View Full Version : Spouse Visa: How long is the process for most people?

6th February 2015, 16:32
Hi lovely people.

I am trying to set a possible schedule with regards to applying for the spouse visa.

I would love to get Sheina here for August.

How long does the process usually take from application to decision in most cases?

Should I submit two months before or more?

Also will it need to send my passport with all my other ddocuments \evidence is am sending to Sheina for the visa application?

Thanks for the help guys.

6th February 2015, 17:31
Hello there, Cheekee. This is the link from UKVI about visa processing times


Settlement Visas

Most applications are processed within 60 days.

Number of days to process application 10 days 15 days 30 days 60 days 90 days 120 days
% of applications decided 9% 9% 65% 98% 98% 98%

You don't need to send your actual passport just a certified copy of it.

Good luck! :smile:

6th February 2015, 17:34
Sorry for the typo error. It's supposed to be a table. The percentages of applications decided should be below the number of days to process the application

8th February 2015, 09:23
It can really vary depending (obviously) on how busy the Embassy is.

Just as an example, when we applied nearly a couple of years ago, another member on this forum, had applied a few months earlier, and his decision took nearly 3 months.
We though applied later than this, and the Embassy must have been a lot quieter. By coincidence there must have been at least 5 other members on here applying about the same time as us, or a few weeks earlier. Their results started filtering through just under 2 months later, well within the target, and this seemed consistent. Lo and behold, our result came in within a couple of days of the date I'd estimated going on how long it was taking everyone else.

Basically then, unless they're busy (no way of telling), expect within the times given above - couple of months apparently.

8th February 2015, 10:54
When we applied back end of last year, it took 6 weeks... Reading peoples posts around that time, 6 weeks was about average.....
I guess if you have all the correct paperwork and forsee no problems. Then I'd say leave 10 weeks just to be sure......

But then each case is different so nobody can really give a definite answer.