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3rd February 2015, 16:41
Boris Johnson: Boots boss has a DUTY to dodge UK taxes to make shareholders happy.


3rd February 2015, 16:48
If it was some benefit cheating scam then you'd be calling him a genius Andy :Erm:

Typical Labour supporter, if the poor do it then it's genius but if a multi national company does it then they're the cause for the NHS being in the state it's in :icon_lol:

3rd February 2015, 17:31
I said they were geniuses to wind you up Simon. Looks like its working. :icon_lol:

As for the NHS, its this government that's paying the locum doctors these huge sums. I don't think that is helping somehow. :wink:

3rd February 2015, 18:43
I just find it highly amusing if not slightly strange when the tax dodging boss of Boots can tell us what's good for Britain.

I think it would be much better for Britain if Mr Pessina paid as much if not a bit more tax than the people who work in his over priced shops.

3rd February 2015, 18:59

Arthur Little
3rd February 2015, 19:12
I just find it highly amusing if not slightly strange when the tax dodging boss of *Boots can tell us what's good for Britain.

I think it would be much better for Britain if Mr Pessina paid as much if not a bit more tax than the people who work in his over priced shops.

:gp:, Marco ... if ALL those (as you say) *grossly over-priced multinationals actually paid what they're legally due taxwise, then I'm pretty sure the British Economy could very soon extricate itself from the quagmire it's in!