View Full Version : RMT plan to strike over driver twice caught beered up

10th February 2015, 17:50
Tube drivers go on strike in defence of colleague caught 'drunk at the wheel' twice

Members of the Rail, Maritime and Transport union back the strike saying they have voted for industrial action by 299 votes to 221


What's the steer Marco :Erm:

10th February 2015, 18:40
I can't believe the pratt can't be taken to court and disqualified from driving a train or any other mechanical vehicle....:cwm23:

10th February 2015, 19:30
That's just ridiculous action by a Union. Let's see this being defended by Andy and Joe. :biggrin:

10th February 2015, 22:04
Ridiculous. It just shows how out of touch the RMT is.

Key transport workers shouldn't be allowed to strike and the militant RMT needs to be disbanded!

10th February 2015, 22:42
Let's not allow the facts to get in the way of a true story. Personally involved on this one so fully aware of all the facts and I know Alex well.

1. He failed the 2 BREATH tests on the same day less than 10 minutes apart.

2. The testing was carried out by a Trainee

3. A separate Urine sample was taken, which for some strange reason was not tested for Alcohol only drugs and came back negative. The 2nd Urine sample was destroyed by the company without having ever being tested for Alcohol. WHY ?

4. Alex is a Type 2 diabetic, has a defective Liver and had not eaten for 17 hours prior to the test all factors which could possibly lead to a false positive reading.

5. The company failed to follow all its own rules under the D&A testing procedure.

The RMT doesn't want drunks or druggies driving trains. We're as committed to safety as anyone. We feel he would have been better off if the police had been called because at least they'd have taken him to the Police station and secondary tested him which would have proved one way or another beyond any doubt.

After all, his colleagues at Morden balloted to strike for him the company asked for a meeting at ACAS. We attended the meeting and agreed to call off the strike action if the company agreed to be bound by the outcome of the forthcoming Employment Tribunal. They refused the offer and the strike went ahead. WHY?

If they are so confident that they have dealt with him properly and fairly - ignoring his 29 years unblemished service - why will they not agree to be bound by the decision of an Employment Tribunal?

10th February 2015, 22:50
That's just ridiculous action by a Union. Let's see this being defended by Andy and Joe. :biggrin:

Why would I defend someone who was 'drunk' at the wheel :crazy:

But was he drunk? It says
Northern Line driver for failing two random breath alcohol tests.

Different take here .....


10th February 2015, 22:54
Let's not let the facts get in the way of a true story.

Well it's in the Telegraph - which is not much better than the Daily Snail :NoNo:

Funny how the biased BBC managed to mention false readings and diabetes and the Telegraph didn't :doh

11th February 2015, 01:30
Well it's in the Telegraph - which is not much better than the Daily Snail :NoNo:

Funny how the biased BBC managed to mention false readings and diabetes and the Telegraph didn't :doh

It depends who their sources were. I'd stick with the Mirror & Left Foot Forward Joe if I was you :wink:

Obviously more to this than meets the eye but one wonders if diabetes sufferers stopped by Mr Plod can demand a special breathalyser to be used before being hauled off to the Police Station :Erm:

11th February 2015, 01:56
It depends who their sources were. I'd stick with the Mirror & Left Foot Forward Joe if I was you :wink:

Obviously more to this than meets the eye but one wonders if diabetes sufferers stopped by Mr Plod can demand a special breathalyser to be used before being hauled off to the Police Station :Erm:

I don't think it's about a special breathalyser for diabetics Ded. If you blow a positive in Plods hand held machine he takes you down the station for testing on the more sophisticated machine. If that's positive then you're quite rightly :thorsten_rammler: and it's bye bye driving licence.
If you're going to nick someones job then you need to be sure. Secondary testing gets rid of all arguments. Why test the urine for everything apart from Alchohol :Erm:

11th February 2015, 02:02
I don't think it's about a special breathalyser for diabetics Ded. If you blow a positive in Plods hand held machine he takes you down the station for testing on the more sophisticated machine. If that's positive then you're quite rightly :thorsten_rammler: and it's bye bye driving licence.
If you're going to nick someones job then you need to be sure. Secondary testing gets rid of all arguments. Why test the urine for everything apart from Alchohol :Erm:

You're right Marco I agree. The Union should have done better PR though

11th February 2015, 07:03
You're right Marco I agree. The Union should have done better PR though

Maybe the Telegraph's 'reporters' should have done a better job too. :doh

11th February 2015, 07:14
Always at least two sides to every story :wink:

11th February 2015, 22:25
It appears that the Telegraph didn't report the full story.

However, it's still wrong to threaten to disrupt the lives of thousands of people. If the accused driver has even the slightest defence, there will be plenty of "no win no fee" lawyers to claim for wrongful dismissal in the courts.

The RMT is in danger of alienating the general public even more than it did with Bob Crowe at the helm. We've been hearing a lot about driverless cars today. How long before driverless trains?

11th February 2015, 22:45
Whether or not he was over the limit it's still a bit dumb to have enough alcohol in you to fail a first test :yikes:!

12th February 2015, 06:29
Whether or not he was over the limit it's still a bit dumb to have enough alcohol in you to fail a first test :yikes:!

Was he thou ? :cwm25:


12th February 2015, 08:21
Not eating for 17 hours would not help anyone

12th February 2015, 09:12
Not eating for 17 hours would not help anyone

Type 2 diabetes and not eating for 17 hours :Erm:

12th February 2015, 09:31
Customer safety was not on his mind then?

12th February 2015, 11:19

12th February 2015, 22:01
Union boss thrown off radio for bizarre rant over breath test Tube driver as he berates host Nick Ferrari repeatedly 'Have you stopped beating your wife?'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2949123/Union-boss-thrown-radio-bizarre-rant-breath-test-tube-driver-repeatedly-berates-host-stopped-beating-wife.html#ixzz3RZCSScAF

12th February 2015, 22:25
I didn't think it was possible to find a more odious and obnoxious union leader than Bob Crowe, but it looks like the RMT have achieved it!