View Full Version : Holidays in the Phils

1st February 2015, 17:20
How long does it take you to settle down once you are in the Phils?

Can you just land and eat all you want and go where you want or does it take some adjustments? What about the weather and the time difference too??

And what about once you are back in England/Wales or Scotland, does that take long?

Ako Si Jamie
1st February 2015, 18:07
No adjusting and no jet lag for me, although I prefer just to chill out on my first day/evening :xxgrinning--00xx3:

2nd February 2015, 01:02
Well this depends on you. If you normally holiday for 2 weeks in Spain or Greece you will find the Philippines very different. You need to give us more details of what you are like, how long you are stay and about yourself before anyone could try and give you an answer

2nd February 2015, 02:24
How long does it take you to settle down once you are in the Phils?

Can you just land and eat all you want and go where you want or does it take some adjustments? What about the weather and the time difference too??

And what about once you are back in England/Wales or Scotland, does that take long?

When I arrive I`m on an immediate high..Not tired at all.
When I go back,an immediate low for a good month..

2nd February 2015, 02:52
I normally arrive feeling shattered after the long haul flight and i can just about make it through immigration and then to collect my luggage. I fall into a taxi and head for my hotel, at check in i am normally propping myself up at the counter, everything is in a daze and i feel rough.on entry to my hotel room i hit the bed and normally sleep right through until the next day, the next day i awake feeling refreshed and back to normal.
Coming back is better but i need a day to get over the flight, land next day off and then back to work

2nd February 2015, 03:05
Arriving into the Philippines is always exciting. Like Fred I seem to forget any tiredness from travel.

We pretty much always go out for dinner on our first night.
I don't suffer jet-lag travelling east.

Personally I find it just comes naturally for me to relax and adjust come what may (usually)
My wife does take a little time to re-adjust especially if the weather is really hot.

She's just about managed to acclimatize now since we arrived. Mind you the weather's cooled down significantly. Let's see how she manages later :wink:

Travelling back to UK was always a bit sad after so many happy times and memories. That's the same 'holiday blues' we both get anyway. The difference being it's not so easy to pop back for a long weekend etc.

Although back in my working days I'd often pop over to Japan (from UK) for a long weekend :tresamoureux:

2nd February 2015, 19:37
Never feel the jet lag when I land in the Philippines - even with little sleep on the planes. I find it hard to sleep normally, and on planes, I find it impossible!

I find that in the first 2 weeks or so when I am there, I get a lot of mosquito bites that really itch. From about 2 weeks on, either the mosquitos stop biting me because I am not new foreign blood that tastes good any more, or my body gets used to the bites and I get less bites and less reaction to them.

Love eating out. Eating with the family over there, I still cannot get over the small fish they eat that wouldn't fill a cat, and the chicken with more bones than meat.

The heat takes me a lot long to adjust to - easily over a month.

Drank some local spring water with the family at meal time once, but I do not think I will ever adjust to that. I was ill for 4 days and had the worst fever ever.

Going back to the UK I feel very tired, and the first thing that hits me here is the cold weather - even if it is the UK summer time.

2nd February 2015, 20:18
I think I drank something that did not agree with me - or took something with ice - it knocked me back for days.

3rd February 2015, 14:08
You need to get all the bad bugs, then your body will get used to them. Wait until you get the three week squits :yikes::action-smiley-081::icon_lol::icon_lol:

3rd February 2015, 20:56
Three weeks, :yikes: great for losing weight:biggrin:

4th February 2015, 13:43
The wife said I had to have banannas, it was two days before she told me I had to eat them :omg::yikes:

4th February 2015, 14:05
Only thing I find is that I sleep in for the first few days. Not a bad thing since its holiday time!

I've not been ill yet while visiting the Philippines. I do make sure I drink bottled water only, but otherwise I eat food cooked in normal water, eat out etc with no problems. I try to avoid ice in drinks but not all the time (for example a soft drink with ice from Jolibee). I don't eat weird stuff though :-) I get one or two bites usually, nothing major. Of course it might just be the places I'm going that means I'm bitten less. Oh, and I love the heat, just don't overdo it when it is humid.

4th February 2015, 17:09
The wife said I had to have banannas, it was two days before she told me I had to eat them :omg::yikes:

They were probably green when you bought them you doughnut!! :icon_lol: