View Full Version : What a long month it's been

25th February 2015, 21:20
Time flies so they say but this month is passing so slowly. What do you think?

Only been back at work since the 2nd of this month but it feels like forever!

Just a few more days left and the next weekend it's clocks forward, I think. Roll on Spring! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th February 2015, 21:37
No - end of March, Steve - and ironically, your long month is the shortest month of the year!

Michael Parnham
26th February 2015, 00:24
No end of March Steve and ironically your long month is the shortest month of the year!

Steve's mind must be on something else Les! :Erm:

Arthur Little
26th February 2015, 01:06
Les is correct, Steve ... the clocks are not due to go forward until the last weekend in March. :biggrin:

Anyway, :icon_sorry: to learn you're finding this February's taking so long to pass. On the contrary, I've found it's "flown" by :Bolt: - rather too quickly for my liking!

Guess the way you're feeling at the moment's understandable really ... :anerikke: ... after all that lovely Philippines' :sunshine:! Chin up and best foot forward > it'll soon be Spring! :Jump:

26th February 2015, 06:51
On the contrary, I've found it's "flown" by :Bolt: - rather too quickly for my liking! ....

Same here Arthur.
It's crazy just how fast time passes.

As I get older I find gravity increases, causing the space–time continuum to deflect more than ever resulting in a future point getting closer quicker.


26th February 2015, 07:49
Well there you go, next moth is even longer for me now, knowing the clocks go back later then i thought,
I wonder is i am getting enough sleep,less hours asleep means more hours awake:Erm:, THATS IT, thats why the month feels longer:doh:doh, silly me