View Full Version : FLR(M) Application, Section 2/ 2.3 Question - stage of extension of leave

19th February 2015, 15:38
Hi everyone. :)
I am currently filling in the flr-m form and aiming to send it this month.
The section 2 of the form is a bit confusing though so I need some help as to which stage of extension of leave I should tick!

My current situation is that I have arrived in England on the 13th Oct 2012 under a Spouse visa. My visa is valid from 21 Sept 2012 to 21 June 2015. We are applying for our first extension (of 2 and 1/2 years) after my first entry to UK.

Anyway, here is the part of the form I need help with:

Section 2 - Under which category are you applying for leave?

2.2 Is this the first time you have applied for a visa or extension of stay in one of the above
categories (including previous leave granted as a fiancé(e) or proposed civil partner) with your
current sponsor?

yes or no?

Please indicate what stage of extension of leave you are applying for or why you are choosing to extend your current leave in one of the above categories.

- First period of leave to remain (following an initial period of entry clearance as a partner of a
settled person, or following an initial period of entry clearance as a fiancé(e) or proposed civil
partner of a settled person - 6 months)

-Second period of leave to remain (following initial grant of leave to remain).

-You are making a first application from within the UK but have not previously had leave to
enter/remain as a partner.


You delayed your travel to the UK by more than 3 months after the issue of a visa, and have
not yet completed the relevant period of time in one of the categories at question 2.1

You require further leave to remain to obtain the relevant qualifications to meet the
Knowledge of Language and Life in the UK (KoLL) requirements to apply for indefinite leave
to remain.

You were granted entry as a fiancé(e) or proposed civil partner, but have not yet married or
entered into a civil partnership. Please explain why in the box below and state when your
marriage or civil partnership will take place.

Your help and responses will be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks in advance!:smile:

19th February 2015, 16:36
I should imagine the answer to the first question 2.2 is YES.
2.3 First period of leave to remain (following an initial period of entry clearance as a partner of a
settled person.

The guys on here will correct me if I am wrong.

19th February 2015, 16:37
Hi Cheeky_Monkey. Unless someone corrects me...

2.2 Is this the first time you have applied for a visa or extension of stay in one of the above
categories (including previous leave granted as a fiancé(e) or proposed civil partner) with your
current sponsor?


Please indicate what stage of extension of leave you are applying for or why you are choosing to extend your current leave in one of the above categories.
-You are making a first application from within the UK but have not previously had leave to
enter/remain as a partner.

19th February 2015, 16:41
Thanks for the correction Anne. :xxgrinning--00xx3: Bloody confusing!

19th February 2015, 16:45

This is your category :-

- First period of leave to remain (following an initial period of entry clearance as a partner of a settled person, or following an initial period of entry clearance as a fiancé(e) or proposed civil partner of a settled person - 6 months)

19th February 2015, 16:55
Thanks for the correction Anne. :xxgrinning--00xx3: Bloody confusing.

I know :Cuckoo:

And the winner is Terpe :xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd February 2015, 15:36
Hello everyone,

Thank you all for your help and responses!


19th May 2015, 10:36

just a few question about applying for FLR
my visa will expired next month and i'm just waiting
for my english test result ..

im just wondering if my requirements is enough or im missing something ..

-passport (his &mine)
-marriage contract
-bank statements (his & mine)
-tenancy contract (both names)
-utility bills (both names)
-employments letter (both )
-council tax (both names )

is there anything i need to provide also
as im booking the premium appointment
within this week as soon as i get my
english result

many thanks :heartshape1::heartshape1:

19th May 2015, 10:38
tried to look at some thread that got the same topic
but can't find any except this one

13th January 2016, 01:18
hi rhaichard!

is this visa extension u applied for? where did u have ur english exam? i don't get to read much yet about the requirements and the wordings sometimes are very confusing! :( i'm starting to read thru my application for extension now as my visa expires by April. need help! thanks in advance