View Full Version : A lovely story, RIP

22nd February 2015, 19:09

22nd February 2015, 19:35
:bigcry: Sad ending for someone who made such a difference to so many people's lives. :wink:

Michael Parnham
22nd February 2015, 19:51
Amazing lady RIP!

Arthur Little
23rd February 2015, 00:48
Amazing lady RIP!

:iagree: ... RIP, Doreen Mooney.

23rd February 2015, 01:06
The first Filipina to receive an MBE from the Queen is ready to face God and thank Him for her great life.

"I love life… but I'm ready. I'm not bitter, I'm not angry, I don't question why me, because why not me?" she said. "I'm one of the luckiest people in this world. I've got a short life, but beautiful."

On receiving her MBE, Mooney said she is waving the Philippine flag and shares the recognition to her country.

"I've always said that you don't have to be rich to be generous, you don't have to be healthy to smile, to offer comfort," she said...

What a wonderful human being she was! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

RIP Doreen Mooney -
I hope the work you started continues to flourish

23rd February 2015, 02:45

Our beloved Doreen Jaen Mooney, MBE sadly passed away today 22/02/15
She have always helped others and spread joy to all during her lifetime.