View Full Version : I hope he mows down the magistrates on his next drunken drive

25th February 2015, 17:23
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2968534/Unlicensed-drink-driver-three-times-limit-crashed-car-avoids-jail-court-hears-Islam.html#ixzz3Sm4wLKIc

25th February 2015, 17:24

Harry T
25th February 2015, 18:14
There was a report today by The BBC, that Muslims felt they were discriminated against. :NoNo: I tell you what, I dare the BBC to do a report amongst Non-Muslims. I guarantee they will find that many people will believe, quite rightly, that there is discrimination of Muslims - not AGAINST, but in FAVOUR of - and this again proves the point. Rotherham, and many other instances of Discrimination in favour of, are the norm these days.

I guarantee if that was me, and most of us who were in Asif Mahmoods position, and I said I had found Christianity, I would have been sent down had I had such an appalling record as this believer. As for the judge, he needs to live in the real world. I have heard of the saying, "giving someone a second chance", but this guy had NINE previous convictions. NINE! I just hope there is some way the prosecution can appeal this sentence, and he gets his just deserts. Re-found Islam My a*se.....:cwm23::NoNo::Brick:

25th February 2015, 18:46
Good excuse when it suits them. :cwm23:

26th February 2015, 01:58
But Masood, who has nine previous convictions for 14 offences, walked free from court after magistrates heard he had re-found his faith and was now teetotal after quitting drink and drugs


26th February 2015, 06:39
Good excuse when it suits them. :cwm23:
