View Full Version : ILR 5 years' route??? Please help...

4th February 2015, 12:20
Hi, I am Rose. I arrived here in the UK on May 8 2010. I wasn't able to apply for ILR because of money problems as my husband was made redundant when the Company he worked for shut down. So we applied for FLR(M) Extension for my visa. I think we applied around June 2012 - I am not sure - but my Biometric Card ID shows the expiration date, JUNE 14 2015. My question is: Am I allowed to apply for ILR this MAY OR JUNE 2015, as it brings my stay here in UK to a total of 5 YEARS? I'm just confusedd about JULY 2013 RULES. Please help ... it's appreciated.

4th February 2015, 15:12
Hi, I am Rose. I arrived here in the UK on May 8 2010. I wasn't able to apply for ILR because of money problems as my husband was made redundant when the Company he worked for shut down. So we applied for FLR(M) Extension for my visa. I think we applied around June 2012 - I am not sure - but my Biometric Card ID shows the expiration date, JUNE 14 2015. My question is: Am I allowed to apply for ILR this MAY OR JUNE 2015, as it brings my stay here in UK to a total of 5 YEARS? I'm just confusedd about JULY 2013 RULES. Please help ... it's appreciated.

Hi Rose,

Just to clarify a few things, you say you arrived in the UK in May 2010 so odviously you are under the old rules as this was previous to July 9 2012 when the new rules were implemented.

Because of this you only need 2 years residency before being eligible for ILR and obviously you have already passed that mark.

The latest you can apply for ILR would be before your current visa expires or if you wish you could apply now if your circumstances ie: finances are back on track.

Don't forget under old rules you only have to show maintenance levels which are equal to or greater than Income support level for a couple with no children which amounts to around £115 per week after housing costs are deducted which is mortgage or rent & council tax.

A bit of advice is that if your are in a position to apply now personally I would do so as ILR is currently £1,093 but proposals of a 37% increase from April 2015 will set you back an eye watering £1,500...:yikes:

Good Luck...:xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th February 2015, 15:46
Just as Mark explains, you are actually on a 2 years route to ILR.
Means you are eligible to apply right now.

If you have the budget, follow Marks suggestion and submit your application before the increased charge comes about in April :xxgrinning--00xx3:

It's a pity you didn't apply at the correct time. I doubt very much your application would have been refused solely on financials.
Anyway what's done is done.

In your case, once ILR has been granted you will become immediately eligible for British Citizenship.

4th February 2015, 17:41
Omg!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Marksroomspain and Terpe for that information... So I can apply soon as possible??? omg!!! One more question: Where can I get the form please? Also, how can I apply for the Premuim Service? I am so bad in searching about papers ... THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!

4th February 2015, 21:26
Form is here:


Online booking for PEO:


(take note that you need to pay the full amount upon booking the appointment)

5th February 2015, 11:42
Thank you Raynaputi.....:smile: