View Full Version : 92-Year old Robbed for a fiver - £5!

Harry T
16th February 2015, 23:56
This is what sickens me with the UK now, years ago even the most hardened criminals had respect for what they would and would not do. These days the dregs, the lowlifes seem to have little respect for anyone or anything. And guess what it looks like! He or his ancestors were welcomed to these shores, and given a new life. In return, this is how they repay people like this old gentleman, who most likely donned a uniform many years ago to help fight in the 2nd World War, so that people like HIS attacker would have a better future. There is NO doubts that had Adolf Hitler been succcessful in his aim of ethnic cleanliness THIS attackers family would have been a prime target.

This is the thanks this old gentleman received in return, the clip is preceded by an advert.


There is no doubt this Old Guy will be afraid now to go about his usual day to day business. All for a fiver that was in his wallet when he was robbed. As for the guy dressed in Black, well he will no doubt get his knuckles rapped - if he is caught! Probably get 1 or 2 years inside at most and be out again with good behavior in less than half that time, so that he can commit similar crimes again Grrrrrrrrrrr.

These kind of criminals really make my blood boil, they are the lowest of the low. It's not only for what they steal, but for the effect it will have on this old gentleman for the remainder of his life. I only hope - if and when he is caught - the judge will give him a 10-year Jail term with a minimum of 6 years, then maybe - just maybe - the attacker will go some way to getting his just desserts. But in all honesty, there is nothing - just nothing - that can justify this kind of behaviour ... :NoNo: :mad:

17th February 2015, 00:12
Absolutely disgusting! Our judicial system is a joke! God, where have the days of Borstal gone? The film a lot of people know as "Scum" is the same as the perpetrator..:cwm23:

17th February 2015, 00:26
Police hunt two children, about 'eight or nine', who mugged pensioner in Derby


17th February 2015, 01:25
Rope & Birch needed now

Arthur Little
17th February 2015, 03:17
Rope & Birch needed now

:olddude: ... certainly the latter :xxaction-smiley-047 for crimes of this nature! :angry:

17th February 2015, 07:03
What happens to them? A slap on there wrists? Why? because they had nothing when they were young - no pocket money and could not go to McDonalds either? Pity them, they will say.

They should be made to walk the streets for a year branded, "I am a old person robber".

17th February 2015, 09:01
Bring in 3 strikes and you're out! :mad: