View Full Version : Muslim council whingeing again

19th January 2015, 13:48
Unbelievable! They now objecting to government letter asking them to help in the fight against extremism. As I have always thought about that shower they're not interested, as many of them are quite happy to keep quiet about the extremists. No surprise there. Many of the plots have been hatched in mosques. Maybe time to shut them down.

19th January 2015, 13:55
Nothing that can't be settled over a beer and a bacon butty :Erm:

19th January 2015, 14:08
Lol, Simon.

Harry T
19th January 2015, 14:42
Nothing that can't be settled over a beer and a bacon butty :Erm:

Are you sure about the Bacon Simon? :icon_lol:

19th January 2015, 15:03
Are you sure about the Bacon Simon? :icon_lol:

Positive, but don't mention brown sauce as that might be racist

19th January 2015, 16:13
Nothing that can't be settled over a beer and a bacon butty :Erm:

Oh memories!! This reminds me of the day that my old man moved into his Jewish mate's flat in a Jewish area of London.. The place was a .... hole. We opened the windows and chucked out the mouldy furniture and the rest of the crap into the skip we ordered 3 floors below./
We done the place up like a Palace..
The disturbance had the buildings Jewish neighbours wondering who we were and after two months of intimidation and hassle from these orthodox Jewish people, we finally had, had enough.. One morning,the old man said "we are going to Tescos" .. Fair enough,I thought????
We get home with our shopping bags, open all the windows and start loading the contents of bacon into a spitting hot frying pan.
Now even I know you cant beat the smell of cured Pig cooking on the stove but to be honest.... it was a bit much.
Things got even more heated after that..But thats another story.

19th January 2015, 16:33
Reminds me of the time we had a BBQ in the grounds of the British Embassy in Kuwait during Ramadan, the smell of cooking meat drifted over the wall to the guards outside...:biggrin:

19th January 2015, 22:03
Charlie Hebdo: Norway's Christians didn't have to apologise for Anders Breivik, and it's the same for Muslims now

when the Norwegian Christian Anders Breivik committed his massacre, all decent people marched straight down to the church and yelled "oy vicar, why haven’t you issued a statement condemning the shooting"? And politicians insisted Special Branch must infiltrate every Church of England jumble sale to prevent similar radical movements growing throughout Surrey.

When Newcastle gunman Raoul Moat went crazy, I’m sure I remember interviewers, callers on phone-in shows and website forums insisting it was up to so-called moderate Geordies to denounce these atrocities, and X Factor started that week with Louis Walsh saying he wouldn’t take part unless Cheryl Cole condemned this "foul evil act of pure foul evil, carried out by her own people".

Read more here ....


19th January 2015, 22:16
Ha, ha, pathetic - we are taliking about thousands of extremists here - not the same at all! :doh

19th January 2015, 22:17
I wonder if there is the slightest chance of this creature being charged with inciting racial or religious hatred - what would happen if he had spouted his bile in Paris ?

'The kuffar went to our lands and killed our people and raped and pillaged': Video rant of trainee lawyer at top firm blaming non-Muslims for Paris terror attacks

Aysh Chaudhry, 22, criticised 'apologetic' Muslims in online diatribe
Trainee lawyer claimed the West was to blame for the Paris terror attacks
He repeatedly referred to non-Muslims using the derogatory term kuffar
Clifford Chance trainee apologised saying he wanted to encourage debate
Law firm has refused to confirm whether he will be fired over the video
Critics say he has used 'language of terror' and firm's response is 'weak'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2917100/The-kuffar-went-lands-killed-people-raped-pillaged-Video-rant-trainee-lawyer-firm-blaming-non-Muslims-Paris-terror-attacks.html#ixzz3PIv63aMi
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20th January 2015, 10:48
Nothing that can't be settled over a beer and a bacon butty :Erm:

Ohhhh :bigcry: I miss a good bacon butty, and I miss brown sauce!

20th January 2015, 11:33
Ohhhh :bigcry: I miss a good bacon butty, and I miss brown sauce!

Why?? You cant get HP sauce there?
we get good bacon here for 500.00 per KG and believe it or not excellent western style bread..

20th January 2015, 11:49
Why?? You cant get HP sauce there?
we get good bacon here for 500.00 per KG and believe it or not excellent western style bread..

There you go, add bacon butties with HP to the menu when you open up :biggrin:

20th January 2015, 11:57
Some half wits struggle with bacon sarnies


20th January 2015, 12:35
All religions involve the brainwashing of young children, and in many cases...actual physical mutilation.

I did not permit this to happen to my child.

20th January 2015, 12:46
Me too graham.Islam is the worst of the lot. I hope one day it's banished from these shores for good. Peace loving religion my ..... Oppressive, sick, perverted and stone age. Despicable pile of crap believing the teachings of a pedophile. Could have been Gary glitter in a past life.