View Full Version : FLR or ILR help required

Terry C
24th January 2015, 15:15
my wife came to the UK 25/01/2011 on a tier 4 student visa she returned to the philippines on the 18/11/2012 as my wife of 3 days, she came back to the uk on the 21/07/2013 on a spouse visa, since then she has had two holidays the first one between the dates 26/05/2014 to 03/07/2014, the second between 04/10/2014 to 18/10/2014. her spouse visa runs until 19/03/2016.
Can any one help me and tell me if we can apply for FLR or ILR ????? does it have to be 5 years on a spouse visa or can the time spent on a student visa be used to count towards ILR ?

very confused

kind regards

Terry & Menchie

24th January 2015, 15:24
Since she arrived in the UK with a spouse visa under the new rules, your wife has to apply for an extension of her current visa, which is the FLR(M) that will last another 2.5 years. Her time while she was on Tier 4 visa will not be counted.