smiley-050::NEW5::action-smiley-060:. it would not take more than 1 hour to look and read all the evidence that i've sent for a visa app. its just another scam to make :REGamblMoney01HL1:

They know they will pay of course people pay the same amount for fake passports and to be brought into the uk. So i can see them going higher much higher, its the normaly drip drip increase all our goverments love.
I would think one months pay for a typical brit worker will be the max say 1500-2000 pounds that they feel they can get away with for ILR. Like alan sugar used to make sure all items were under the 500 pound mark, as that was the man in the streets credit limit on their barclaycard at the time.

I have read several articles and listened to many interviews where basically various goverment ministries have been told if they want more money they need to get it themselves.
If the Borders are to be tightened the money has to come from somewhere. They will use a overpriced computer system specially used for them which will run way over budget.

50 pounds or so for conversion of right to marry cert.

500 plus for spouse visa

750 to 950 for ilr

Im sure they will be looking for more fees like you say they know people will pay it for love and many other reasons.

I noticed in the new form it asks if it is ok to contact your work place. Maybe they can tell alot from you from your ni number not sure if it had to be written on the application form or not? I remeber wanting to send a parcel to a address which was not my own or a work address and when speaking to the company the lady said they could see from my card details that the address was not my own or my work address. I said what if i had just moved she said we can only send to registered adress or your work address so i guess the info certain people/companies can see or check agaisnt may be bigger than we think.

The ilr walk in takes 4 hours and most of the first hour is waiting around then 30 mins to an hour producing documents for us a decision was made once we had produce the documents. Certain pages of the form were entered into the eco's pc and i could see her head scan the screen reading a whole screens worth of info about what i don't know.
Then you wait an hour or so for the passport stamp and of you go once you have picked it up after a brief wait and chat of the wifes rights and a photocopied page with some really useful info we have both forgotten.

I guess previous applications, police checks, tax records, seeing if they are from up norf. The cost of the stamp im sure we pay way over the odds for special machines which only one company make and hold the goverment to ransom with.

46 pounds an hour would be very low for any professional with all the other bits they tack on. Any one you would consult cost a minimum down sarf of 100 pounds an hour or so and then the cost of the stamp which im sure the goverment could claim would cost some huge amount.

Also remeber you have to pay for all the assylum claims.

On the day we were there they had three queues one for appoiments, one for hoping to get an on the day appoiment which was far bigger than i thought it would be. Then a sizable queue for those claiming asylum many who had very nice mobiles and were wearing latest and recent season uk high street clothes and shoes (the wifes an expert not me) and lets put it one way they dont look like they just flew in yesterday.

22nd November 2007, 01:32
i wouldn't call your bog standard case worker a pro who can earn anywhere near £46 an hour !!, i think the most they would earn is the low £20ks, i'm sure apps that are not straight forward and need a bit of thinking about would go to a senior case worker, who would earn a bit more.

i'm sure for a stragiht forward spouse visa, its all done in less than an hour, like you said at peo they do most in a couple of hours, they just tick the little boxes on the form, and if there all ticked you get your visa :D, if not then they pass it on to someone senior, who either grants the visa or writes you a nice refusal letter :NoNo:.

not long ago, b4 aprils price rises, the gov were claiming the cost of the visa was what it cost to process the visa app :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:, sure it did.. now they are making more money out of it, get everyone who enters or leaves this country to pay for immigration control, why the big burden on spouses !!

why should i or you or all the others on here who go by the law and pay, pay for those who break the law,,, bits from a couple of posts from another forum,,

'i came from zimbabwe to the uk in 2001 july as a student but was refused visa at the airport.was given directions to leave but went on the run.i applied for asylum in october 2002'

'My case is that I applied for asylum in '98 and you know how most cases end up, my last appeal was around 2003 and because i was singning in every month i had to stop because of the prospect of being caught and deported( advise of the solicitor). Meanwhile I studied (BSc in Computing this septemeber graduation) and work ( Manager in small company), I got married ( my wife has no status, she came and over stayed her visa )'

what can i say..................

22nd November 2007, 04:06
I agree with both joebloggs and andypauls last posts.
By the way I didnt agree with the way Margaret Thatcher treated Ian Smith but thats another subject.
I think you will all agree the visa's were due for a price rise it's been £250 or their abouts for a few years now but like all taxes what can we do?
What we can do is vote in elections may be that would help?
we are an easy target, we would pay any reasonable amount to get our loved ones here We would find it from somewhere..

22nd November 2007, 08:00
I saw ayslum case workers job in metro and i guess slightly above the norm but im sure was 30k plus with mega pension and benefits and they were based in lunatic house plus the behind the scene staff as the buliding huge!

22nd November 2007, 10:01
i don't want to single out asylum seekers, as there are genuine ones out there, my parents fleed the nazi's in 1945 and came here, but what got me a bit :cwm23: was my misses manager introduce her to a consultant at work to get her a clinical attachment, but the consultant said "sorry i only do asylum doctors" :yikes::icon_lol: :NoNo: international med grads in the uk are worse off than british, european and asylum seeker docs..

22nd November 2007, 13:39
im not wondering why the documents are missing the other european country got it to claim all benefits they wanted, poor briton....

22nd November 2007, 18:22
i don't want to single out asylum seekers, as there are genuine ones out there, my parents feed the nazi's in 1945 and came here, but what got me a bit :cwm23: was my misses manager introduce her to a consultant at work to get her a clinical attachment, but the consultant said "sorry i only do asylum doctors" :yikes::icon_lol: :NoNo: international med grads in the uk are worse off than british, european and asylum seeker docs..

I would like to also comment that i think the Aslyum system is one of the things along with the free for all NHS and benefits to those in need are things i would fight and if need be give my life for. Trust me as a born coward i don't say such things lightly.

17th December 2007, 21:08
3 weeks ago, the HMRC lost the 2 discs containing 25 million peoples personal details and now another disaster has come!

3 Million Learner Drivers' Details Lost

Three million British learner drivers' details have been lost in Iowa in the United States.

The information was personal, but not financialTransport Secretary Ruth Kelly told MPs in the House of Commons that the information was personal, not financial.

It had been lost by a private contractor used by the driving standards agency to process the driving theory test, she said.

A hard disc containing the names, addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses of three million learner drivers was missing.

There were no bank account or credit card details on the disc. Nor were there National Insurance numbers, dates of birth or signatures.

Ms Kelly said the individuals not been informed but apologised for any concern to anyone who had taken their theory test between September 2004 and April 2007.

She said the private contractor had changed its methods so that the loss of data could not happen again.

Shadow transport secretary Theresa Villiers said this was another example of "systemic failure".

She said this latest incident was another reason for the Government to reconsider the introduction of a road-pricing scheme.

18th December 2007, 05:22
3 weeks ago, the HMRC lost the 2 discs containing 25 million peoples personal details and now another disaster has come!

Three million British learner drivers' details have been lost in Iowa in the United States.

Why oh why is data about British citizens being kept in a foreign country?? :cwm23:
"Data Protection Act" anyone?

Time for this government to go, ideally missing or lost somewhere. :Rasp:

18th December 2007, 10:21
They followed the Data Protection Act.

It's a GLOBAL market now Rob old chap, I deal with many other countries with my data.

Look at the cost over here you are charged. IE. I wanted a quite for some software; £3000 UK, £1800 USA, then down to £300 in the likes of China, Thailand, etc

And it wasn't actually 'lost' in transit, it was robbed from the place where the data was being worked on. That can happen anywhere, as someone wanted another HD, not bothered what was on it.

18th December 2007, 10:35
They followed the Data Protection Act.

Maybe they did, but it doesn't inspire confidence if Gov't intends to roll out ID cards, all that data....

23rd December 2007, 11:35
Guess what data has been lost this time?

Well this time Nine NHS Trust Admit Losing Patients Details

Hundreds of thousands of patients' confidential details have been lost by NHS trusts in the latest missing data fiasco.

More http://news.sky.com/skynews/article/0,,30100-1298203,00.html


23rd December 2007, 12:12
They've never been secure anyway in the history of the NHS. Anyone could walk into the filing room until the mid-90's, and read any file. No locked doors, no guards....nothing.

Pretty useless info, knowing Mr Dollops hospital number, and that he has a boil on his :icon_tonguew:, is not going to make a Nigerian rich. :rolleyes: