View Full Version : Form MN1

20th January 2015, 21:14
Happy New Year Everyone!!!! its been a while since I last posted here! sorry! Been very busy with my 3 kids.. (well, 4 if you include my husband) and a part time job..:cwm25:

Anyway, I just want to ask about my eldest daughters MN1 form..

1) Do I still need to put her "missing" biological dad details on the form? (missing because no contact since birth!)
I don't know his details either, birthday, address, etc!

2) How about the consent? Do I still need it? Well I am guessing not as we don't know if he is still in the universe?!! :icon_lol:

(Well, my daughter's been using my last name since birth until we used deed poll a year ago! .. yes biological dad was named in her Birth Certificate.)

Don't know what else to add? :Erm:

Thank you so much again!!! :biggrin:

20th January 2015, 22:05

21st January 2015, 04:07
From Page 4 of MN1 Application Form:-

Details of the child’s parents(If one or both are not the birthparents, please provide details of the biological parents on page14 of the form)

From page 32 of the GUIDE MN1

For section 3(5) it is a legal requirement that both parents consent to the application.
(In the case of widowed, divorced or separated parents, this only applies to one parent.
If the child is illegitimate, only the mother needs to consent.)

The consent of both parents to the application is also a legal requirement for section
4D. Where one parent has died only the consent of the surviving parent is needed. The
Home Secretary may also waive this requirement in exceptional cases.

For other types of application we require the consent of all those with parental
responsibility for the child. If only one parent has consented, please explain why at
section 6.3. If it is not convenient for one of the parents to sign the form, consent can
be provided in a separate letter. If the father of an illegitimate child is making the
application, we would expect the mother to have consented.

Section 6.4 is to be completed if the application is being made by a guardian. Section
6.5 is to be completed by a child if he or she is making his or her own application.

If the application is being made by a guardian, we will expect to see evidence that that
person has parental responsibility for the child, such as a deed, will or court order. If
the child’s parents are living we would normally expect them to be British citizens and
settled in the United Kingdom.

You can't provide information that's no longer available or even needed.

Maybe you already read those sections, anyway hopefully it helps you

21st January 2015, 23:05
Thank you Terpe!

Follow up question to Form AN please.. if you don't know your father's birthday and birth place is it okay to leave it blank and just put 00-00-00? Thanks again! (MN1 for my daughter and AN for a friend) :smile:

22nd January 2015, 01:41
On page 6 of the AN Guide it states:-

1.23 – 1.30 You might already be a British citizen without realising it. To decide whether you already have British citizenship by descent we need details about your parents.

If the father's data is not known then if can't be entered. Explanation should be given.
Personally I wouldn't just leave it blank.
It's not critical to the application.

Isn't the father's data available from other sources (other family members, birth certificates, marriage certificates etc)

Sorry can't give anything more definitive

22nd January 2015, 15:33
Thanks again Terpe.. I think she's sorted it out already :Erm::biggrin:

23rd January 2015, 18:37
Just sent my daughters application today! Fingers crossed it won't take that long :smile:

Arthur Little
23rd January 2015, 20:09
Just sent my daughters application today! Fingers crossed it won't take that long :smile:

:xxgrinning--00xx3: ... all the very best with your daughter's application.

24th January 2015, 01:06
Just sent my daughters application today! Fingers crossed it won't take that long :smile:

Good luck for a speedy and positive outcome :Jump:

24th January 2015, 10:09
Thanks Arthur and Terpe! :biggrin:

29th March 2015, 15:44
Hi everyone, just want to update this thread.. My daughter is now a British Citizen :biggrin:, she got her Certificate last week. The date on her certificate was a week after we sent her documents.
Now, we just need the passport sorted just before she turned 16! Thanks to all of you :biggrin::Jump:

30th March 2015, 01:13
That's great news, congratulations to your daughter. :Jump:

12th April 2015, 15:19
ooops sorry been busy again.. Thanks Terpe :biggrin::Jump:

Arthur Little
12th April 2015, 15:36
Hi everyone, just want to update this thread.. My daughter is now a British Citizen :biggrin:, she got her Certificate last week. The date on her certificate was a week after we sent her documents.

Wonderful news ... congratulations to your daughter on her British Citizenship! :biggrin:

Now, we just need the passport sorted just before she turned 16! Thanks to all of you :biggrin::Jump:

Godspeed with her British Passport now too. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
12th April 2015, 16:30
Hi everyone, just want to update this thread.. My daughter is now a British Citizen :biggrin:, she got her Certificate last week. The date on her certificate was a week after we sent her documents.
Now, we just need the passport sorted just before she turned 16! Thanks to all of you :biggrin::Jump:

Congratulations, success! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th April 2015, 11:19
Thanks Arthur and Michael :smile:

29th April 2015, 11:30
Hi Arthur, I am not sure if I need to panic? but I received this letter today...


I sent them the deed poll etc.. all documents they asked me and then got this letter today... :Help1::Help1::Help1:

Arthur Little
30th April 2015, 00:21
Hi Arthur, I am not sure if I need to panic? but I received this letter today...


I sent them the deed poll etc.. all documents they asked me and then got this letter today... :Help1::Help1::Help1:

Aimie, you've mentioned 'deed poll', :Erm: ... does this mean you wish to change your daughter's current surname to that of your husband?

30th April 2015, 07:31
Yes, she is using my husband's surname since she arrived here in UK.. all her documents in UK are in my husband's surname ..

30th April 2015, 15:12
There's really no problem at all.
You just need to comply with the Passport mandatory requirements and all will be fine.
Nothing to panic about.

30th April 2015, 21:08
Thanks Terpe.. sent out the letter and will update this soon as I hear from them .:smile:

9th June 2015, 20:13
Hi, just an update, HMPO told me to cancel my daughters Philippine passport and send them the certificate of cancellation from the Philippine Embassy. I've done it and sent the certificate straightaway. :smile: Hope its all okay now and who knows maybe this week or next week she will have her interview. :biggrin: