View Full Version : Valentine's Day is a culture war in the Philippines

14th February 2015, 22:08
A condom maker in the Philippines capital Saturday found their Valentine's Day giveaway challenged by a church group who tried to persuade people to swap the contraceptives for chastity and chocolates.


Read more: http://uk.businessinsider.com/afp-condoms-vs-chocolates-in-the-philippines-on-valentines-day-2015-2?r=US#ixzz3RktuOKL1


15th February 2015, 04:26
"I already ate the candies. The condoms, I can't use it yet because I'm only 16 and I don't have a girlfriend. Maybe I will keep it in my wallet for good luck," college student Danny Villegas told AFP.:icon_lol:


Why cant these stupid people at the church realize, condoms are a preventative measure, not something that kills a living thing :doh

Michael Parnham
15th February 2015, 07:08
Well done DTK Health! :xxgrinning--00xx3: