View Full Version : Jordan: 56 ISIS targets destroyed in 3 days

10th February 2015, 04:27
Jordan said Sunday it destroyed 56 targets in three days of strikes on ISIS or the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. Air Force chief Major General Mansour al-Jobour did not specify where the strikes took place, but said air raids destroyed 20% of ISIS capabilities. Jordan vowed to crush ISIS after the jihadists burned alive pilot Muath al-Kassasbeh, who was captured in December when his F-16 warplane crashed in Syria. Interior Minister Hussein Majali said the pilot’s gruesome murder was a "turning point" in the kingdom's fight against extremism.” Jordan is part of the US-led coalition of Arab and Western countries carrying out air strikes against ISIS since September.

Source (http://www.rappler.com/thewrap/february-9-2015-edition/jordan-isis-targets-destroyed)

10th February 2015, 13:00
Well done Jordan :xxgrinning--00xx3: - this is the sort of mission intensity which should be inflicted on the scum by the rest of the coalition

10th February 2015, 13:24
my hat off to Jordan

Michael Parnham
10th February 2015, 13:32
Well done Jordan :xxgrinning--00xx3: - this is the sort of mission intensity which should be inflicted on the scum by the rest of the coalition

Hopefully it will happen sooner rather than later!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th February 2015, 14:31
Well done Jordan :xxgrinning--00xx3: - this is the sort of mission intensity which should be inflicted on the scum by the rest of the coalition

I agree. If we all approached this with the same attitude as Jordan, joining this shower of scum would not seem so attractive for the traitors who leave our shores. I can't help but think Cameron's decision to not get too heavily involved is due solely to the forthcoming election.
Well done Jordan.

10th February 2015, 19:35
Well with an Election looming no party would want to do something which will divide public opinion-it's a vote loser