View Full Version : Help! FLR (M) about accomodation...

20th February 2015, 16:39
Hi everyone :Wave: been long time since the last time I posted here...though Im always checking this forum every now and then :Cuckoo:

Here I am asking for your :Help1: regarding FLR (M) accomodations....Im due to apply for our (me and my dependent child) 1st extension in June...I just wanna ask coz we are living in a 1 bedroom council flat and now since we have a newborn baby we are already 4 living in it...so my question is will these cause me problem later for my application? We applied to move to another council house but until now we're still on the waiting list :thumbsdown::xxaction-smiley-047

21st February 2015, 08:16
Hi everyone :Wave: been long time since the last time I posted here...though Im always checking this forum every now and then :Cuckoo:

Here I am asking for your :Help1: regarding FLR (M) accomodations....Im due to apply for our (me and my dependent child) 1st extension in June...I just wanna ask coz we are living in a 1 bedroom council flat and now since we have a newborn baby we are already 4 living in it...so my question is will these cause me problem later for my application? We applied to move to another council house but until now we're still on the waiting list :thumbsdown::xxaction-smiley-047

Given that you're all living in a council property I'd be pretty sure that the council would not be allowed to contravene the The Housing Act 1985

One of the criteria used by UKVI for accommodation is overcrowding based on the housing act mentioned above.

The act does not allow 2 people 10 years old or more of opposite sexes, (not including those together as husband and wife), sleeping together in the same room.

Also, under the housing act, there is a limit on just how many people can be allowed to be sleeping in the accommodation.

For two rooms (bedroom and a living room) the maximum number of people is three (3)
It's not allowed to include sleeping in kitchens/bathrooms etc

Do also note that:-
- a child under 1 does not count as a person.
- a child aged 1-10 years counts as only half a person.

Look like you're OK according to law.

I doubt UKVI will cause an issue, but be aware that the housing act is just one part of what UKVI considers as 'adequate accommodation'

Personally I think your application will be OK but it would be wise to include somewhere that you are currently on the council waiting list.

Hope this will ease your concern and good luck with the application

21st February 2015, 13:08
oh thats a relief:Jump:...I better include the letter they sent us about our application to move then :) thank you so much Terpe its a big big help for us..God Bless!:xxgrinning--00xx3: