View Full Version : Passport

9th February 2015, 21:20
Hi all, thanks for past advice. Finally got married on January 3. My wife needs to renew her passport with her new name, but the NSO don't yet have the copy of our Marriage Certificate which she needs to get her new name on her passport.

It will be at least another month till she can get this. What I want to know is if she uses her old passport with her maiden name on it for her TB test (which means the TB test certificate will be in her old name) will it be a problem when she applies for a visa? (TB test in old name and passport in new name?) I would hope because the Marriage Certificate has both names it should be ok.

Last TB test took 3 months, so if we wait for the new passport it will be very long so if we can do both at once we don't need to wait so long.

10th February 2015, 00:46
Hi Rick,
Is your wife's passport up for renewal ? Or she just wants to have a passport showing her married name ?

It's really a personal choice, some keep their old passport and only update the name when the passport needs renewing. Sometimes years down the line.
Others choose to renew it to reflect their new name soon after marriage.

There's no major issue from either choice whatsoever relating to the Visa applications.

10th February 2015, 01:31
Yes, it needs renewing, it has about 6 months left so it is better to start off with a new passport. You don't think it will be a problem if the TB test is in the old name and the passport in the new one?

10th February 2015, 01:44
Yes, it needs renewing, it has about 6 months left so it is better to start off with a new passport. You don't think it will be a problem if the TB test is in the old name and the passport in the new one?

The Marriage Certificate is the audit trail for the name change.
Just a heads-up Rick, that TB certificate is valid for 6 months and must still be valid on the date when submitting the visa application.